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How many members here use Zoom video conferencing?


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When Victoria went into lockdown and Men's Sheds were forced to close, many sheds used Zoom so their members could keep in touch. Our shed was very slow off the mark. In fact it wasn't until about four weeks ago, when the wife of one of our members set up a meeting, that it got started for us. I didn't have Zoom on my antique laptop as the webcam was very poor quality, and stuttered like the buffering of a video on a dial-up connection. However I played around with the advanced settings, and got it to a reasonable standard, and joined my first meeting on Monday with a few members of the Monday group. I missed the Thursday group meeting due to a podiatrist appointment, and just finished my first meeting with a few of the Friday group. It looks like sheds will be open again shortly. The Dept of Health and Human Services have given the go ahead with conditions, so numbers will be limited to ensure social distancing. 


I just wondered if any of our members used Zoom. I don't know how to set up a meeting, but given a link and time, I can join in.

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