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Posts posted by facthunter

  1. There's plenty of FACTS out there if you care to look. Centralised grids are too sensitive to a mass system failure but those who have them can control profits. France has had Nuclear more than anybody, and the most successfully, but the REAL cost over their entire life (including their proper decommissioning at some stage) is not a good look. No one has got close to storing the residue properly yet either. The baseload question is not as critical as made out to be, and all other costs continue to fall. Not a lot of banks will invest in coal now. Rockefellers are out of coal/oil. the only people who will lend ADANI money is the Indian Government and they are being challenged by the people of that country over that stance. Nev



  2. Atheists hating god is one of the most silly statements I've heard. Totally defies LOGIC.


    ALL atheists are different as independents in the parliament are. There is no Independents Party and there is no Church of atheism. Atheism is not a religion and never will be . Nev



  3. Horsefeathers, Perhaps I could believe (gravi ounces)?


    ranka, One would have thought that with more knowledge, more enlightenment would follow for the masses. We also have communications ability no one would have dreamed of just 30 years ago. Nev



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