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ANZ customer service


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When away we sucessfully use their internet banking with an iPad, all goes well, however recently we had a glitch so dropped into a branch enroute, fronted to enquiries area, that had 2 other folks waiting as well, ok, no probs,


Enquiries had 4 separate counters ( desks ) chairs etc etc, but only 1 desk was staffed. After a short wait chap comes up to us, and asks did we need to see an enquiries person.........yes please I say, have you made an appointment he asks.........no I haven't, would you like to make an appointment.......no thankyou, we are travelling through, so we shall wait........he then suggests we actually make an appointment.......( now I'm not happy )........ No thankyou, we shall wait.........ok, sir, you will be attended to in approximately ......ONE HOUR...........you must be joking is my reply, you have 3 unattended desks there, sorry sir but you will have to wait.


UN BLOODY REAL............ A 2 min consult........( staffing to bare bones )



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Many businesses you ring these days start with a message that they "are experiencing a larger than usual number of calls, but your call is important to us, don't hang up, we will answer your call as soon as possible" (this message never changes, they think the public are idiots). Once upon a time businesses used to employ sufficient staff to handle the level of enquiry.



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We have heritage accounts and a loan through them they have been fantastic the only issue is they don't have many branches and you can't do international transfers via the internet with them....when they start that good old Westpac will be getting the flick from me...I hate them but sort of stuck because I do use the international transfer side a lot



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The banks are changing over for virtually total demand for electronic transactions, and a preference for private conversations when borrowing money etc.


These days virtually all get their cash at the supermarket or ATM.


Paying in a cheque to the bank is as easy as feeding your card in, feeding the cheque in and typing a few details (no envelopes any more).



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When I found out all chief executives of the big four earn multiple million times what the prime minister of the country does I thought well that's off my efforts. Bugga that. I checked out the salary of the local community bank chief executive. Much more appropriate to the responsibility. And the shareholders are the customers. So they get to look after my money and I can talk to local people. Sure the interest rate is sh.te but I can live with that.



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ING for us. No branches. All on line or telephone contact but 24/7 availability and always helpful people on the other end.


Make cash/cheque deposits at the post office. Use any ATM; the ATM fee is fully refunded at time of transaction.


EFT deposits are usually in the account on the day they are released by the paying bank.


Reasonable fees too.



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Guest Deskpilot1

Whilst most people in South Australia haven't heard of Heritage, I can thoroughly recommend it. Been with them since they were a building society. Excellent service, but in saying that, I've never fronted an actual bank.



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