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Everything posted by red750

  1. red750

    Brain Teaser

    Still waiting for an answer to the above. Meanwhile, can you see it below? When you find it, just reply Found.
  2. Gareth is correct. Rainman himself. This one might be a bit harder.
  3. This one may not be that difficult.
  4. When I tore a couple of tendons in my shoulder and had rotator cuff syndrome, I couldn't lift my arm above the shoulder. I couldn't reach to the higher cupboards to get or put away a plate or a dish. I was prescribed morphine injections directed by ultrasound which eased the problem. The effects lasted nearly six months for each injection, and I only required three. My last one was before the pandemic.
  5. I have a hedge between my place and the neighbour's which hadn't been trimmed at the top in a couple of years, and had reached up and surrounded the electrical supply line from the street to the property. I could trim the facia of the hedge, but the top was too high and I'm too old to be climbing ladders. I came home from shopping at about 5:30 last night and the neighbour had a tree service cutting some stuff in his yard. I asked the guy for a quote to cut the hedge and a couple of other plants, which he gave me. I asked about just doing the hedge and ha said "I've got my staff and equipment here, do you want it done now?" I thought why not, so gave him the go ahead. Within 3/4 of an hour, he had it done and all the waste disposed of in his mulcher. All done, no hiring a trailer, no broken neck, and the power line unfettered.
  6. You're right, my mistake. It's Peter Dinklage
  7. I have no knowledge of this subject or aboriginal rituals, but from reading various stories and reports, this is just my take on it. Each aboriginal group had their territory, like we have states and nations. Each kept pretty much to their own. However, if one group went walkabout into another group's territory, a form of corroboree was conducted to show that there was no animosity, the the newcomers were welcome to transit the territory. I believe that Ernie Dingo developed this practice for the benefit of the Pacific Islanders and it became ingrained in the routine of the groups, who then saw the financial benefit of performing the ritual at the drop of a hat.
  8. Believe it or not, it's Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklarge.
  9. red750

    Brain Teaser

    Correct. I said they were easy. Yet, on the left/right hand questiion, 19 people went out.
  10. Welcome back. I hope everything is okay with the surgery.
  11. red750

    Brain Teaser

    Super Bowl is the correct answer, but if you move the B from bowl to the end of super. you end up with Superb Owl.
  12. Yes, that's the clip I hoped to copy.
  13. Sorry about that. Unfortunately I can't go back and get it. A stuff-up with the copy and paste.
  14. We've discussed the intelligence of crows. Now check out the logic of this cat. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1262511565175795
  15. This is worrying... https://www.facebook.com/reel/1262511565175795
  16. The problem with his rusted on sychophants is that they think we are a communist country. To them, anything to help the poor average man is a communist action, even if they are the poor average man. "Let's not do anything Socialist!". And Donald plays up to that.
  17. red750

    Brain Teaser

    That's right. Sand does not flow up in an hourglass.
  18. red750

    Brain Teaser

    This might upset Jerry, but you have to wonder about the English. Some of the questions in this episode were so simple you could get the answer in five seconds, but there were still people who got them wrong and left the competition. Here is tonights first question.
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