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old man emu

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Everything posted by old man emu

  1. The worst part about Christianity is that the very few recorded words outlining Christ's philosophy have been mulled over and rearranged by people who never heard them with their own ears.
  2. I have been referring to the tried and tested techniques included in the training manual of Metropolitan Police Driver Training School, Hendon. What I was attempting to say right at the beginning was that the current way student drivers are "instructed" is to simply successfully complete a practical test which involves driving around one of several known testing courses on public roads in urban settings. That manner of instruction fails to instill in the student all the ancillary things that are involved in completing a journey from A to B without being involved in a collision. I realise that it anathema to mention what is involved in ab initio flight training, but I hope that most here have been through it. That training is a step-by-step system in which the student is first taught to make sure the aircraft is serviceable for flight (pre-flight and engine start up). Thereafter the student is taught how to manoeuvre the aircraft in three dimensions, and what it can do gently in those dimension. I SAY THAT STUDENT MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS SHOULD FOLLOW A PARALLEL SYLLABUS. In today's world, it is expected that any claim to a skill, or experience is backed up by documented evidence supporting the claim. I'll show you mine if you show me yours***. *** Bearing in mind that my documentation is still packed away in an unpacked box which is somewhere amongst a stack of other unpacked boxes.
  3. Midday 27/12/23 Just got back in from an attempt to snare some yabbies in the dam and the creek. The creek is flowing underground with only the occasional puddle. That suggests that any rain we got earlier has simply soaked in where it fell. The yabbies have even gone in search of damper pastures.
  4. Nev, Once again you've misinterpreted me. I suppose I should have more finely defined the "graduate" to indicate a contemporary serving constable, not a certain retired constable. Also, I refer you to this painting: It depicts the basis of the saying, ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ("Let the cobbler not judge beyond the crepida"), which became "Cobler keepe your last" in the 1616 revised edition of John Withals's Shorte Dictionarie for Yonge Beginners. The words are ascribed to the Greek painter, Apelles of Kos. Supposedly, Apelles would put new paintings on public display and hide behind them to hear and act on their reception. On one occasion, a shoemaker (sutor) noted that one of the crepida (sandal) in a painting had the wrong number of straps and was so delighted when he found the error corrected the next day that he started in on criticizing the legs. Indignant, Apelles came from his hiding place and admonished him to keep his opinionating to the shoes. In other words, one should not criticize the expertise or qualifications of another unless one has the same expertise or qualifications.
  5. In my neck of the woods all there has been is strong wind. On Christmas afternoon we were getting 20 kt nor'westers gusting to 30 kts. Boxing Day afternoon it was still from the nor'west at 15 gusting to 25 kts, but then it started to back around WNW and made its way southwest and began to calm. I'd say the eye of the Low has passed over a couple of hours ago and now the barometer is rising. That's a sign of the return of hot weather. There's been no rain since at least the morning of Christmas Eve. According to the forecast charts, there won't be any rain here until Saturday morning.
  6. I dare you to call a graduate of the NSW Police Driver Training School a "bus driver". But then again, years of correcting the bad habits of average drivers, based on time-proven techniques to produce highly competent drivers counts for nothing if a person is self-taught utilising unexpected incidents.
  7. Well! That shit is over and thankfully, due to 2024 being a Leap Year, the next dose is 365 days away.
  8. When you raise poultry as we now do commercially, the birds don't get the type of food that wild birds would get, not do they get the exercise to develop their muscles. These factors must surely alter the taste of the meat, or more correctly fail to produce flavour in the meat. The days of raising a few chickens and knocking the head of a rooster or two are long gone. With commercially produced poultry, the birds produce enough muscle mass, but it is undeveloped, like veal.
  9. Watched that Australian skidpan one. Someone should give this bloke a few lessons in how to operate a steering wheel. Just look at the arms crossing over.
  10. More accurately , they have a pocketful of sidesteps.
  11. While the postal contractor only comes by three days per week, if there a parcel or large envelope arrives in town, I get a text message to let me know. Maybe that's a country town thing.
  12. The operational career of the F-111 came to an end on Dec. 3, 2010. Were we so recycling-conscious back then? Sure, it would be against security to recycle the secret squirrel stuff, but the rest of their solid components were probably OK to break up.
  13. They run on surfaces that are free from ruts and potholes. Hardly much need to damp the vertical impact of the wheel assembly if there is not much chance of the wheel assembly leaving the ground. A lot of which is due to the high C of F resulting from specialist tyre compounds. The more grunt, the less grams, the more go.
  14. I'm so pleased that they came out well. Perhaps they will become part of your family's seasonal feast.
  15. This was a "show up and show" event. https://www.dubbophotonews.com.au/socials/dubbo-motorfest-arrives-in-style
  16. The reason for training on a skid pan and not elsewhere is that a skid pan is built to be clear of rigid structures, and with a surrounding width of dry, high Coefficient of Friction surface that lets a vehicle stop if it comes off the skid pan. The idea is to carry out manoeuvres in a safe environment where loss of control will not result in damage or injury. The only benefit to handling that a Go Kart has over other types of four-wheeled vehicles is the extremely low Centre of Gravity, and relatively wide wheel track which make overturning virtually impossible. Their cornering ability is based on the fact that their tyre compounds are such that they produce a high Coefficient of Friction, approaching unity. The average C of F produced by a passenger vehicle tyre on an asphaltic concrete (hot mix) road surface in an urban area is about 0.75. What is "Coefficient of Friction"? In the vernacular, C of F is "grip". It is the ratio between the static weight of an object (which is a Force due to gravity = mg) and the force required to move the object horizontally. Being a ratio, the values of C of F range from zero to unity (0 > 1).
  17. !!!!! URGENT !!!!! There is a mistake in this recipe! The amount of butter should be 250 GRAMS
  18. The religious leaders, who were the ones whose position of control of the people was shaky because of Christ's philosophy, could have ordered him stoned to death, but doing that to a celebrity would cause a backlash. So they went to the Romans and, taking his words out of context, presented a case that he was just another anti-roman rebel who was fomenting revolution against the Romans.
  19. What's her nickname? Jupiter Pluvius?
  20. Jeezus! Don't open that can of worms!
  21. Do you suggest we return to the original reason for festivities at this time of year - when the the sun is overhead at the tropic of Cancer or Capricorn and the length of day changes, and we are halfway through the cold or the heat? It still wouldn't remove the stress of food preparation, organising at whose place we gather, and the inevitable familial frictions. I thing we should just go secular, ignore the 25th and move everything to 1st January, and give offerings to Janus.
  22. No wonder emerging countries don't want the Yanks coming in to fight for their Democracy.
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