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New BBC 'Pidgin' News service

Phil Perry

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I coodnt find de tori bowt de rees mog, doh de sight is de berry funny...

Don't know I appreciate my tv tax being spent on it, doh! Ahh,, prefer that than the BBC overpaying established stars to fart around ratther than what they should do, which is develop innovative programming.

Must be honest, when I heard about the Pidgin service a couple of months ago, I just ignored it as more #FakeNews. . . The Beeb are capable of producing some astonishingly GOOD programming. . . but the 'News' part of the organization really needs a serious shake up in the Impartiality department. I would prefer far more actual NEWS reports than what we get 24/7 which is 10% news and the rest 'Opinionated narrative' . . . When I see the phrase. . 'The BBC has learned that. . . .' Off goes the switch. Mrs. P. insists upon paying the BBC Licence tax for the excellent wildlife programming. But we both gave up completely on all their news output several years ago.



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How can you give up, isn't the TV licence compulsory, even if you only have a car radio?.spacesailor

Crafty use of the knob marked 'OFF' . . .



Actually, there is no licence requirement for Radio, nor BBC Internet services UNLESS there is LIVE streamed video content. The last 12 months has shown a very significant reduction in the renewal of the BBC licence fee, as folks appear to be waking up that this is a wholly unfair tax.




There are ways around paying it. More and more people are, apparently doing this.



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