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More 'BREXIT' scaremongering - 'Project Fear' part Deux

Phil Perry

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A group of Labour MPs have said today that IF the UK leaves the EU,. . .that we will have no one to trade with. The desperation of these people to hang on to their personally valuable EU funding and / or other financial connections is palpable. . . .


The 'Comic meme' mob were quick to respond with this. . .




We need to sort out some very important two way financial and trading agreements before we split, but these people are just muddying the creek with no positive suggestions at all, in fact quite the reverse.



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Personally - I can't wait for the Free Trade agreement between the UK and Aus. Couple of Aussie manufacturers making stuff I want to bring in, but because of the 20% duty and 20% VAT on top, it makes it uneconomic to compete with Euro manufacturers. Even with the high AUD, I bet I could move a fair few Aussie manufactured ones even with the high AUD relative to the sterling if I only had to pay the VAT



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Yes, we can probably sell you cow dung (and BS) and rotting Kangaroo meat and exotic firewater (Gin). Most of our manufacturing industry died with the carmaker's exit. Our trade deals with China etc might forbid trading with people like you. Who knows? All that stuff is kept secret. The big challenge here is to find out what's really going on. WE are like mushrooms Kept in the dark and fed on Bovine excrement . Nev



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Personally - I can't wait for the Free Trade agreement between the UK and Aus. Couple of Aussie manufacturers making stuff I want to bring in, but because of the 20% duty and 20% VAT on top, it makes it uneconomic to compete with Euro manufacturers. Even with the high AUD, I bet I could move a fair few Aussie manufactured ones even with the high AUD relative to the sterling if I only had to pay the VAT

I'm with you there Jerry. . .I've been trying to resurrect my old flexwing microlight, a 1986 model Mainair Gemini Flash 2. . . I found a nice dual CHT instrument, inclusive of a twin probe kit for my Rotax 503 engine in a catalogue. ( Small - 2.125 inch diameter ) The price was $34.00 US. By the time it had cleared customs it cost me £69.00 PLUS the postal costs. . . .mind you, POSTAGE charges from the USA are a joke anyway. . . I've had things sent from OZ a hell of a lot less costly that that. . .


Up until then, I'd relied upon the EGT gauge. . .as, normally, if you get a redline on the CHT, the engine, or that cylinder is pretty well thermally fooklicated anyway. . . whereas if I kept the EGT below 1150 deg F, the CHT would look after itself. . .



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Personally - I can't wait for the Free Trade agreement between the UK and Aus. Couple of Aussie manufacturers making stuff I want to bring in, but because of the 20% duty and 20% VAT on top, it makes it uneconomic to compete with Euro manufacturers. Even with the high AUD, I bet I could move a fair few Aussie manufactured ones even with the high AUD relative to the sterling if I only had to pay the VAT

I heard an amusing story this week from the doomsayers. . . this was that the EU are intending to make a free trade agreement with Japan, and this will be accomplished very quickly and exclude the UK from trading directly with them as part of the deal ( Punishment for leaving the cabal ) . . .. . .Hmmm,. . . ( Juncker has once again stated that the UK MUST not be allowed to 'Get away with' walking out of the Club. "They MUST NOT be seen to prosper from this"


It is worthy of note here that the EU have been 'Trying' to organize a free trade deal with Canada for eleven years or more. . .all 28 , er, now 27 member countries have to agree to this before such a deal can go ahead. I'm sure that they can accellerate this procedure in Japan's case. . . .Yeah, right. . . .Each country put up objections to all sorts of things, and I'd be shocked if the Canada deal EVER gets ratified. Hungary, Poland and the Czech republic have said that they will not enter into any agreement which excludes the UK from any future deal with that country. The others have private axes to grind with protectionist policies for their own products. . .


When we were kids, . . .two of us could easily agree upon what we were going to do in the school holidays,. .. but if there was ever a third kid, it all went pear shaped. My Mother ( Brilliant Woman that ) had a saying. . .'Three Boys will Never agree. . .' so how's this going to work trying to get 27 disparate countries to agree to ANYTHING ? ? ( Rhetorical )


A free trade deal with the USA would at least reduce SOME of the charges we have to bear when buying yank products. . . .I HAVE to use originally sourced factory parts when replacing stuff on my Factory built aeroplane, otherwise it's a modification and much paper shuffling and wasted time would ensue . . .This entails buying bits from the USA, the original supplier to the factory. . .


I remember the hassle when I re-designed the fuel system circuit on our X-Air Marque One, as it didn't make good sense, and to my vastly and logically superior engineering brain was bloody dangerous in it's original form as designed by the Indian chappies in Bangalore. . .this took eleven months and several reams of paper to sort out.


Bearing in mind that I had added an electric fuel booster pump as well, just to complicate matters further. . . and the only one approved at the time ( for Aircraft systems ) was made in. . . .yes, you guessed it. . .the bloody USA !I


More damn bollox charges and duty. . .


Sorry for the 'SLIGHT' thread drift Jerry. . .it's all due to the inhalation of too much rarified air for too many years mate. . . .



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Yes, we can probably sell you cow dung (and BS) and rotting Kangaroo meat and exotic firewater (Gin). Most of our manufacturing industry died with the carmaker's exit. Our trade deals with China etc might forbid trading with people like you. Who knows? All that stuff is kept secret. The big challenge here is to find out what's really going on. WE are like mushrooms Kept in the dark and fed on Bovine excrement . Nev

Aussie manufacturing was dismantled in the 70s in favour of a service led economy - yeah that works.. Look at the relative economic strengths between manufacturing and service based economies. I am not sure if what the wheelers and dealers in politics have agreed with China in terms of international trade, but my pricing on Aussie based, admittedly low volume industries, is based on the advertised retail price (because they are so low volume and generally sell direct, I am not expecting too high a wholesale margin). I think the UK manufactures enough of it's own BS, and with the rest of Europe, appears to be world leaders.


I'm with you there Jerry. . .I've been trying to resurrect my old flexwing microlight, a 1986 model Mainair Gemini Flash 2. . . I found a nice dual CHT instrument, inclusive of a twin probe kit for my Rotax 503 engine in a catalogue. ( Small - 2.125 inch diameter ) The price was $34.00 US. By the time it had cleared customs it cost me £69.00 PLUS the postal costs. . . .mind you, POSTAGE charges from the USA are a joke anyway. . . I've had things sent from OZ a hell of a lot less costly that that. . .

Up until then, I'd relied upon the EGT gauge. . .as, normally, if you get a redline on the CHT, the engine, or that cylinder is pretty well thermally fooklicated anyway. . . whereas if I kept the EGT below 1150 deg F, the CHT would look after itself. .




Sorry for the 'SLIGHT' thread drift Jerry. . .it's all due to the inhalation of too much rarified air for too many years mate. . . .

No need to apologise - you make some good points - a deal with the US won't come without its problems (chlorine washed chickens, subject to a secret court, etc). Not any trade deal is perfect and there is always some one ready to fleece you on the way (in your case, freight). The EU, a) by appointing Barnier - a self-confessed Anglophobe and b) thorugh their childish negotiating tactics are even getting remainer senior politicians express views that the great repeal bill should not be blocked. The recent settlment demands were systematically rebuked based on EU law to Barneir's chagrin and then some German finance minister came out and said we have to pay our subs unitl 2022.. er... to be honest, they are realsiing they have more to lose and starting down a slipper road of diplomatic bluff...


I have to admit, I voted go, but it was with a "heavy heart"; took me about 10 minutes at the booth - no joke. But every time the EU act the way they do, which is not unforeseen given some of the comments they made during the referendum campaign, I am confident it was the right choice.



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ARGGGHHH!!! If I hear one more journo say, "but, that's not what the Brexit campaign promised..." I will throw the radio out of the house/car/office/wherever I am listeninto to it. No wonder the press are getting such bad press lately - their listeners are by-and-large not fools nor sheep.


Everyone knew the Brexit campaign was not a political party - the leader/s of Brexit campaign were not and are not leaders of a political party. Yet, journos keep saying this ir that is what the Brexit campaign promised. Well, since when was it apolitical party or ran for office... Get's me on me goat.. poor thing!


Also, all journos say we eed a referendum to vote on the terms because the terms weren't stated in the original referendum and nobody would vote to be worse off. Well, it was a very clear paper.. something like, "Do you want the UK to remain in the EU?" with an answer of yes or no. I cannot believe that anyone who voted no would have implied and I can have a referendum to decide the terms. I can believe they were thinking we want out ASAP and we don't bluddy care what the terms are (as long as it is not all but name in staying in). What journos and polit-class don't realise is that many other people who voted no preferred to be out of the EU than retain/improve their standard of living.


[vent mode off]



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Baofeng ( Chinese ) will Probably kill the airband radio market as they have done with the PMR or portable mobile radio importing business in the UK. Whereas a UHF multi-channel handie will cost around £250 -300, you can buy a Baofeng for £27.00. if you buy two, and a little interface box, you have a repeater station which will greatly extend range over a large site. . . A friend of mine has been importing them for around 18 months, and puts them out to short term hire. . . Notable clients of his are the Crossrail project in B'ham and 'Railtrack' the maintenance arm for ll UK railways. . . .their blokes keep losing the radios. . .but at that price, he's not that bothered.. . .


Whether the Baofeng company have considered manufacturing an 8.33 Khz compliant radio I don't know, but the Chinese are quick to pick up on a trend, so I wouldn't be surprised. They could easily pay Ofcom for type approval of their kit. . . .this would be nice for ultralight aircraft especially single seat SSDRs where weight is critical. . .


I would have a certain sympathy for Icom, as they hve had a virtual stranglehold on the airband market for decades, shame their models are so expensive. . . ( Latest Icom A6 - 8.33 compliant hand held is £265.00 ) No sympathy whatsoever for Motorola products,. . they charge up to £350 for a handie, and £700 + for intrinsically safe units for oil rig and refinery use. . .



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That's it!, an "Icom transceiver for 100 pounds, from the UK, Oops, is Glasgow still in or is Scotland out?.seller gbgiy Glasgow.



All 25Khz spaced radios will be illegal in the UK after Jan 2018, unless EASA step in and extend the deadline. Everything after that is supposed to be 8.33 Khz channel spacing. APART from 121.500 the emerg. frequency.


If CASA/OZCOM isn't pushing 8.33 and sticking with 25Khz, then there will be a shedload of el cheapo rigs available for backyard use ( best of luck getting them type approved in Australia though ! ) If I thought that it was a possibility, I'd buy a few tonnes and send 'em over ! ! ! Flog them by the Kilo . . .



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On another flying forum of UK pursuasion, owners are already having success sending their secod hand units to Unle Sam'sville....

INDEED true. . . I have sent three Icom IC-A20 units, two of them of the Marque 2 variety ( frequency knob on the top panel ) to Texayas ( 1 ) Michigan ( 1 ) and Florida ( another one ) $170 apiece. . . ( bought as dead and refurbished for less than £30.00 each. )


Which Pommie forum was that Jerry ? ( Asking for a friend ! )



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Very true!.


"Sounds something like the engine polariser the late (and great) Peter Brock became infamous for."


What can I say, Icom "couldn't, wouldn't & didn't" make them And we had to wait for New transceiver's but nothing said about the missing "transmit-limiter".


so if not on the new handhelds, the English secondhand models should be good, waiting to get corrected.





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I just googled transmit and transmission limiter, and apart from some random TCP articles, found nothing. Isn't it the role of the PTT switch to stop unwanted or accidental transmissions?

Sounds something like the engine polariser the late (and great) Peter Brock became infamous for.

I can see what our Spacey means here Jerry. . . I'm sure you've had the jammed Mic button OR heard of someone who has. . . ?


I had it a few times flying all sorts of bloody dicrepit aircraft when I worked in OZ.. . .Most of these rigs had a mic hannging on the panel and a speaker over your head. . .no HEADSETS supplied. . .jeeze, that was apollo astronaut stuff. . . I did my complete flight training at Berwick ( Vic - not far from Dandenong ) using hand mics and NO headsets. . . .that was Luxury flight mate. . . .


One day, Dave Squirrell ( my instuctateur supreme ) was chatting to me and he said . "We'll have to talk to F**ing Moorrabin now, so change freq to. . .can't remember. . .and we or rather I, had jammed the mic down the side of my seat and it was in TX mode. He said to me , the bloke on the tower today is a feller who sounds like he's on the buns. . . . .he is a complete *ing *wat. But you've got to talk to him. . . .all this was transmitted on air. . . along with the shouty background noise normally expected in a C-150. . . .


Still,. . .I enjoyed my training days in Oz. . . . .and also the wonderful characters whom I met there. . . .





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Nigel Farage reacts to the 'State of the Union' ( EU ) speech by Mr. Juncker. ( Roughtly translated as very similar to 'Ein Volk,. . Ein Reich. . .Ein Fuhrer )


Up until the Brexit vote my presence in Brussels and Strasbourg was generally regarded as being an amusing eccentricity. Since Brexit all that has changed and nearly all of the Eurosceptic groups and political foundations, and indeed many individual MEPs, have been hit by arbitrary sanctions.


We have learnt that all MEPs are equal, but that some are more equal than others.


Our campaigning groups have had money withheld, many of our members of staff are now simply not being paid. It is said that our employees have been working for our national parties and not for us in our work as MEPs. This has led to demands for MEPs to repay money that the authorities say was misspent – despite important treaty rights intended to ensure that an MEP has a free hand to fulfil their electoral mandate however they wish.


The EU is now heading towards a new form of Communism with all power in the centre and the member states simply having to obey


Demands on some individuals are as high as £80,000. These fines are imposed without a hearing, in fact without even first stating the charges or asking for a written defence and, it would seem, no right to appeal. If unpaid the fines are automatically deducted from salaries at source.


It is simply punishing those who have an alternative vision for the future of Europe. It has even reached the stage where medical bills, all of which should be covered by the EU’s medical scheme, are simply not being reimbursed.


In this campaign of rolling thunder it is the British Conservatives who will be hit next. This vengeful attack on the Eurosceptics has only just begun.


The EU is now heading towards a new form of Communism with all power in the centre and the member states simply having to obey. Unless there is a fightback by freedom-loving forces across Europe we will see the 2019 European elections held on a playing field that is heavily tilted towards the establishment.


From a UK perspective we will avoid this outrage. I am also pleased that no second EU referendum could now be won by the pro-EU side in the face of this Juncker Plan.


As for the rest of the EU: the forces of popularism and extremism that Juncker intends to destroy can only grow. My concern is that if there is no valid democratic outlet these frustrations will show themselves in other ways.



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