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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Strangely enough, I'm 42. Still don't know the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

It looks like it's time to pick up a bible and read it, Marty.


In 5 years all will be known to you because the meaning of life is 47, always was well before Adams came along.





Adam's "42" does however prove just how people will fall over themselves to believe in something and how it can spread so easily.

I think the atomic number for silver is 47. That is the average age when a number of men start to see silver coloured hairs for the first time. spacer.png



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For those of you who are interested the world's leading atheist,

Pretty piss poor that the "World's leading atheist" would use the word "almost" in this context;


Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator almost certainly does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion



Sounds a bit safe to me, after death at the Pearly Gates: "Well Peter, sure I wasn't God's greatest supporter, but I wasn't in complete denial ...."


he's worth $135 million.

Well he's $13.5 million better off than an equivalent Theologist spacer.png



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Marty. ( A bit late replying) Why does there have to be one?. We are here because we are. To require a grand plan could be considered something like, "too important to die", ( though everything else living does) That could be conceit. (In general)..Nev

100% agree FH. I was just attempting humour. (Gotta stop that).


It looks like it's time to pick up a bible and read it, Marty.

I've read it. Not among my favourite reads. The style is stodgy, the themes contradictory and the plot so implausible you'd think it'd been written by a bunch of half-crazed flea-ridden prophets thousands of years ago.



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You insult the man. I'd say he is a man of great self-restraint; he has not thumped any of the idiots he's interviewed yet, to my knowledge. However, he sees (as any atheist sees) how totally unnecessary all the religious strife in the World really is. And he's trying quite hard to get that message out; I'd say he has most definitely earned whatever he has the hard way; we are in a century of religious shake-out, I believe, and the extremists are all doing a brilliant job of demonstrating to the rest of the world just how much we don't want them. The middle East - and the American bible belt - will have to get to the point where anybody who shouts a religious slogan gets stoned to death by the rest of the population, and I think we're fast approaching that point; well past half way would be my guess. It's going to get even worse before it gets better, unfortunately. You only have to look at the flow of refugees out of those countries, to see how great the problem really is; they will be reduced to deserts, and the fanatics will starve to death - provided other countries stop funding the bastards. Let the fanatics starve in the fastness they have created by their stupidity; the penalty for stupidity, in nature, is death. Let nature take its course.


The utter stupidity of it is, that in reality - as anybody could see from, say, halfway to the moon, we are an opportunistic form of biological scum that has evolved to exist on the outer skin of patches of mud that are floating around temporarily on the molten rock that makes up most of this planet; we're ephemeral in the time-scale of the universe - a passing surface infection only. So it's utter hubris to talk about mankind being the ultimate form of natural being; we're merely a currently-virulent form of bacterium, busy over-breeding ourselves out of existence. The fact is, this truth is too painful for most people to accept, so they take refuge in religion which makes them feel vastly more meaningful in the overall scheme of things than they really are; and then they compound that stupidity by fighting over it!


This doesn't bother me in the slightest, except for the stupidity; I evolved to suit this planet as it currently is, as did all the other life-forms on it. It's a beautiful place, where mankind's stupidity and greed have not ruined it as yet, and I enjoy floating around over it where I can see the beauty without being battered by the stupidity. Being alive on this world is a piece of fantastic luck; make the most of it and forget the crap - it's not worth a minute of your time.



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So it's utter hubris to talk about mankind being the ultimate form of natural being

.. he said while manipulating the sciences of physics and nature itself to tell us his view in a way that no other species has even remotely come close to doing, not even the fabled Gods.


we're merely a currently-virulent form of bacterium,

My Mum loves me whatever I might be.



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ergo cogito sum . . . I think? Yes, were're the smartest bug around, that we've ever met. That being so, why is there so much absolute, utter, futile , wasteful stupidity still to be seen? We have enormous potential - but we waste, what, 99.99% of so? - of that potential, on essentially destructive and counter-productive things. Religion , especially the extremist forms of it, is one of the largest of those things.



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It's genetic. Reactions that saved us way back drive us to stupidity today. We have no "collective" intelligence worth while because of this sorry fact. MAN knows FA but has learned most of it in the last 1,000 years. We know more than ever but don't score well in what one might call wisdom .If you don't like atheists get over it . After all your GOD will look after you for ever won't HE? What greater advantage do you need?. THAT is the great conceit. To think you will have eternal life. that is why I suspect man created God in his own image. Why would you place so much on a book that men have written, and modified and selected bits and not others to suit the story. God hasn't written a book, or chipped words/ hieroglyphs on a rock tablet. I doubt he/it would have to. He/it would have other ways of communication, surely? . Nev



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ergo cogito sum . . . I think? Yes, were're the smartest bug around, that we've ever met. That being so, why is there so much absolute, utter, futile , wasteful stupidity still to be seen? We have enormous potential - but we waste, what, 99.99% of so? - of that potential, on essentially destructive and counter-productive things. Religion , especially the extremist forms of it, is one of the largest of those things.

Well the funny thing Dafydd is that your view here actually agrees exactly with what the Bible teaches. We humans are an amazing creation but deeply flawed in nature, religion and violence are examples of that. If you cared to read it also explains the origin and reason for diseases and other afflictions that you referred to earlier and incorrectly blamed God for.


And on the topic of religion I also agree, it has a long history of destruction - Jesus Christ (who was very anti-religious) was persecuted daily and finally put to death by religious men. Although it should also be noted that the Atheist religion in the countries it has been implemented is the worst of the lot when it comes to intolerance and human suffering. Actually I noticed your previous post #332 illustrates this - the desire to suppress anyone who doesn't agree with Atheist views, this attitude seems very common.



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Although it should also be noted that the Atheist religion in the countries it has been implemented is the worst of the lot when it comes to intolerance and human suffering. Actually I noticed your previous post #332 illustrates this - the desire to suppress anyone who doesn't agree with Atheist views, this attitude seems very common.

In which countries was Atheism ever implemented as a religion? Even in countries like Australia where many people have atheist views, they live side by side with people like yourself who have different world views. The same was/is true in all other countries I can think of. As far as "the desire to suppress anyone who doesn't agree with Atheist views" goes, well you can substitute almost any other belief system you like in that sentence including Christianity in its various forms.





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One of the reasons atheist' have the attitude, is that children are indoctrinated from an early age. Society demands that children be shielded from from many things that could supposedly distort their minds ( drinking, porn etc), but for some reason, religion is ok.


Realistically, how many would still be believers if they weren't fed it daily as an impressionable child? It's a form of grooming, much like pedophilia, and that is what I despise about it.



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Actually I noticed your previous post #332 illustrates this - the desire to suppress anyone who doesn't agree with Atheist views, this attitude seems very common.

GNu everyone knows you can't cure superstition. Just get the churches to leave the kids alone and start paying taxes and you'll find a whole new world of acceptance



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MAN knows FA but has learned most of it in the last 1,000 years.

If that's what you think, some reading would help. In fact it's almost the reverse, and what man has forgotten is a lot more intriguing.


The attached photo of Newgrange in Ireland (World Heritage Ireland photo) is a precision astronomical instrument built around 3200 BC


We know the Egyptians were doing brain surgery 6000 years ago


We know the Spinx dates back perhaps 15,000 years.


We know the pyramids, some of the most accurate engineering in history which we can't replicate today were probably built well before the 4000 to 6000 years ago taught since the 19th century.


We know several civilizations knew the earth was round and knew its diameter, and understood precession (and it would be interesting to know how many people here today understand precession), and had the tools to measure it.


We know that Egyptians had the skill to machine hard stone - limestone to optician's tolerances on a scale of acres, and the interior or reverse tapers


We know that civilzations had the ability to lift, machine and accurately place huge blocks of stone, which we can't do today


While Von Daniken's hypothesis, that aliens visited earth and did/taught these things always looked a bit dodgy, there has been a huge volume of research done since Richard Hancock first wrote "Fingerprints of the Gods where he looked at some of the same structures and found evidence that mankind had the skills and knowledge to do some of these things tens of thousands of years ago.


That triggered a lot of research in following years which has produced tantalising evidence of a VHC (Very High Civilization) which at some point was destroyed, but survivors appear to have made it to places like South America, Egypt and other parts of the world where there are similar historic records.


The subject we are discussing is a lot more complex than simple beliefs; the evidence emerging is fascinating.





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Goodness, I don't know what you've been reading! As far as the Sphinx is concerned it is believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafra approximately 2558–2532 BC ( add to that the 2014 years A.D. ) and you have and age of 4500 years. Amazing feat nevertheless. But NOT 15000 years.....Brain Surgery? None, of course ! Except if you include pulling the brain out through the nose in the mummification process....That could be called Brain Surgery, maybe ask your friend Van Daniken, his brain was almost certainly remove the same way..............Chris Dunn, another nutcase, has the theory that the Egyptians had access to ultrasonic work tools. Unfortunately, for his theory, not one trace or record of anything like he describes remains.


Oh My, I have wasted far too much time on your nonsense, Life's too short................................



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If you cared to read it also explains the origin and reason for diseases and other afflictions that you referred to earlier and incorrectly blamed God for.

"God" is responsible for everything. Period.


Jesus Christ (who was very anti-religious)

The entity known as Jesus Christ, was anti-hypocrisy (something a few here could learn from), not "anti-religion" and was quite happy to start his own church ....


Mathew 16:


18; And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


19; And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.


At the last piss up, he told his own self appointed Bishops what they should do;


Luke 22:


19; Do this in memory of Me. (conceit or what?)


Matthew 28:


19; Make disciples of all nations.


Mark 16:


15; Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.


was persecuted daily and finally put to death by religious men. .

Stand out in the street even today and proclaim yourself to be the son of God and see how far you get ...


Actually in Mornington where I grew up, every Saturday morning there was a street preacher, bible in hand, on Main St yelling away, geez us kids gave him curry!



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Goodness, I don't know what you've been reading! As far as the Sphinx is concerned it is believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafra approximately 2558–2532 BC ( add to that the 2014 years A.D. ) and you have and age of 4500 years.

Robert Bauvall, and author, and Dr Robert Schoch, a geologist from Boston University carried out a detailed study of the Sphinx beginning in 1990.


They showed that weathering grooves on the Sphinx and pit wall were typical of erosion caused by water running off the Sphinx. Research on the climate required to produce rainy conditions in the area effectively pushed the construction date back to at least when there was enough rain to cause this erosion. The Sphinx was carved out of the bedrock so it can’t be dated, but someone might get lucky one day and find a chamber underneath with some organic material in it.


Att: S2752 Source: www.robertschoch.com/sphinxcontent.html


Brain Surgery? None, of course ![/Quote]Information on Egyptian brain surgery dates back to 3000 BC - here's one link http://www.brain-surgery.com/history-of-brain-surgery-1/


maybe ask your friend Van Daniken, his brain was almost certainly remove the same way[/Quote]This is what I said: "While Von Daniken's hypothesis, that aliens visited earth and did/taught these things always looked a bit dodgy."


He's not my friend and I'm not in any hurry to follow his stories.


Chris Dunn, another nutcase, has the theory that the Egyptians had access to ultrasonic work tools. Unfortunately, for his theory, not one trace or record of anything like he describes remains.[/Quote]

Christopher Dunn is a toolmaker/die maker and has worked on sophisticated projects like jet engine turbine blades. I’ve read all his books and he never confuses the reader between what is measuring as hard evidence, and when he is speculating on what might have produced that evidence.


For example, at Abu Roash when he found stones with curved machined surfaces he measured the curves and striations, and then speculated that the saws required to make that cut needed to be more than 8.2 metres in diameter for granite, basalt and limestone.


At Saqqara he has carried out detailed measurements on the Serapeum Boxes – 20 boxes cut from solid granite approximately 4 x 2.1 x 2.1 metres, originally weighing about 55 tonnes each. They are underground, and could only have been carved in situ. The material is 55% silicon quartz crystal – 7 on the Mohs scale.


The interiors have been almost perfectly ground with the vertical corners, horizontal corners and lid all having near perfect 90 degree angles – something that any of us who have welded up a box may have envied.


He put a precision-ground parallel tool on various inside surface locations and found absolutely no deviation on the internal horizontal/vertical surfaces. Tolerance on his gauge was 0.00508(0.0002”)


Ultrasonic Speculation


William Flinders Petrie described measuring a granite core (Core 7 in the Petrie Museum) from a hole saw which indicated a feed rate of 0.100 inches per revolution of the drill (that’s 1 inch every ten revolutions) – five times greater than modern diamond drills.


Dunn speculated from Petrie’s description that the only machine which could achieve a boring speed of that magnitude was an ultrasonic drill which would leave the same taper and spiral groove on the Core 7 that Petrie described.


This was disputed by a number of people, and Stock produced multiple striations using a copper tube and sand manually driven by a bow. Others also disagreed with his theory.


Dunn’s speculation required a spiral groove, and he accepted that he had taken Petrie’s word that the grooving was spiral and from there made assertions. Armed with the knowledge of where Core 7 was, he went to London.


He said: “Because of the controversial nature of my theory, and the questions raised by Lawton & Ogilvie-Herald, I suspended those assertions subject to my own observations.”


He was able to wrap a white cotton tracer around the grooves and prove a spiral groove.


Source: “The lost technologies of ancient Egypt”


He says and I agree, the burning question is where are the tools, but if our homes today were covered in sand and excavated in 7,000 years they wouldn’t find the tools that built them on site either – they’d have to unearth a tradies Commodore and tools somewhere else and find the factories that rolled the sections, manufactured the glass etc.


However there are tantalising clues as shown at Dendera. Att: S2751, Source: www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk







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I meant 5,000 years sorry,( though I accept the Aborigines lived here well over 30,000years ago). Must have been dealing with something else at the time.


. I know about the Bronze age where bronze was hardened enough to cut stuff. No one knows today how that was achieved.. There's a lot of craft stuff etc which was pretty trick., And the polynesians navigated by analysing wave motions But don't forget most thought the earth was flat and was the centre of the universe, and the sun came over it every day if you prayed to the right GOD. and they killed people who espoused science and burned witches. Sure we have lost a lot of skills but we have the tools to find out facts today that our ancestors never dreamed of.


.... This leaves less and less to blame/credit god for. I call that progress.


As for Atheists cramming stuff down peoples necks, I have found the exact opposite. Religion scares the hell out of people. "There will be fire and brimstone and gnashing of teeth" And eternal hell and damnation . All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god so that's where you are going if you don't believe etc.. That's pretty heavy stuff especially when you give it to young kids when they are most impressionable


An atheist says "I don't believe your god exists, or anyone else's by the way." They are obviously prepared to forgo the benefits. How can you compare the two approaches? Why is it any skin of anyone's nose?. Most atheists I have come across are rather quiet about it, being a bit fruitless mentioning it amongst what some call themselves "Godbotherers" (Not my words). I go to church funerals and sometimes give a eulogy out of respect for the dead if asked. It shouldn't be a big deal. The priest is well aware there are some who don't believe and they don't take the communion.. There are a lot more atheists around than you might think and even in muslim countries. I don't think you have much to fear from them. If you need everyone around you to share YOUR beliefs of a diety, then you might be a little insecure, I would suggest. Nev



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I meant 5,000 years sorry,( though I accept the Aborigines lived here well over 30,000years ago).

It's being pushed back every year by new discoveries, and some people were saying 6000 years when others were dating aboriginal occupation of Australia at 40,000.


I've lost track of the latest development but I think the last I saw was 200,000 to 300,000 years.


This all makes the atheist vs religion an interesting subject.


I'm having difficulty at the moment even posting back to the Jesus Christ situation with people wanting to know the names of the survivors of the Titanic, but while the opposite positions should be Atheist vs God rather than bringing in religious derivations, it's all getting fascinating as new information is uncovered,


We should be looking at what the evidence is rather than what people believe because once that starts they start to fight over why what the other person believes is wrong.



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One of the reasons atheist' have the attitude, is that children are indoctrinated from an early age. Society demands that children be shielded from from many things that could supposedly distort their minds ( drinking, porn etc), but for some reason, religion is ok.

Why does it bother you - do you think everyone's children all belong to you? You believe that you have superior knowledge of child rearing compared to children's own parents? Or just another case of garden variety atheist intolerance.... scratch the surface, find an autocrat.


Your athi children are brought up being indoctrinated that they came from nothing, have no purpose in life or real value and will return to nothing when they die. Big surprise so many turn to drugs and others end up topping themselves. Apparently this is superior though.



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Why does it bother you - do you think everyone's children all belong to you? You believe that you have superior knowledge of child rearing compared to children's own parents? Or just another case of garden variety atheist intolerance.... scratch the surface, find an autocrat.

Your athi children are brought up being indoctrinated that they came from nothing, have no purpose in life or real value and will return to nothing when they die. Big surprise so many turn to drugs and others end up topping themselves. Apparently this is superior though.

Children should have a choice when they are old enough to make that choice. Not brainwashed at primary school.



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For those of you who are interested the world's leading atheist, Richard Dawkins is coming to town - seats $45.00 - he's worth $135 million.

I hope somebody has made sure that the building lightning arrest system is up to it. I'm not going but I'll be watching it on TV.



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