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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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Brexit court defeat for UK government - BBC News

So they're now saying that the will of the British people needs a further vote by MPs to be legally binding.


So much effort was put into trying to scare the populace that I imagine they thought a 'remain' vote was a certainty.


Let's face it, did anyone ever really think the UK would be allowed to leave the EU?spacer.png


Not a chance mate. . .it was never going to happen. Too many noses in the EU trough. The three judges in the high Court action are all involved in 'Closer EU legislative policy' so no axe to grind then, The Supreme Court will, of course uphold this decision.


This is part of the Govrenment leaflet every householder received prior to the referendum. . . meaningless twaddle.




Interestingly, the Lady who instigated the High Court case has some interesting support. . .


"This woman is a George Soros sock puppet.



The True and Fair Foundation run by Gina Miller has a trusteeship, [ see links below. ]




That trusteeship is with the "Philanthropy impact", it says "Inspiring philanthropy and social investment across borders, sectors and causes",




guess who runs "Philanthropy impact", yep you got it.




George Soros. Why does this man's name keep cropping up I wonder ?




True and Fair Ms Miller ?.




This clearly shows the connection to Philanthropy impact.






Philanthropy impact is owned and run by George Soros."




But of course this is all 'conspiracy theory nutterism' and pure coincidence. . .I mean, that nice Mr. Soros would NEVER interfere in the constitutional business of Sovereign nations and groups would he ? ( apart from the USA and the EU of course )



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Other way around, Rodrigo is ridding the country of the mass murderers by declaring them outlaws. You seem to get many things ass about.

I'm enjoying this Marty. The media is toast also, their influence is gone, as is much of their income.

Oh yes, getting rid of the media is a sure-fire way to a free and fair society.... spacer.png


As for your "mass murderers", do they include the many drug addicts that are being executed? Not a very christian attitude there old boy!



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I didn't mention getting rid of the MS media but pointed out they are getting rid of themselves. Again, you tend to perceive things ass about.


The program is tackling the supply side (outlaw dealers), addicts are being given free rehabilitation treatment by the Philippine government and nearly a million have joined the program now. It is very successful and both the clean up program & the President are hugely popular with locals. See the problem with living on a diet of Fairfax & ABC is you won't get told any of this stuff or about the utter misery, corruption and violence the drugs and drug dealers have inflicted on that country, you will be told the opposite (many of their staff are users for a start).



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The Guardian of Friday 4/11/2016 carries a disturbing story that the Brexit result will cause the demise of the High Street Indian Curry house due to an inability of owners to replace the original cadre of Bangladeshi curry cooks who are now reaching retirement age. It seems that the children of these pioneers have succumbed to the opportunities of the Mother Country and refuse to work in the steamy kitchens of these eateries. The Young Ones are pursuing careers in the Law, Medicine, Engineering and Finance.


As a consequence of the Brexit vote, skilled culinary experts from the former minor jewels in the Imperial crown are no longer free to pass through the gates around British points of entry.


The Guardian was able to obtain a comment from the Royal and Ancient Guild of Cod Cookers. "We rejoice in the result of the recent Referendum. Not only will it see the return of traditional British fare, but will reinvigorate our glorious naval heritage through the freeing of our fishing fleets from the shackles of EU restrictions. Let us march towards a new, glorious era crying "Two cod 'n' chips".





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The Guardian of Friday 4/11/2016 carries a disturbing story that the Brexit result will cause the demise of the High Street Indian Curry house due to an inability of owners to replace the original cadre of Bangladeshi curry cooks who are now reaching retirement age. It seems that the children of these pioneers have succumbed to the opportunities of the Mother Country and refuse to work in the steamy kitchens of these eateries. The Young Ones are pursuing careers in the Law, Medicine, Engineering and Finance.

As a consequence of the Brexit vote, skilled culinary experts from the former minor jewels in the Imperial crown are no longer free to pass through the gates around British points of entry.


The Guardian was able to obtain a comment from the Royal and Ancient Guild of Cod Cookers. "We rejoice in the result of the recent Referendum. Not only will it see the return of traditional British fare, but will reinvigorate our glorious naval heritage through the freeing of our fishing fleets from the shackles of EU restrictions. Let us march towards a new, glorious era crying "Two cod 'n' chips".



Here is a non-Grauniad link so you don't have to suffer their pretentious drivel




The curry sector backed Brexit and were hoping for easing of immigration restrictions. Currently a non-EU migrant needs to earn about £30k a year to work here.


To be honest I am not sure why they need to import workers, plenty of people work as chefs in the U.K. and could be retrained in Indian cuisine.



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The Guardian of Friday 4/11/2016 carries a disturbing story that the Brexit result will cause the demise of the High Street Indian Curry house due to an inability of owners to replace the original cadre of Bangladeshi curry cooks who are now reaching retirement age. It seems that the children of these pioneers have succumbed to the opportunities of the Mother Country and refuse to work in the steamy kitchens of these eateries. The Young Ones are pursuing careers in the Law, Medicine, Engineering and Finance.

As a consequence of the Brexit vote, skilled culinary experts from the former minor jewels in the Imperial crown are no longer free to pass through the gates around British points of entry.


The Guardian was able to obtain a comment from the Royal and Ancient Guild of Cod Cookers. "We rejoice in the result of the recent Referendum. Not only will it see the return of traditional British fare, but will reinvigorate our glorious naval heritage through the freeing of our fishing fleets from the shackles of EU restrictions. Let us march towards a new, glorious era crying "Two cod 'n' chips".




Harrumph !


Typical Guardian ! This SO-CALLED 'Newspaper' only bought and read voraciously by the Luvvy Elites,none of whom would be seen dead in a Chippy; is typical in it's total misunderstanding of the mindset of the majority of us unwashed plebs mate . . .


Anybody with half a brain knows that the most popular food order in the UK is actually "FISH 'N' CHIPS TWICE" spacer.png



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When the wife and I were travelling through Yorkshire, we went to a chippy one Friday night for a Pommy baked dinner. The locals were ordering theirs by asking for "something n chips twice". The "something" wasn't "cod" or "haddock". Do you have any idea what that word might be?



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Phil,When the wife and I were travelling through Yorkshire, we went to a chippy one Friday night for a Pommy baked dinner. The locals were ordering theirs by asking for "something n chips twice". The "something" wasn't "cod" or "haddock". Do you have any idea what that word might be?

Did it sound like










They speak a devolved form of English in Yorkshire



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Not one of them. I think there must be some dialectic word they use.

Wasn't "Scraps n Chips" was it? I just remembered feeling a bit baffled a number of years ago when my friend ordered it (he is a Yorkshireman). It is the scraps of batter mixed with chips.



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Phil,When the wife and I were travelling through Yorkshire, we went to a chippy one Friday night for a Pommy baked dinner. The locals were ordering theirs by asking for "something n chips twice". The "something" wasn't "cod" or "haddock". Do you have any idea what that word might be?

Rarely go to Yorkshire . . . the four types of fish usually served at our chippies are Cod, Haddock, Hake and Plaice. Due to EU fishing quotas, Real COD is rare, and is substituted with Pollock, which looks the same, has the same consistency, but is not encumbered with any taste. . .


If you had said that your visit was very recent, I'd suggest 'Kebab' meat + chips, very popular now. . .Usually smothered in hot chilli and curry sauce. . . .


Yorkshire is indeed a strange area,. . .with it's own variation of English.


For instance, ( I read this somewhere earlier today ) : The definition of the word TWERK.


1) Writhing about and wiggling one's derriere in an overtly suggestive manner, usually to accompanying music.


2) Somewhere to which a Yorkshireman goes every day between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM. . .



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Rarely go to Yorkshire . . . the four types of fish usually served at our chippies are Cod, Haddock, Hake and Plaice. Due to EU fishing quotas, Real COD is rare, and is substituted with Pollock, which looks the same, has the same consistency, but is not encumbered with any taste. . .

If you had said that your visit was very recent, I'd suggest 'Kebab' meat + chips, very popular now. . .Usually smothered in hot chilli and curry sauce. . . .


Yorkshire is indeed a strange area,. . .with it's own variation of English.


For instance, ( I read this somewhere earlier today ) : The definition of the word TWERK.


1) Writhing about and wiggling one's derriere in an overtly suggestive manner, usually to accompanying music.


2) Somewhere to which a Yorkshireman goes every day between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM. . .

I just had a mental picture of a stolid Yorkshireman twerking. Thanks, Phil, I'd just eaten.



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I just had a mental picture of a stolid Yorkshireman twerking. Thanks, Phil, I'd just eaten.

I apologise most profusely for despoiling your digestion Marty I really do. . .


Option 1) came from seeing 'Miley Cyrus' dancing in some rubbish TV show that my 'Children' seem to be watching when I call in. . . . !



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  • 2 weeks later...

All those fast foods convince me that I did the right thing years ago when I came to Australia as a ten pound pom. The one thing I do miss is a pork pie. The real ones from Melton Mowbray not a Woolies copy.


One national dish not mentioned is the Irish mixed grill.


Boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, roast potatoes, steamed potatoes and fries



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brexit working out well for working families PhilBuckingham Palace set to get extra £369 million from taxpayer

Yeah, it's a bugger innit ? Apparently 'We the people' own the damn pile. . .not Her Maj. So if we are the landlords, then we have to pay to fix it I guess, altough the lying slimeballs at the 'So Called BBC' ( 'So Called' being their favourite phrase for all the sayings that they make up ) omit to mention that we have to pay a mere £70 Mill of the total bill for refurbing Buck House. . . the rest is coming from the Royal Estates. Estimates have been around the £2 Billion mark in real terms.


I dunno, me and a gang of mates from here 'Oop North' could shave a ffew hundred thou off that cost easily instead of using them overpriced cowboy London builders . . .



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Rarely go to Yorkshire . . . the four types of fish usually served at our chippies are Cod, Haddock, Hake and Plaice. Due to EU fishing quotas, Real COD is rare, and is substituted with Pollock, which looks the same, has the same consistency, but is not encumbered with any taste. . .

If you had said that your visit was very recent, I'd suggest 'Kebab' meat + chips, very popular now. . .Usually smothered in hot chilli and curry sauce. . . .


Yorkshire is indeed a strange area,. . .with it's own variation of English.


For instance, ( I read this somewhere earlier today ) : The definition of the word TWERK.


1) Writhing about and wiggling one's derriere in an overtly suggestive manner, usually to accompanying music.


2) Somewhere to which a Yorkshireman goes every day between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM. . .

That second definition is questionable....I read that Yorkshire men don' twerk.



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Yeah, it's a bugger innit ? Apparently 'We the people' own the damn pile. . .not Her Maj. So if we are the landlords, then we have to pay to fix it I guess

Sooooo... if you guys are the landlords, how much rent does HRH pay? Maybe you should look for other tenants... there'd have to be a few Russian billionaires out there who'd dig deep to reside at Buck house...



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Sooooo... if you guys are the landlords, how much rent does HRH pay? Maybe you should look for other tenants... there'd have to be a few Russian billionaires out there who'd dig deep to reside at Buck house...

Too right Marty . . . since most of the expensive areas in London are now owned by ( Mainly ) Arabs and ( Some ) Russian billionaires, you can drive around at night in any of these areas, Mayfair, Park Lane, Notting Hill, Hampstead, most of Islington etc. . . and rarely see any lights on at all in the properties, having all been bought as 'Investments' and left vacant . . . if we, the landlords allow sections of Buck House to be flogged to rich people as fancy apartments, ( With a 'Rear' entrance of course. . .cough cough. . . they obviously won't want to move in any tenants, as that's never the plan. .. this means that the electricity / gas bills will be a lot lower. . .


As to Rent ( HRH ) the Crown Estates pay a significant amount of tax to the British exchequer,. . . this was suggested and begun by HRH herself in the late 1990s. . .( Bless Her )



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