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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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Nigel's bailing... seems a bit rude to run around whipping up the fervor then not stay around to deal with the consequences!!

UKIP leader Nigel Farage stands down


Fair comment Marty, there are always several ways of looking at things.


Mr Farage entered politics after 20 years as a broker on the financial and metal markets for one reason, this was to campaign against the EU and it's sometimes twisted, counter intuitive philosophies and do his best to achieve a national vote designed to extricate the UK from it's machinations. This has taken him seventeen years.


He started the UK Independence party to further this aim; that party is now the third largest in the country, overtaking the Liberal Democrats in terms of grassroots membership and is even more surprising when you consider that he got his referendum with only ONE MP in the HOC. This MP being a chancer, ( Dougie Carswell ) who only jumped to Ukip from the Conservatives as he knew it was the only way to get elected in his ward of Clacton.


Moreover, the Labour Party in the UK has haemorraged voters to the UKIP cause, as the LP have completely lost touch with the wishes of their woking class roots, preferring tp pander to the London-centric metropolitan Blairites and pseudo socialist 'Celebrities' therein; hence the massive vote to leave the EU in many Northern UK, formerly staunch Labour heartland areas. It is aparent that at the next GE, if one is not called sooner, and there is no good reason why it should be. . . UKIP will, more likely than not achieve a lot more MPs.


Far from doing a runner, Mr. Farage is to stay on as leader of UKIP MEPs in the European Parliament, and this is the largest single party in that place. He has another Two years to run until the next EU election, and he will be doing his utmost to watch over the 'Exit negotiations' helped by the large Ukip presence there.





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So the pound is down 14% compared to the USD, fantastic news for English and Irish immigrants that have settled in the US, they now have a "cheap" destination to buy up houses.

Great,. . .only problem is there are no houses,. . . they cannot build them quickly enough for all the incomers, and anyway, no indiginous local people can afford to buy them anymore. . . . and Buy To Let landlords are demanding astronomical rents in all but the most deprived areas of the country,. . .where those people can't afford them either, as they are all out of work or on basic minimum wage.


The only game in town is building for immigrants, whi will be granted 100% housing benefit for them and their whole families, but Still,. . .the industry cannot build accomodation units fast enough to keep up with the crazy open borders rules under which we are still operating until some Effwit in Government does something to define the decision,. . ' Are we leaving the EU, or was it all a joke. . . .until that time,. . .everything remains the same. . .same money going out to the EU, same amount of immigrants arriving daily. . . ( That we actually Know about ) no Homes to house them.


Here is an extract from a book by a chap who knows what has been going on. . .


'Let me be blunt' I was told by one senior civil servant: 'the Home


Secretary doesn't want a fully functioning system of entry and exit


checks. She thinks it would only highlight the ineffectiveness of the


Border Agency and the Home Office...Theresa May is saying that entry and


exit checks would be expensive and embarrassing'


David Laws book 'Coalition' p 351 The whole page is coruscating.



And this is the same stupid woman who is currently tipped to be our new 'Prime Minister'. . . .




If you have not encountered the word 'Coruscating' before,. . .basically it means something like, Sparkling with stars. . .etc. .( Google it you lazy buggers )


Herein lies a small corner of the problem with the UK housing problem. . . . without going into the fact that in the Greater London area, . . many large swathes of residential apartments, flats and houses are left empty and owned by wealthy foreign interests, hedging for more price increases. . . .


Mayfair, in London,. . .99% owned by Arabs. . . .Park Lane,. . .similar. . . the list goes on and includes lots of Russian Oligarchs. . .


If normal young Fred and Joanne, Or Sanam and Abdul, want a starter home to buy in the GLA, ( ie Inside the 'Toilet Seat' the M25 RingRoad. . .) they will need to pay around £550,000 for a one bedroom jobbie well outside the City, which would cost £140,000 around here,. . .I know this as my eldest Daugter has just bought one last week, but hers is a luxury pad, with a garage and three bedrooms, with front and back gardens, room for a big extension and barbecue area at the rear, [lus enough room to park 4 cars on the frontage. In Southern areas, especially London, you are talking a Million three, for something that luxurious.


I hope that this was a reaonable response to your post Phil.


The other Phil.



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Sounds like Sydney.

I honestly don't know about housing in Sydney Marty,. . .but I can imagine. One of my friends, =, a lass named Gaynor, moved to Sydney with her Aussie boyfriend in 1975. . . he had been working in the UK as a qualified Firefighter. . . . they bought a pad in Sydney somewhere, but it got so expensive to live there, that by 1980. they moved to Wollongong, where they still reside. They really didn't want to leave Syd,. . .they loved the city life, their friends and contacts,. . the entertainment and everything else that a metroplitan environment has to offer. . . but in the end, had to sell up and leave, as their jobs smply did not attract sufficient lucre to maintain the lifestyle that they had been accustomed to for several years. This is very sad, but happening all over the globe it seems.


I have not got a clue what the root cause of all this might be,. . . Big Finance ?. . .I dunno. Peronally, I hate cities. . . since leaving OZ in 1983, I have been to central London about six times, for work oriented reasons, but with all the new 'Congestion charges' to take a motor vehicle anywhere near the centre, which increases year on year, and now the new proposed additional Tax on any vehicle older than five years, which will cause anyone with a vehicle older than this to pay £150.00 extra each week to drive into 'Town'. . .I can only wonder what will be the result. Of course,.. .If you can afford an all electric vehicle, then all of these charges do not apply.. . .then you have to find a charging point, and pay through the nose for that also. . . .


Rich person's place. . . .



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That's why they have trains and buses Phil. I honestly don't know why anyone living in a big city would want to drive in it, especially places like London which have world class public transport.


Oh I wish you really knew how aMUSING that sounds here Marty,. . . . the London Underground : Drivers paid more than £50,000 per annum, THE TRAINS ARE NOW FULLY AUTOMATIC. . .and have been for a long time. . . they simply sit and MONITOR THE SYSTEM. but they still go on strike at the drop of a hat, causing untold grief to hundreds of thousands of people. . . they are resisting Automatic trains, even though the technology is settled, and the Light railway system has been driverless for eight years. .. and the Underground drivers are even refusing to work without a 'Conductor' person. . . ( on £40,000 per annum ) to check that everyone is on the train before the doors are closed, when he can see quite clearly via his dashcam that everything's fine. . .Travellers complaining about the ridiculously high cost of travel on the tube, . . .with wages and working practices like that, is it any surprise that the system loses millions every year ? It cannot go on like this as the magic money tree will, in the end wither ad die.


Ex- Mayor Boris Johnson's stupid Bicycle lanes everywhere, reducing arterial roads to one lane only,. . causing total grief for other business and private traffic, and now the Five year old car rule. . . .


Actually,. . . I think that the London Transport system situation is a little less simplistic than you think old buddy. ( No offence intended BTW )



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My daughter and husband lived on a Dutch barge moored at Limehouse for several years. Was ok when the first child arrived but not the second. Barge is still for sale if anyone is interested!

A close friend of mine and his good Lady have sold their home and bought a Narrowboat, moored on a canal near Rochdale, much lower maintenance costs, no council tax etc. . . . ( Yes, this is also the place where 1,400 odd UNDERAGE young girls were groomed and then industrially raped by Muslim taxi drivers and other associated perverts and the aspiring Prime Minister Mrs. May, swept it under the carpet for reasons of 'Community Cohesion' if any of you want the full SP on this, get hold of a book or Kindle book by a guy called Tommy Robinson, entitled 'Enemy of the State' jeeze,. . . . talk about justice,. . .this guy brought the Rotherham business to the public eye years ago, and the 'Establishment' nearly killed him for his trouble. I have read the story, and it is utterly disgusing and disgraceful that a private person should be treated in this manner.


He is still to this day hassled by the police, for simply telling the truth. He didn't do any good with his complaints, so he formed the EDL,. . English Defence League. . . . but gave that up when it became taken over by uber racists and got too violent.


The same thing has happened in Bristol, Luton, Manchester, Bradford, and several London Boroughs, all covered up by the now heavily politicised police and local authorities for the aforementioned reaons. Mention any of this on your social media platform, and the Plod will be at your door to arrest you for a 'Hate crime' HOWEVER, if your car gets nicked, your house gets burgled, your kid gets beaten up,. . . . you wait six months and you MIGHT get a visit asking for a statement. . . . then again, you might just get an email with a 'Crime Number' on it. . . .welcome to GREAT britain 2016. . . . .


This is what this country has become. The birthplace of Parliamentary democracy and proper justice . . .? ? ? oh yeah. . . what the feck happened to that I wonder ? ? ?


Jeeze,. . . . If I could afford it, AND convince the Mrs. . . . .I would be on the next flight back home to Aus. . . . . and find meself a nice quiet coastal place to live the few remaining years which I may have left, well away from all this utter insane crapology.



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London and Sydney are safe havens, when you have money that you need safely stashed away in RE they are the first choice. It's like an undocumented investment returning 7% every year.

Yep,. . .London is still a save haven for investments,. . .but if the Anti-British Broadcasting Caliphate keep on talking the country down 24/7 to promulgate their 'WE NEED ANOTHER REFERENDUM TO GET THE RIGHT RESULT BULLCRAP' along with their accolytes on Sky News, plus other compliant remainiac media, then I don't know how long this can last. . . If you repeat a lie often enough,. . .people wll believe that it is fact. . . .


There are so many awful things happening to Euro Banks at the moment, Deutschebank keeps dropping to 11.2% and then by some miracle,. . .It's main assets are tied up in worthless derivatives. . . someone keeps putting funds into it at the last moment to prevent it falling off the cliff. . . .can't be the ECB ( Eurobank) as this is illegal and against EU Laws. . .not only this, it has not got the funds. . .( could Be Georgie Boy Soros, but I doubt it, he has been shorting it for months, ) it seems like magic. . . . Italian Banks are teetering on the edge., and the French banks have bupkiss behind them. . . . so much for Frankfurt taking over the City of London as the main European fnance hub. . .bloody Damp dreaming mate. . . . .



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I have to agree that the media coverage is beyond disgusting.


Any reports with 'Leave voters' are interviews with rough council estate types in a filthy house blaming immigrants for reductions in benefits. Reports with 'Remain' voters are interviews with well spoken people in nice homes/ local pub. This adds to the rhetoric prior to the election where 'only racist thickos vote leave' was the tag line. I know a number of voters from either side and we are nothing like the media depicts.


The current news suggests financial meltdown in the UK when it is simply not true. Reports suggest racist assaults are up when it is not true. It is unbelievable!


It's insidious.



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I have to agree that the media coverage is beyond disgusting.

Any reports with 'Leave voters' are interviews with rough council estate types in a filthy house blaming immigrants for reductions in benefits. Reports with 'Remain' voters are interviews with well spoken people in nice homes/ local pub. This adds to the rhetoric prior to the election where 'only racist thickos vote leave' was the tag line. I know a number of voters from either side and we are nothing like the media depicts.


The current news suggests financial meltdown in the UK when it is simply not true. Reports suggest racist assaults are up when it is not true. It is unbelievable!


It's insidious.

Spooks, I believe the media coverage may possibly be skewed, but the police themselves have said that reports of racial assaults and abuse is up by a huge percentage. It's reasonable to assume media coverage is biased, but are you suggesting that the police force would falsify statistics to take a side in a political situation?



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I read that incidents of 'racism' were up by a whopping great 30. In a population of 65 million it is bugger all.

The British vote to leave the EU is also prompting a rise in racism


"ANNE BARKER: Britain's National Police Chiefs Council has seen a 57 per cent increase in hate crimes reported to an online site in the days after the Brexit vote.


Many are from people who say they've never experienced race hate before."



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It apparently increased from roughly 15 reports the previous week to 30ish in the week after Brexit victory (as mentioned though, anyone can report a 'hate crime' even if it did not occur). The way the media are reporting it you'd think foreigners were rounded up and put in detention camps and experiencing mass beatings in the streets.


The reality from my experience and that of my 'foreign' friends is that nothing has changed following the vote apart from the media trying to frighten everyone.


P.s I actually voted remain and find it comical that so many celebrities , journalists, MPs and remain voters have had the misfortune to have witnessed these horrific attacks first hand.



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Pound devaluation hitting hardBrexit could push up the price of coffee by 5%

Brexit is only one of many factors impacting on the price of a cup of coffee. From the article referenced by FT:


"The short-term effect of Brexit is exacerbating the upward trend in the price of premium arabica coffee. Requiring high altitudes, the best coffee takes longer and is more challenging to grow. When combined with an increased global demand for top-end coffee, climate change and crop disease, the price inevitably rises and is borne by the consumer."


Add in rising fuel prices; political instability in producer countries; butterflies in the Amazon and who can really attribute Brexit to any particular price rise?





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No argument about coffee beans guys,. . . but here is the front page of Tomorrow's Daily Mirror. ( The Long term Left wing tabloid )




'Boris' has been appointed to the Highly important position of British Foreign Secretary. Rumour has it that plaster has been falling off the ceilings in may Chancellories around Europe, following some famous derogatory comments he has allegedly made.


For those of you who have no idea who he is. . . this from Wikipedia.




Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson


(born 19 June 1964) is a British politician, popular historian, and journalist. He has been Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs since 2016 and has served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Uxbridge and South Ruislip since 2015. He had previously served as MP for Henley from 2001 until 2008 and as Mayor of London from 2008 until 2016. A member of the Conservative Party, Johnson identifies as a One-Nation Conservative and has been associated with both economically liberal and socially liberal policies.


Born in New York City to upper middle-class English parents, Johnson was educated at the European School of Brussels, Ashdown House School, and Eton College. He studied Classics at Balliol College, Oxford, where he was elected president of the Oxford Union in 1986. Beginning his career in journalism at The Times, he later became The Daily Telegraph's Brussels correspondent, with his articles exerting a strong influence on growing Eurosceptic sentiment among the British right-wing


He was assistant editor from 1994 to 1999 before taking the editorship of The Spectator from 1999 to 2005. Joining the Conservatives, he was elected MP for Henley in 2001, and under Conservative leaders Michael Howard and David Cameron he served in the Shadow Cabinet. Mostly adhering to the Conservative party line, he nevertheless adopted a more socially liberal stance on issues like LGBT rights in parliamentary votes. Making regular television appearances, writing books, and remaining active in journalism, Johnson became one of the most conspicuous politicians in Britain.


This man is extremely intelligent, but, even during his Two terms as Mayor of London, he always played the fool, earning him the 'Buffoon' title.


His Hairstyle has created almost as much mirth as that of a certain Mr. Trump.


He was also head of the 'Vote Leave' campaign, so that will go down really well in EU circles. Much mirth to follow no doubt.



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David Cameron ( Ex - Prime Minister of the UK ) seems to have found an niche already.




A news reporter asked : "Where on Earth did you find that . . .? "


The Pig replied,. . . " I found him in the Common Market. . . . . "



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The reality from my experience and that of my 'foreign' friends is that nothing has changed following the vote apart from the media trying to frighten everyone

None of my friends were ever assaulted by drunks late at night in the city before Sydney brought in recent lockout laws.


Therefore I can confidently conclude that reported increases in late night city assaults fuelled by alcohol which led to those laws are false or just exaggerated.



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