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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Turkey is a predominantly Sunni Muslim country but, thanks to Atta Turk, operates with a high degree of secularism. In my experience there few women wear the hijab every day and it is not a specific requirement of Islam. Modest dress is a requirement of all Abrahamic religions and as to what is modest varies from culture to culture from tme to time and depends on the occasion.



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I've seen some uncovered ones that were quite scary looking really spacer.png suspected this may have been the issue that created this solution seeing as it isn't actually a Koranic command. Notice how the men don't even walk close to their wives?


The 'letterbox ladies' with the freedom sack are something else though. Always tempted to compliment them on their 'hot looking eyes' so their husbands will force them to wear sunglasses also. spacer.png



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I have never been offended by seeing a Muslim women in what they want to wear. From my knowledge most choose to wear it. Those that are forced would probably also be forced into certain behaviours by their husband if they were not Muslim. It is a cultural thing not a strict adherence to the Koran at all.


I do have a problem with some western women who flaunt their body without sense of good taste. The amount I have seen wearing muffintops showing a huge belly or very large women wearing black gym tights at the supermarket is visual pollution and hurts my eyes. Not a real fan of blokes parading in bike shorts either.


But it is their choice and as such it is up to them.



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Not a real fan of blokes parading in bike shorts either.

But if you wear them tight enough and they're covered with advertising, suddenly your middle age flab will be invisible and you'll look like a Tour de France rider.


(That must be how the thinking goes.)



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But if you wear them tight enough and they're covered with advertising, suddenly your middle age flab will be invisible and you'll look like a Tour de France rider.(That must be how the thinking goes.)

I wear the jersey because it has a pocket in the back for stuff and the nicks because they have a padded bum. I have even considered wearing them in the jabiru or on a long flight with qantas



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I have a few friends who are Muslims Bex, and the women make their choice. I've seen them without their religious dress many times, and they tend to put it on when they are going out, or at formal occasions. So they do have a choice.

Yup pretty normal, when coming home to Australia from Saudi Arabia for holidays when I lived over there. As soon as we where in international airspace, a lot of Saudi women would get changed into western clothes. Some were quite attractive and some would have been better leaving their ninja suit on.



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Fairly convincing argument. Believe or I kill you. If you could sell anthing that way you would be an instant Millionaire The French Catholics did the same to the Nordic people.Nev

I wouldn't call it a very convincing argument, Nev, but certainly a compelling invitation.





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You are correct. The absurdity of it as logic was what I would like to address. What you say offends me so much I will cut your head off. Clearly an outrageous concept. Nev

Yes, an absolutely outrageous concept; I hope it doesn't grow to become to norm in any more places on this earth than it already has.



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In very recent times in Northern Ireland, protestants and catholics killed each other because of what the other believed/didn't believe. The 100 years war raged for the same reason. It seems now that the Christians have outgrown this right is might unless you consider the killings in the USA by fundamentalist, born-agains of anyone who breaks the Abrahamic laws.


What is happening now in the Sunni/Shia conflicts in Yemen, Syria and Iraq is no different to the intra-Christian sectarian violence or the pogroms of Christian killing Jews by the millions because they were the "wrong" branch of the Abrahamic religion.


And in Israel now we see an awful lot of Jews killing Muslims (and vice versa) because of hatred of a branch of the Abrahamic religion.


I just wish they'd all grow up and mind their own business and stop looking over other people's shoulder to see how they are worshipping the same God.


Pathetic childish, ignorant, nonsense.


Whilever Islam, requires the death of non-believers, Muslims who have abandoned Islam and anyone who criticises anything to do with Islam it can never justify calling itself the "religion of peace". It is one of many religions which are utterly intolerant of a different view of our existence.


Christian religions relied on scripture to require its followers to accept that the Sun rotated around the Earth and burned people at the stake who disagreed. Only recently, they finally apologised to Galileo but still have the ashes of Giordano Bruno littering the Campo de' Fiori in the shadow of St Peters Basilica. What an utter disgrace!



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Christian religions relied on scripture to require its followers to accept that the Sun rotated around the Earth and burned people at the stake who disagreed. Only recently, they finally apologised to Galileo but still have the ashes of Giordano Bruno littering the Campo de' Fiori in the shadow of St Peters Basilica. What an utter disgrace!

"Christian Religions" I think you mean Roman Catholicism there.


Religion is awful and un-Godly but an inherent part of sinful human nature - including yours Don. That is why your chosen faith of Atheism has killed countless tens of millions and brought untold misery and suffering wherever the state has attempted to implement it.



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Awful, faithless, evil, sinful babies! They choose to be born atheist. May they burn in hell for all eternity for this blasphemy, this heresy!


faith of Atheism has killed countless tens of millions and brought untold misery and suffering

It's not chosen and it's even less a faith. Belief is chosen. If you don't choose to believe, you are atheist. Go figure! I don't know why this s such a difficult concept to grasp.



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Are you telling us GG that you are not religious? Really? You need to get hold of a dictionary and check for yourself.


While you are doing that explain to yourself how a person who lives and acts without reference to any deity can be seen to be religious.


Have another look at the meaning of the prefix "A" as in Amoral versus the prefix "Im" as in immoral and have a look at irreligious and areligious.


Also check out the difference between acceptance of a Scientific Theory as the most likely explanation of physical phenomena because it is based on evidence and logic and compare and contrast that scientific method with blind faith or the acceptance of a statement as fact with zero supporting evidence or logic.


If you are unable to grasp these most simple clear intellectual concepts then what is the point?


Trotting out mindless nonsense like asserting that not believing in your imaginary friends is some how a religion or that accepting scientific method has something to do with faith and nothing to do with evidence is beyond comprehension.


Try for once in your adult life to think and not just accept what some fundamentalist American preacher tells you.


I apologise if the tone of this post is a bit rough but it reflects the frustration I feel when the Sam drivel is trotted out in a holier than thou fashion. It is demeaning to look down on your fellow man because they choose thought over belief. It is demeaning not to the one being looked down on but to the one being high and mighty without the smallest scintilla of reason.



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Oh, and remember when we told you last time you trotted out the crap that atheists kill millions? Stalin is probably responsible for the murder of more people than any other single person who ever lived. Stalin was born and raised in the Russian Orthodox religion. He may well have become an atheist at some time in his life but and this is the bit you can't seem to understand, he killed anyone who threatened his grip on power. He didn't kill them because they were or were not religious (with the possible exception of Jews).


The Christians who wiped out half the population of Europe in the 100 years war did so because they were religious Christians and their enemy was a different sect of the same religion.



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Atheists can be bad people.


Believers can be good people.


People with red hair can be bad people.


People with bushy beards can be good people.


Short people can be bad people.


Fat people can be good people.


Smart people can be bad people.


Thick people can be good people.


Women can be bad people.


Men can be good people.


The reverse of each of the statements is equally true.


Conclusion? People can be good or bad.



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Stalin is probably responsible for the murder of more people than any other single person who ever lived. Stalin was born and raised in the Russian Orthodox religion. He may well have become an atheist at some time in his life....... The Christians who wiped out half the population of Europe in the 100 years war did so because they were religious Christians and their enemy was a different sect of the same religion.

They way you confidently trot out these ignorant notions is both scary and amusing at the same time. Yeah "he may have become an atheist at some time in his life" eh? Hitler was a practicing Christian also who wasn't at all motivated by his believe in Darwinian evolution I suppose? Up is down, cold is hot in Dons little world.


Fact is countries who cling to Atheism are universally noted for their misery, human suffering and loss of freedom. And this is to be expected. If you hold to no higher moral authority than yourself and a dogma of survival of the fittest you spawn brutality.



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You beat me to it. Marty.


No one cling's to atheism. It's a state you may arrive at or you may not. In olden times where there was not a lot of real knowledge about the universe, GOD was allocated responsibility for many "normal" events, like earthquakes Rain, Sunshine, the seasons diseases etc. Just about everything we didn't understand .The earth was flat because we regarded ourselves as the centre of God's universe, instead of what we are. Fragile Biological Organisms on a little speck of dust in a universe so large and that has existed so long we cannot comprehend it with our limited brainpower.. I also don't believe we are so important we must live forever. That seems like a conceit when clearly everything changes and every thing dies. we have genetic commonality with many life forms. That can be clearly shown today. Facts that can't really be denied. We now live in a time when knowledge is coming at an almost overwhelming rate and the more we find out the more complex it appears, and the more there is still to know. It is there to be examined and discovered.


Many religions still treat non believers with callous and inhuman actions. Why is that? and perhaps as much now as in times past. It's almost identical to old testament times. Some don't learn (or don't want to or are not game to.)


Perhaps THEY are CLINGING to BELIEFS, not atheists clinging to not believing . Nev



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Marty-d. How do you work out what the reverse of your statements is?


For example, what is the reverse of "Fat people can be good people".


Is it thin people can be bad people?, or fat people can be good, or maybe thin people can be bad.


Oh dear it is too confusing for a thin bad person like me to understand.


One thing I have always wondered about with christianity. The ten commandments seem to me to be pointing out that God is not self confident, the first commandments are all about God and the ones most people think about are the few tucked on at the end.



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