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British woman cleared over 'fat Australian' rant


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A British woman convicted of racism after calling her New Zealand-born neighbour an Australian has had her name cleared.


Last November, Petra Mills was arrested after calling her neighbour a "stupid fat Australian" during a drunken tirade on her front lawn.


The neighbour, Chelsea O'Reilly, says Ms Mills knew she was born in New Zealand but used the term "Australian" to offend her.


Ms Mills was charged with racially aggravated public disorder and fined $162.


However, the local court in the city of Chester has overturned the decision, ruling that using the word "Australian" is not a racist slur.


Ms Mills has since moved to north Wales to escape the embarrassment caused by her conviction.


(source ABC News: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-03-11/british-woman-cleared-of-anti-australian-racism/4565290)



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I got sick of the Poms asking if I was a Yank when I was in England over Christmas. Then When I said, "No.", they asked if I was a New Zealander. spacer.png


It's funny but there's an idea in the UK that it's somehow more offensive to call a Kiwi an Aussie than vice-versa.


Maybe you could blame the 'stars' of Neighbours and Home and Away .....



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In China I am asked, in order, if I am American, English or last choice German. They are very happy to find out I'm from Oz, they love Oz here btw.


Many students come up to me and ask if they might speak English with them and some days I'm just not in the mood for it so I reply to them (in Chinese of course) "Sorry I am German and I don't understand English" - well I'm sure you can guess what happened one day, yup, the student starting talking fluent Germen to me! Got me a beauty!! spacer.png



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Guest aussieaviatrix
It's funny but there's an idea in the UK that it's somehow more offensive to call a Kiwi an Aussie than vice-versa.Maybe you could blame the 'stars' of Neighbours and Home and Away .....

Pretty sure it's true though! My parents are ex-Kiwis, and we have a lot of Kiwi rellies. I'm Aussie-born and bred. I think a lot of Australians wouldn't really care whether they were called Kiwis, but the Kiwis are much more likely to take offence at the reverse.


Incidentally, it's always fun in our house around Rugby World Cup/Tri Nations, because Mum and Dad still go for the Allblacks, and my Aussie sister and I are very much Wallaby fans! spacer.png



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