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Phil Perry

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On this day in 1915 the Turks commenced killing Armenian Christians and have denied the ensuing genocide for 102 years so far.


This is a link to some 'Evidence' of the Genocide, HOWEVER - since I have NOT been able to multi-cross check it's veracity, it COULD be Bollox. I have not yet read the book mentioned below. . . .




Akcan wrote a book on the subject, -'A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility'


The good Dr had to go into hiding after its publication ( Did he ?. . .oh dear,. . .like Salman Rushdie then ? /sarc )





No reputable historian doubts that the genocide happened or that it was State directed. What few remark on today is that Turkey is still today demolishing Armenian churches and villages, renaming districts etc, to erase all memory that the Armenians had lived there for over 2,500 years. . . .this pre-dated the beginnings of Islam by quite a while. . .


I have been told that Hitler got his idea for removal of the Jews from the Turkish / Armenian story, but, having read Mein Kampf, AND unless you are a real history geek,. . .please don't bother, it's full of mental, rambling, unneccessarily racist, disconnected narcissistic crap in MY opinion I found no mention of this, as far as I can recall, - read it at school for a WW2 project. . . but it's probably bollox.



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My view is Turkey is turning the corner for a GRIM future. The people will get what they didn't want just like the generally well educated people of IRAN. The first casualty of any of these situations is human rights and a fair and available justice system for the common people.


There's little doubt the Armenian genocide did happen.. Nev



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My view is Turkey is turning the corner for a GRIM future. The people will get what they didn't want just like the generally well educated people of IRAN. The first casualty of any of these situations is human rights and a fair and available justice system for the common people.There's little doubt the Armenian genocide did happen.. Nev

I agree about Iran Nev,. . .you may have read my stories about going there a couple of times with ny Dad, when he was selling them tools for makin g pots and pans in Ally. . .


There were no Headscarves and burkhas when the Shah was on the throne. . . .Mind you, I've read stories abiut his 'Secret Police' the 'Savak' who were undeniably etremely nasty ruthless bastards, killing without compunction anyone who looked like beng a problem for the Shah, or even saying anything out of line.. . .they just 'Disappeared' . . .that kind of regime cannot have much in the way of sympathy HOWEVER it may have been structured to 'Look Like' a Western style country. . . .


Nowadays, it's 'Same Penalites' different leaders, and plenty of Islamic pressure on the population, even though the Iranians are not Arabs at all. . .


I have a few Iranian friends, born in the days of the Shah, whose families got out of there in the early days of Ayatollah Khomeini, when they saw how things were shifting. . . .


We even have two celebrity Iranian born comedians in the UK, you may not of heard of,. . these are, Shapi Khorsandi, a very funny lady, who always makes me giggle, and Omid Djalili, who starts his act talking like someone who has just got off a refugee boat,. . .and then, drops into perfect English. . . .Brilliant,. . . NOW,. . . .the reason that I've mentoned this is that I have NEVER seen a 'Comedian' from Saudi Arabia. . . . . .




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I've seen your gentleman do his act. Funny as.. Good point about the sense of humour. A healthy disregard of convention and authority is part of a functioning society. Some challenges must be permitted or it's totalitarian regime that does no one there any good. Remember what the uni students used to get up to in the olden days. No violence, just putting it up the establishment who are somewhat up themselves. Nev



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One thing I could never figure out about the Middle East. Why does a certain powerful ally and their lackeys support the the most repressive regimes, yet go out of their way to destroy the most liberal and progressive. Doesn't make sense to me.



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One thing I could never figure out about the Middle East. Why does a certain powerful ally and their lackeys support the the most repressive regimes, yet go out of their way to destroy the most liberal and progressive. Doesn't make sense to me.

It's a little word. Only 3 letters.



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I read another media report about Saudi, where some Australian sportsmen were competing in Rihyad, and as they walked around town and into the main square, they witnessed several people being beheaded in public with big curved swords with the assembled crowd actually cheering. . .. One of the athletes commented that you don't see stuff like that every day, and wishes that he could 'Un-See it'



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