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Eh Lad. . . .the youth of today. . .?

Phil Perry

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Grandad . . .what did you do when you were 20 ?. .


Well , amongst other things,. . . I ran up Omaha beach with a rifle on June 6th 1944. . .


What did you do Dad, when you were 20 ? . . .


Well, I went to Woodstock,. . . .


Tell me, what are You going to do Son, now that You are 20 ?. . .


Oh, I'm going to be an SJW keyboard warrior. . . .


But not until after I've had my latest tattoo though. . . .



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Wind forward 50 years :


Dad what did Grandad do ?


Well, after the Trump wars, where they lynched him from Trump Tower and elected President Condoleeza Rice,. . . he became a bit of a drop out son, died of septicemia from a dirty needle.


What are you going to do son, now you are 20 ?


Well Dad I was in the mosque today and they need fighters to take out Israel.



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Grandad . . .what did you do when you were 20 ?. .

Well , amongst other things,. . . I ran up Omaha beach with a rifle on June 6th 1944. . .


What did you do Dad, when you were 20 ? . . .


Well, I protested against my peers being conscripted and sent to another country's civil war.


Tell me, what are You going to do Son, now that You are 20 ?. . .


Oh, I'm going to be an SJW keyboard warrior. . . .


But not until after I've had my latest tattoo though. . . .

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I don't think you're being too fair either on the Woodstock generation or the younger generation, Phil.


Yes the people who lived through WW2 had it really tough, not only the soldiers but civilians on all sides who lived through carpet bombing and indiscriminate attacks on population areas.


The people in the 60's and 70's either went over to a war that wasn't theirs for a country which treated them like sh*t, or showed courage of another kind to stand up to their government.


Kids of today? Well they've got the toughest job. They're inheriting a world which is facing catastrophic climate change because the previous generation didn't have the political will to stand up to big polluters. They're hearing idiots like Tony Abbott and Donald Trump still supporting coal despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that we need to change to renewables. They're facing a future where despite ever higher numbers gaining tertiary qualifications, jobs of worth and substance are disappearing. They're locked out of the housing market because of astronomical prices, caused by people who already have a home speculating on existing buildings.


I worry about the future for my kids, and they're the lucky ones who live in a liberal Western secular democracy. Can't imagine what it's like for families in Syria, central Africa or even some parts of Europe.



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". The only way you could be bullied was if they said it to your face."


And they did!,


Poor old generation with-out lollies or sugar because the Yanks took all the repatriation money from the UK & gave it to the enemy, Germany!.


we survived on rations (book) until 1953.


Before the 50's you couldn't sue a professional person, the judge would just throw it out of court.





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". The only way you could be bullied was if they said it to your face."And they did!,

Yeah but unlike cyberbullying that carried risks, as one notorious bully found out in the school yard when he bullied a friend of mine (I was a witness to the incident from a short distance away).


The problem was that the bully didn't bring his bully friends for backup. He was relying solely on bluff and bravado from a position of being "in your face". Big mistake. Turns out if you hit a bully hard enough without warning and their mates aren't there, they can actually start crying.



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Abbot is a has been as far as climate change goes and Trump has no sway here. In Qld we don't need national politicians for stupidity, we have our own home grown fools who have declared tha Adani mine to be critical infrastructure. That is so that India can have more of our coal at a lower price to increase the air pollution there. Meanwhile all the other coal mines are laying off workers and closing. Adani will not make a profit in Australia, it will employ very few workers from Australia and given half a chance it will negotiate a deal to reduce the royalties payed to Qld.


Maybe we need a Trump here.


On second thoughts we have a Joker called Malcolm, can the Joker be trumped?



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Abbot is a has been as far as climate change goes and Trump has no sway here. In Qld we don't need national politicians for stupidity, we have our own home grown fools who have declared tha Adani mine to be critical infrastructure. That is so that India can have more of our coal at a lower price to increase the air pollution there. Meanwhile all the other coal mines are laying off workers and closing. Adani will not make a profit in Australia, it will employ very few workers from Australia and given half a chance it will negotiate a deal to reduce the royalties payed to Qld.Maybe we need a Trump here.


On second thoughts we have a Joker called Malcolm, can the Joker be trumped?

Abbott IS a has-been, but he's also a wanna-be-again. The fool still hasn't worked out that he really was on the nose. He's been white-anting Turnbull ever since he was dropped, and now he's using the Trump fiasco to say that polls just can't be trusted. Plus he and all his looney tune conservative buddies suddenly think there's an untapped well of insane right-wingers here in Australia (that somehow, even though we have compulsory voting, haven't already been voting LNP or the even kookier groups).


This is the trouble with Trump and his views. Doesn't matter if some nobody reckons climate change is a steaming pile, one person using their air conditioning 24/7 and dropping donuts in their V8 getting 3 miles per gallon is not going to make any difference in the scheme of things. However if that person happens to be a backwards-looking anti-science nutter who leads the country that produces 16% of the world's emissions, and makes noises about ripping up the Paris agreement, and is obviously listened to by about 47.5% of the Americans who could be bothered to get off their butts on 8/11, then THAT's a problem.



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Hahahah I love it! The sky is falling Marty, the sky is falling!

It cracks me up that you believe this AGW tosh even a tiny bit. spacer.png Pay your carbon tax Marty.... oooh I feel a little warmer, you need to pay more tax to save the planet! spacer.png


Now this is some sweeeet nectar!

Keep laughing, Gnu. As I said, it doesn't matter if some ordinary fool rejects the the science.


The irony of someone who truly believes the bible, laughing at someone who accepts scientific evidence, is the real joke here!



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And the Earth is flat. The bible says so.

The Bible says the earth is round - a 'circuit' or 'circle' which is 'suspended on nothing' Job 26v7. And this was written more than 2500 years ago.


Only leaves two options for you doesn't it Bikki? Personally I'm leaning towards ignorance as a scholar you aren't.


By definition the atheist mind is a non-scientific mind.



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By definition the atheist mind is a non-scientific mind.

Ah the old "atheists do not have scientific minds" chestnut!


Thomas Edison - confessed atheist. Inventor of the first practical electric light bulb, inventor of the phonograph, the first quadruplex telegraph, motion picture camera, and alkaline battery.


Professor Stephen Hawking - confessed atheist. Everyone knows he's a complete and total dumbass.


Alan Turing - confessed atheist. Founding father of computer science and the first ever general purpose computer. Turing was particularly evil as he was also homosexual, but you'll be relieved that after being criminally convicted of a (totally consensual between two adults) homosexual act in 1952, he was chemically castrated by court order. That'll put a smile on your face.


Professor Steven Weinburg - confessed atheist. Nobel Prize for physics for his work in elementary particle physics and cosmology. Yet another non-scientific dumbass.


There are heaps of others, but as always, what's the point here?



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that's four named and I'll give you the next two-dozen, opposed,


The world.


Just an observation, & I'll sit on the fence, go were the wind of change takes me, to fight every faction whether religious or political, is far to much for me.Surly one doesn't have to belong to any faction to be brainy?.





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When I was a kid, you couldn't be relentlessly bullied by dozens of people by remote control 24 hours a day. The only way you could be bullied was if they said it to your face.

I sometimes wonder how the left managed without the internet.


Ah the old "atheists do not have scientific minds" chestnut!

Thomas Edison - confessed atheist. Inventor of the first practical electric light bulb, inventor of the phonograph, the first quadruplex telegraph, motion picture camera, and alkaline battery.


Professor Stephen Hawking - confessed atheist. Everyone knows he's a complete and total dumbass.


Alan Turing - confessed atheist. Founding father of computer science and the first ever general purpose computer. Turing was particularly evil as he was also homosexual, but you'll be relieved that after being criminally convicted of a (totally consensual between two adults) homosexual act in 1952, he was chemically castrated by court order. That'll put a smile on your face.


Professor Steven Weinburg - confessed atheist. Nobel Prize for physics for his work in elementary particle physics and cosmology. Yet another non-scientific dumbass.


There are heaps of others, but as always, what's the point here?

Yep, no point at all. you are talking to a closed mind. Something about chess with pigeons comes to mind.....but, I admire your perseverance



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The Bible says the earth is round - a 'circuit' or 'circle' which is 'suspended on nothing' Job 26v7. And this was written more than 2500 years ago.

I guess the words "sphere" or "globe" didn't exist back then.





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Actual verse; "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."

I think you might be reading too much into this!

No, no, not at all.


"He stretcheth" - clear reference to the evolution over millions of years of upright bipedal humans from more primitive quadrupedal mammals. The Bible got it absolutely right.


"Out the North" - quite plainly the Bible here is explaining that charged particles from the Sun impact gas molecules in the Earth's atmosphere which then emit photons of light, the colour of which depends on the gas particle impacted. The Bible even tells us that it's the "North"...ern lights. We just renamed it "Aurora Borealis" later.


"over the empty place" - the first biblical reference to a perfect vacuum.


"and hangeth the earth..." - anyone can see this refers to just those hanging Earth globes you can buy for your ceiling. A biblical "lol this'll get 'em talking! Hahahaha!" They were not just holy men - they were bloody funny guys when they wanted to be!


"upon nothing" - rather obviously this is referring to quantum particles in a quantum vacuum. The Bible predicted the field of Quantum Electrodynamics way ahead of any physicist.


And that's only one verse! The Bible has science covered, mate.



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Ah the old "atheists do not have scientific minds" chestnut!

You appear to misunderstand. Of course some Atheists are and have been successful scientists but my point is that in closing ones mind and refusing to even countenance the possibility of any alternative views is the very antithesis of science.


The blocking of ears seems to be becoming increasing common these days especially amongst the left where it is extended to silencing alternative views and opinions.The hard left in particular is becoming not only totalitarian but increasingly anti-science e.g. GMO, fracking, nuclear energy, vaccinations etc.



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...... but increasingly anti-science e.g. GMO, fracking, nuclear energy, vaccinations etc.

A number of examples you gave there are falsely attributed by conservatives as being unique to "lefties".


Anti-GMO: I would agree there's a tendency for this to be left-wing, but it also comes from far-right wing conspiracy theorists.


Anti-fracking: So Alan Jones, the most anti-fracking commentator in Australia, is a hardcore leftie? Mind blown. Officially.


Anti nuclear energy: This is about the only one you got mostly right. Except if you wanted to put a nuclear power plant or waste repository in Mosman, you watch the right wing go off their rocker about it.


Anti-vaccination: Actually common to both the left and the right. Anti-vaccination is predominantly conspiracy-theory driven and the hard right are equally good at it.


I admit that it is very convenient at the moment to blame the left for pretty much everything bad in the world (they haven't been blamed for the New Zealand earthquake, but give it time) whilst absolving conservatives from any blame for anything whatsoever. However I admit that I'm quite weird, and tend to look at each topic individually together with the surrounding facts of where the dissenting views come from, before I try to attribute blame. Determining where and why people dissent from scientifically accepted principles, or from types of energy extraction, is actually fairly complex.



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Jeeze. . . .he said. . . . .


I post a 'Joke'. . . .and the walls all fall in. . . . .


Could I respectfully ( of course ) ask those concerned to maybe 'Chill' a little?


Do any of you remember the TV show 'Mork and Mindy' ? ? HUMOUR . . .ARK ARK . . . . .?


Bloody heck . . . . I'm away for a few lovely quiet days in Venice,. . . .( Stinks a bit,. . .must be the poor sewerage system. . .) and you all go stark ravin' bloody crazy. . .


HUMOUR. . .? OK, ok,. . .cynical humour I shall admit admit BUT. . . . . .? ? ? ? ?


Come on guys FCS. . . . .



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