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My vehicle comprehensive insurance comes up for renewal soon so I looked into reducing costs. The vehicle is 17 years old and has a value of 9 to 11 thousand dollars. Just renewing with QBE was going to cost $631, so I reckoned it was pretty high percentage of what I would get paid out.

I looked at alternatives and there didn't seem to be any cheaper, then I looked at Third party, fire and theft. That way I could get cover for just under $300, but there would be no windscreen replacement, so I enquired about cost of a new windscreen and was told $690.

I know I will have to replace a windscreen sometime in the not too far distant future so it is stick with QBE  and wonder how they can screw Windscreens O'Brien down so that they don't make a loss, or are those who don't insure their cars subsidising those who do. it certainly seems so.

The costs for car insurance exceed those for an aircraft by about 100%

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IF you comprehensively Insured they can pay out and keep the car and that happens if the damage exceeds about half the insured value. They will remove it immediately to some disgusting storage facility where it will be stacked and further damaged with a forklift.  Most windscreens are Chinese and if you know wat you are doing you'll get it fitted for about 275 $. These windscreens are nowhere near EURO quality and will stone damage easier.  Nev

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If your car is payed out you can ask to keep the wreck, often it,s not a lot to pay for a lot of spare parts, if considering having another of that model. 

We had a Subaru totaled, , by a rear ender. $ 500 to buy a good car with a bend in the boot, even the bootlid was undamaged.

We didn,t have chance to strip it, & was offered $ 2,000. Cash. Which we happily accepted.


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Keeping the wreck is not the USUAL arrangement and IF you have an unusually good or rare car you might find it's been removed from your custody.. I suspect SOME individuals in the Game, may keep and eye out for  GOOD opportunities. IF it's Insured 3rd party fire and theft, the vehicle remains yours. My insurer has a "keep the wreck" in the agreement. Nev

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