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Posts posted by facthunter

  1. Gets down to an opinion. Only the rich can afford electric at this point in time and many have to keep an old car on the road or have none. The roads still have to be repaired. Those who use them should Pay for them. There'll be howls of "unfair" whenever you do it. Nev

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  2. Probably decided by the OPS management people on the ground which is fair enough as they pay your salary and it's not an increased risk. Dumping fuel requires consultation with ATC unless it's an emergency where you'd still notify them that you are doing it..  Nev

    • Informative 1
  3. With a four engined plane shutting down an engine is no big deal. You have to reduce altitude (straight away) and you will arrive a little later wherever you are going. Where you DO go you will require the engine be repaired or replaced before you can take people anywhere. Nev

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  4. You had to inform them that you are NOT Anglaise.. They both hate each other. The Brits say WOGS begin at Calais. What hope have you got.?  French  can be very obliging and helpful especially when you're not in Paris.  Nev

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  5. Emergency items are supposed to be able to be done by memory. IF you're shutting down a motor you need a clearance as a [priority and a pretty good idea how far you need to descend as a result of the loss of power. before you start shutting the engine down which they showed no real haste in doing. so it must have been precautionary. Noone was really watching the flying much and the airbus cockpit procedures are a bit of a ONE man band. I was mainly trying to decipher the language. The third crew member and the CM2 should have handled the emergency and the other concentrate on the flying.. I'd have to watch it again a few times but I don't have the time . You got a view of fuel being dumped and you have to delve into that to do it right. It relates to your landing weight and you'd be in the poo if you dumped too much.  and you're supposed to get a clearance for that too .Nev

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  6. Keating is only News Candy for the "Daily HATE", Newscorpse lot. He's always been a stirrer, calling the Senate "Unrepresentative SWILL". There's no point to doing the' tough guy" hunky ' provocative stance of Scotty from marketing as it just feeds the state controlled media in China. Likewise the "Wolf Warrior" Chinese thrust was counter productive to China-Australia  interests..  Nev

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  7. Look what countries do to People who expose their dark deeds.? Assange as an example with UK US & Sweden involved..  Bugging the East Timor Gov't by asio.  . There's other whistle blowers here being treated badly still. Nev

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  8. Another great technology ruined by the distortions promoted by  GREED. It's pure endless PROPAGANDA. Not NEWS.  Look at  the people who run these outfits and what their aims are. Utterly self serving.  Nev

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  9. We have yet to have any idea what It is all about. The more you get to know the more appears that you don't know. Collectively we are pretty clever in some ways when we cooperate. A small group of dedicated people press on lo.oking for answers . The average BOGAN couldn't care less. Burn outs and pokeys and piss and the fastest ute in the west and a missus all your mates lust over.  Nev

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  10. Yes I've had 2 Labs thrust upon me (for my good I'm told). What a life changing (ruining) and house wrecking experience that is.   No other thing is so happy to see you if you've been away for even a small time.. Nev

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