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Saudi Arabia chairs the UN Council for Human Rights.

Phil Perry

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Totally absurd isn't it?. Nev

Worse than that Nev, you couldn't bloody make it up. My friend Brian ( Oil engineer ) was working in Saudi a couple of years ago, he took his Wife with him. . out in the streets of Jeddah, she had to wear a thick headscarf and hijab, a full length burkha, with black socks and black gloves. . . .the only concession they allowed was that her whole face did not have to be covered as with all the other women they saw. They were told in no uncertain terms by the hotel staff that his Wife HAD to walk a few paces BEHIND HIM, and under no circumstances were they to hold hands in public. Otherwise they would be stopped and questioned by the sharia police and possibly punished.


They were walking around in 45 degree heat and they entered a town square, where there were eight men being publicly beheaded and on the same elevated stage, 2 women were on their knees being flogged, all in front of a baying crowd. . . They got out of there back to their hotel sharpish.


Utter barbarity. ( As far as we Westerners are concerned. . . quite normal for Saudi evidently. . . )



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The whole place will implode. Saudi's have exported hatred all over the world. Luckily with falling oil prices they won't have the surplus money. I they don't fight the west they fight each others version of Islam. Its similar to the Cof E. protestant orthodox v/s Roman Catholic shambles in Europe. Good old religion. in God's name, commit the most abominable atrocities against your fellow man and it's OK. Barbarians that's what they are. Nev



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Many have said there is little difference between IS and Saudi Arabia.When the oil money runs out they'll still be living like medieval thugs, but hopefully they won't be foisting their barbarism on the rest of us.

Bit late for that in the UK mate, . . Theresa's best mates / Military Armaments customers have already fully financed 95% of the 4,000 plus Wahabbist / Salafist mosques already, in order to preach their brand of 'Peace' and integration. . .that's one import we could have done without methinks.


When travelling to foreign countries, I always do my best not to offend local customs but I believe that a line has to be drawn somewhere between respect for the locals and endorsing what cannot be described as anything other than pure inhuman barbarity.



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Shouldn't advertise other sites here really,. . .however I do Like Sarah Abdallah, she is a very brainy Ex-Muslim commentator on all things Middle East. I have not succumbed to a Twitter account myself,. . . but I see her posts popping up on various sites as she usually has something useful to say, and having been brought up as a Muslim herself, has some deep insight also. ( And NO, I don't generalize where Muslims are concerned, I just intensely dislike the bad ones and their violent habits . .)





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The problem is the right to veto by a few select individual countries. US ignores it most times anyhow but happy to have the headquarters on their patch. We all share this bloody planet so cooperation would be a reasonable thing. If it gets in the way of profit all bets are off. Bush "W" lied constantly about it not being about oil. Is it OK to seal the fate of thousands of foreigners to get cheaper oil for the US and Further the interests of Haliburton and Blackwater by force of arms?. They are war criminals by any measure. No excuses. Nev



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hey phil now out here them so called educated uni students want shara law to be allowed here any advice on how to wise them sheep that are being led to slaughter house neil

Same thing on Uni campuses here Neil. I guess they'll just have to find out for themselves what medieval 'Sharia Law' REALLY means. . . .personally, I can't see them enjoying it for long mate.


At some time perhaps they will grow up, and out of this type of stupidity once they move away from the constant 'Social justice Hive Mind' seemingly prevalent at most universities. . . one can but hope.



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proves the UN has had its day and now a vehicle for the richest not a democratic world body. .

The 'United Nations' is, and has been for a long time demonstrably totally corrupt and responsible for a huge amount of suffering worldwide. . .they are currently and blatantly cheering on and part funding / facilitating the migrant invasion from Libya to Europe via Italy. . .



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This Saudi technical officer worked for an Australian lot in Saudi. His boss was somebody I knew very well.


This Saudi changed from happy to zombie-like overnight.


It took his boss some time to find out why. It was because both of the man's children had been executed. The boy had been beheaded and the girl stoned.


Apparently they had been curiously inspecting each other in the bathroom when the father came in. The father, being a good moslem, asked for advice from the mosque. So he subsequently blamed himself for the result.



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This Saudi technical officer worked for an Australian lot in Saudi. His boss was somebody I knew very well.This Saudi changed from happy to zombie-like overnight.


It took his boss some time to find out why. It was because both of the man's children had been executed. The boy had been beheaded and the girl stoned.


Apparently they had been curiously inspecting each other in the bathroom when the father came in. The father, being a good moslem, asked for advice from the mosque. So he subsequently blamed himself for the result.

Sort of proves the whole idiocy doesnt it. Religious paedophilia (underage marriage), punishment by death for the smallest infractions, government by frustrated undereducated old men who have not a brain to rub together.....yep welcome to the asylum (the shame of it is the do gooders approve of this.....)



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Years ago I thought improved communication and access to knowledge would drag us out from Ignorance and barbarity. People now get mobile phones before they get clean water and use them for setting bombs off remotely and organising mayhem on the populace of civilians, or bullying each other. TV is marvelous technology but what goes on it is generally total rubbish which would make you a raving loony If you weren't already one and sell you alcohol and betting opportunities for kids and dress your little girl like a Prostitute adds and buy junk food, drink Poweraid, build a house as big as a motel, Grow hair if you're a bloke or be really skinny if you're a femme. Just what you wanted... Nev



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