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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. My ' figs ' can't be stored . They just don't last , before I have eaten them all . And I have found four more on my tree . Yippee spacesailor
  2. My Galaxy tab's A I . Keeps changing words that could have fitted in, but, then that sentence is not what I am trying to communicate. So who wins . They ( whoever ) is programming A I . Are on a different Educational level to me. If l let A I have it's head will we eventually make sense to one another. spacesailor
  3. Have you tried the " New heat pump " hot water ? . The one I used ( in the UK ) had the switch in the kitchen. SO When you forget , you traverse the house from bathroom through lounge to kitchen, to switch ON . then return, soaking wet to that bathroom. Great if you have company. A good conversation starter . IN the cold U K . ( good job they only shower once a week ) spacesailor
  4. I ' liked ' ( past tense ) climbing ladders and all things ,that needed doing , " pride ". now I'm worried about the strain on my arms .yes I know use your leg muscles . Broken right elbow, now ' bursitis ' in the left elbow . Trying to change from ' right handed to left-hand '. At the moment I'm in nappies after my prostate surgery. Just a little incontinence, no worries, only 6 to 8 weeks They say . Should I laugh. NO I'll dribble. spacesailor
  5. Same in Sydney. So emptied my 2000 ltr water tank. Just to tempt fate . Then that monsoonal rain stopped. Bright sunshine. Grandchildren's Windsor house didn't go under. ( this time ) . spacesailor
  6. When I was told ," wasting the CFI time " . Those very blue years, ( never squeezed a rivet ) . Not much incentive to do anything . Then after my new hip , not much point in making another none flying Hummel-bird so sold it spacesailor
  7. But when unwell/injured. It becomes a " godsend . But. Netflix opens more of everything you need, to dull the boredom . Including ' airplane movies & doc's spacesailor
  8. And there is no Hetro . In their scheme the of things , that is my objection. So my ' Wife & I ' ( Hetro ) were Not invited to the marriage of our nephew . Not happy . spacesailor
  9. Use a ' bucket ' then use it for your garden . North of Sydney a suburb has no sewerage. Cleaned by electricity, then sprayed over lawn areas. Untill " power-outages " caused a Big stink . LoL Spacesailor
  10. But it makes choosing a mate far more difficult. It's not like they all have labels. Looks like a female, but does not produce your heir . spacesailor
  11. Washing machines Waste more water , than dishwashers . Put a hose onto the outlet, to run it to your garden. At the moment I need the opposite ( water over the lawn to the washing machine ). Would be a ' time travel ' experience like washing cloths in the creek !. OH , My aching back . spacesailor
  12. And now . We have the added difficulty with having. other genders . May look like a duck, may quack like a duck . But that ' duck ' thinks it is a DRAKE . My Nephe and his Husband . ( two females left out ) spacesailor
  13. And now . We have the added difficulty with having. other genders . May look like a duck, may quack like a duck . But that ' duck ' thinks it is a DRAKE . spacesailor
  14. Not rare . But so hard to get the right one . spacesailor
  15. Thanks . F H, We're was that little. . LoL A disk is a disk . spacesailor
  16. They became " Super disk " 250 mb . I have a collection of disk's. 5.25. Less than 2 mg 3.5 . That windows & Dos came on. spacesailor
  17. Wellington NZ . 3 to 4 weeks without rain and their dams are dry , water arrived by milk tanker . . Apple & orange tree's for ' male ' Lemon tree's for ' women ' . Not sexist , males stand, while female crouch . Don't use your " dishwasher " machines. Wash them by hand , then put the water into your garden Grey water Buy a " camping shower kit " . Then Shower on the lawn . Silly but your grass will be green longer . spacesailor
  18. My S5 died . For no reason. Then my. Galaxy died as well . No one can get the stored information out of them . So do we burn them to ' safeguard ' our I for. The tablet has no HD & uses a new type of memory chip, with a limited cycles. spacesailor
  19. Electric car small wellnown And cheap . Messerschmitt E-5000. https://www.motor1.com/news/505586/messerschmitt-kr-micro-car-reborn/ spacesailor
  20. The recession we had to have . Political arsehole. spacesailor
  21. I believe NSW has a much lower weight limit , to catch ' caravan's & large ' tent-top-trailers out. Revenueing $ their coffers. Possibly 4.5 ton . Remember the fiasco with the ' Ford one ton truck' - Winnebago conversion that was overweight when two people got in . It was made to the empty weight of that truck . Not just the " overweight " . BUT the drivers with their car licence copped another fine for a driving infringement . ( needed a truck licence ) . spacesailor
  22. I have just eaten my last fig . Do I really have to go without . As my season has finished. The cropping season, ' according to the government's ' ' temporary emigrants farm stay site . Is from Perth to Cains . month after month travelling ' westwards ho ' . BUT I'm wishing I hadn't planted so many Guava trees , ( shade for shed ) . Oh my back picking up the ' wind falls , even my neighbours have stopped having them . spacesailor
  23. Where are they ! . Look at all those " state housing estates " , count the panels. On one hand . It shows who has more roof panels by the poorer v the wealthier suburbs . If we need to reduce our usage. There should be no disincentive to having panels, only Exceptance from the occupier. How many could fit onto my largess garage roof .more shade to make said shed, more humane for me to work in . spacesailor
  24. It is wet , my cats litter box is flooded. She won't ' pee ' in it today . spacesailor
  25. Simple solution. Off load from the ' oversized shipping. Transport on multiple smaller boats that have less depth. It will keep the Panamanian people in work & their economy healthy.. spacesailor
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