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Posts posted by facthunter

  1. Sure... As people worthy of some admiration,... IF the "story" is not fabricated (and it took a while to compile it) This Guy Jesus wasn't corrupted by money and thought the church of the time was a bit on the nose. "You have made my Father's house a den of thieves" and tipped over the tables of the moneychangers. He wasn't a snob either. I wonder what he would make of most of the modern churches. Doubt he would be impressed by some. Seems a reasonable sort of person.


    The old testament by contrast has a lot of BAD stuff going on. women get treated poorly and it's OK if you are one of gods chosen otherwise you get a very poor time of it. Bit like some parts of the world today. IF you are with the right mob it's fun killing people who dare to think a bit different to you. The bible is the word of god?? Really !!Just WHICH part is... as there are many contradictions I reckon a lot of guys wrote it Not much evidence of a feminist ..Certainly Constantine made it a Holy Trinity.( 3 gods) by proclamation, enabling the Muslims to build on christianity and introduce the far more likely of a lot of unlikely possibilities. ONE true GOD and a new prophet and state there won't be any more.prophets. Hell I find it hard to write this stuff..Nev



  2. What's happening with Islam now is just the same as Christianity back a while. A French King forced religion on the Nordic peoples .under penalty of death. Believe in something or die. That's an oxymoron if belief is believed in. Nev



  3. Well that is some of the serious stuff. We have a problem with CRETINS too but I don't know where they come from (Not Crete) WE have Con CRETE for shoes etc Very progressive in some areas. Super humorous too. We keep calling ourselves CLEVER. The cleverest get cushy jobs in a place where they ruined a good paddock to make it, called CANBERRA where people can live in isolation from the real world which makes them happier than usual.


    It's ALL desert and hot . Don't come.. TOO much Sun BAD Place. Have you seen the Mad Max Films? (3) It's like that now but the film isn't too accurate. They made us out to be nice (er) in the film. Nev



  4. Grasshoppers, not frogs. We get plagues of mice too. Feral Cats wild dogs, Dingoes, Crocodiles, Venomous snakes Red backed spiders Funnel web spiders, Scorpions Tasmanian Devils, mosquitoes, Blow flies March flies, drug addicts, stone fish, blue ringed octopusses poisomous jelly fish Big sharks bigger sharks. Frill neck lizards Goannas. Terrible place.


    Stay away everyone It started as a penal colony and hasn't changed much. Don't believe the ads There's no shrimps left. Crocodile Dundee had to pay heaps to the tax man. Dust storms Heat poverty Platipus have poisonous spikes It's all desert. The driest continent in the world Rivers run dry. Dust storms again Heavy metal contamination. I could get into the serious stuff, but don't want to alarm anyone. Nev



  5. The big bang I don't think conflicts with the creation.


    Once there was only darkness and then there was LIGHT.(and plenty of it).


    A DAY could be an EON a period of time.. so 6 "days" isn't so much of a problem. (unless you are a complete littoralist). A day for us is one rotation of our planet, which being made of at least some particles (the heavier atomic number ones) from older "busted" stars came along a lot later. Nev



  6. Like your argument. Once you have a even small bit to do with physics, you realise how much it governs motion in the universe. How could anything interfere with it and not cause utter chaos?. Nev



  7. Anything is possible actually. I can live with that. It's a lot of the impossible things I have difficulty with. I'm sure we will never know everything.. THAT appears to be impossible. Nev



  8. I believe there is energy /matter out there in abundance, but I'm rapidly losing faith in humans behaving in a decent manner to each other. Most books I know are written by humans and suffer because of it. Nev



  9. The pleasure may be close to momentary, but not very., but you can have it more than once. It replaces grooming and keeps people together. It's the way we are made. I trick to cause reproduction perhaps, but it seems to work for most people.. Few are capable of ignoring it and many that try to get screwed up. . Some pay money for it, and some pay for it other ways. Nev



  10. Marty as things evolve they take a turn here and there which is random. The chances of anyone following the EXACT path are more unlikely the longer the process continues AND we have had a LOOOOOOOoooonnnnnnggggg time. Nev



  11. True, but there will never be exact replica's of us anywhere. Even If life started again here from scratch we would not be US . we would be something else.. The CHANCES of that happening are UNBELIEVABLY HIGH. So unlikely as you could practically rule it out. Nev



  12. What part did the Magna Carta play in forming modern law? Many church rituals are based on"Pagan" ones.


    We are here because we are here. It is too big a question for our mind to contemplate hence the varied "solutions" conjured up to explain it. I like "Man created god in HIS own image" rather than the reverse because it is more likely. Why would our earth centred physiology resemble that of god who is presumably "of the Universe" which again is too big and complex for us to understand.


    "WE must have been created for some purpose" . Most think along those lines at some time during their lives, but isn't that a form of conceit? "I'm TOO IMPORTANT to just DIE.


    Well the instinct to live is a very strong one, and everyone one here is attestation to that fact because all our successful string of ancestors must have possessed it ,or you wouldn't be around. A slight extension of it creates an afterlife as a necessity. Nev



  13. AS I understand it they don't have a hierarchical structure over all. There are 3 main groups who would not be nice to each other if they didn't have a bigger "satan" to fight. ( the West) . Most of the active ones are young and don't have many productive things to do. I feel we are massively underestimating the threat of this but it needs to be handled sensibly, and there isn't much sign of that.


    Westernised democratised moslems will be killed too as they are seen as the enemy. ISIS only spares Sunni's. A lot of the "volunteers" are not considered up to it, and will be treated as suspicious, risking death. Nev



  14. Having it contain the maximum of verifiable facts would be a great idea, certainly in modern times.


    When these things had to have some explanation, in the absence of knowledge long ago, they attributed it to the Sun, Moon,Cats,Various semi human forms The Rainbow Serpent, min min lights etc.


    Most thought the earth was flat, even at the sailing of Columbus many warned him he would sail off the edge and fall somewhere. and that isn't that long ago.


    We have never had access to knowledge at the rate we are have it now . "Goodness" isn't restricted to the god believers. It sometimes is stated that the end is nigh and nothing we do makes any difference .The earth is 6300 years old. A surprising number of Christians believe that, in Australia as well as the USA.


    That is often a reason given for not doing things that are good for the world WE KNOW and the only one non theists know. Respect for this wonderful planet shouldn't be too much to ask..


    When you kill in the name of your god, you either have a dud god or you are misinterpreting the words attributed to him, her. it, and there is plenty of it going on at the moment. Nev



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