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Gnarly Gnu

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5 Ways Atheists Argue Their Cause (That Aren't Helping)

#5. The Closest Atheism Has To Leaders Are Terrible People


#4. It's Become Tied To Awful Ideas


#3. There's An Arrogance To It spacer.png


#2. It's Become Too Defensive


#1. It's Focused On The Wrong Goals

Did you think that putting it in big writing helps it make sense?


By the way, all of those points more closely resemble religion. Especially if, as seems likely, George Pell tried to bribe a victim of child abuse (#5).



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Yes, but you could give it a rest for a while Octave, continually asking for the names of the survivors of the Titanic gets boring after a while.

If we are writing a thesis then yes, we would be expected to provide a bibliography and references, but this is a simple forum.

"Give it a rest" - What? are you kidding? if you go back through this thread (or any other thread) you will find that I am not a prolific poster (certainly not as prolific as your good self)


I have not posted in this thread for quite a while, gnu revived it, but you are suggesting that I should not comment????


I am sorry if you are offended or challenged by me not accepting opinion as fact. I don't comment without carefully reading the links that others post (did you read gnus link?).


I did not start this thread and contrary to what you might think I do not go around proclaiming my atheism (I would rather refer to it as non- belief in the supernatural) I merely replied to a thread that started with an "aren't atheist stupid joke " which did not even make much sense (yes I am an atheist and I do know why different animals' excretions are different - I did study biology!)


Now I had forgotten about this but weren't you going to post about mitochondrial DNA and blow the theory of evolution out of the water?



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I have not posted in this thread for quite a while, gnu revived it, but you are suggesting that I should not comment????

Not at all, I would like to see you say something of substance as people did in the original context of forums.


Now I had forgotten about this but weren't you going to post about mitochondrial DNA and blow the theory of evolution out of the water?

Yes, I intend to and not just mitochondrial, but that could take months. I'm engaged in unpicking several ancestral family Illigitimacies over the next few months, and that might give me some practice.



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Not at all, I would like to see you say something of substance as people did in the original context of forums.

If you read my post you will see that it is mainly questions, not comment, I like to clarify what someone is saying before I debate them. Did you read Gnus link?


You seem to have a particular problem with me, I am sorry, but I disagree with you, should I cease posting? Does anyone else find my posts lacking in substance?


Happy to stop posting in areas other than my recent flying activities if my posts lack "subtance"


Yes, I intend to and not just mitochondrial, but that could take months. I'm engaged in unpicking several ancestral family Illigitimacies over the next few months, and that might give me some practice.

Any predictions when this might be finished Turbs? I am sure Melbourne University would like to know ASAP so they can stop teaching https://science.unimelb.edu.au/evolutionary-biology



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Guest Deskpilot1
Looks like a bunch of brain washed people watching a brain washed person try and sing.

Oh, them's some fighting words to some folk. Talk about a red flag to the bull. Best take cover mate.



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Oh, them's some fighting words to some folk. Talk about a red flag to the bull. Best take cover mate.

It's just tongue in cheek but I do find it weird when so many supposedly sain people get sucked into televangelists like Benny Hinn. I cannot believe people actually believe in that crap.



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#5. The Closest Atheism Has To Leaders Are Terrible People


#4. It's Become Tied To Awful Ideas


#3. There's An Arrogance To It spacer.png


#2. It's Become Too Defensive


#1. It's Focused On The Wrong Goals

#5 - Who?


#4 - What?


#3 - Why?


#2 - How?


#1 - Where?



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It's just tongue in cheek but I do find it weird when so many supposedly sain people get sucked into televangelists like Benny Hinn. I cannot believe people actually believe in that crap.

Err I spelt sane incorrectly as sain, maybe im the one who is insane. spacer.png


Although sain means making a religious cross with your hands or something so it all fits in kinda with the story.



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Well I took the risk and read the link from GG's ridiculous post. It is a set of nasty statements by Mark Hill whose eloquence is marked by his first statement that Prof Richard Dawkins is an "a....hole". That is also a mark of his grip on logical argument. In response to the absolute drubbing his blog received, he responded "I was wondering how I could get more [hate mail] when I realized I've never written about religion." So, for his first effort at writing about religion he has clearly demonstrated he has zero credibility.


GG must think Mark Hill is an atheist when in fact he is a bible thumper along with the best/worst of them.


Once you look behind the one liners that GG posted you can appreciate the simple minds at work and not working very hard.


Gnarly, if you can't do any better than quote nonsense from non-entities and morons, you'd be better to stay quiet - unless of course you *want* to make yourself seem silly and shallow.


(note to mods: I did not say GG is silly and shallow . . . in case you thought I had)



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Oh, them's some fighting words to some folk. Talk about a red flag to the bull. Best take cover mate.

Well certainly not to me, it is to be expected and pitied: 1 Corinthians 1v18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." As for the reference to David Phelps trying to sing (a very successful and highly regarded tenor) this suggests jealousy, again to be pitied. I note the fundamental atheists here have been stung by the article but not one has posted counter arguments to any of the writers five points, they are just upset with me for bringing it up as like all religious folk they object to critical scrutiny of their faith.



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Well certainly not to me, it is to be expected and pitied: 1 Corinthians 1v18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." As for the reference to David Phelps trying to sing (a very successful and highly regarded tenor) this suggests jealousy, again to be pitied. I note the fundamental atheists here have been stung by the article but not one has posted counter arguments to any of the writers five points, they are just upset with me for bringing it up as like all religious folk they object to criticism of their faith.


Didn't think it worthy of reply, but will happily do so if you wish as long as you will actually address the points I raise.


I would also remind you that you started this thread with a lame "aren't atheists stupid joke" (which, by the way, makes no sense). Did you really think that this thread would not provoke a response? Have any atheists started threads on this forum having a go at christians? If so I could you point them out? I am more than happy to keep my none belief to myself, but it is a two-way street.



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Well certainly not to me, it is to be expected and pitied: 1 Corinthians 1v18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

Have you never had an original thought? Can you only quote stuff written by goat herders several thousand years ago who knew nothing of the modern world and science?


As for the reference to David Phelps trying to sing (a very successful and highly regarded tenor) this suggests jealousy, again to be pitied.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are few things as individual as musical taste. I love jazz and I know plenty of people who would describe it as a group of people playing different tunes in different keys, badly. Some jazz deliberately includes dissonant notes. And don't get me started on "contemporary" music - the musical equivalent of "modern Art". And that's just the music . . . let's not forget that the lyrics in many songs are as or more important than the tune.


But I did think Mr Phelps bore a striking resemblance to Jesus having blond hair and a red beard. Perhaps that's why the born agains like him so much.


I note the fundamental atheists here have been stung by the article

Not at all. Just dismissed it out of hand as totally ingenuous due to a committed christian posing as an atheist to pretend that an atheist was criticising atheism. I mean how lame is that? And surely not even ethical, honest or in any way "Christian". You should be ashamed that one of your mob was so underhanded, deceptive and devious. Looks like the sort of thing the devil would get up to.


. . . but not one has posted counter arguments to any of the writers five points, they are just upset with me for bringing it up as like all religious folk they object to critical scrutiny of their faith.

GG, you must have missed my criticism of Mark Hill and his eloquence.


Oh, it would be too much fun to shoot down the rest of that drivel. But, I'll take a leaf out of your book and post somebody who has done a decent job on Mark Hill's mindless, baseless assertions.





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