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Everything posted by Geoff13

  1. The Gay minority will probably not get my vote. Not because I don't think it is time and there are far more important things our pollies should be doing, But because of the negative and oft times abusive attitude to anyone who disagrees with them. In most cases minority groups are fine with you having an opinion so long as it agrees with theirs, and anyone who disagrees is either a Bigot, a Homophobe, Racist or any of a dozen other terms trotted out when the have no other response.
  2. Not sure where you got your info David but according to my sources Britain actually did have summer last year, it was on a Wednesday.
  3. I was once told that you may never get rich working for yourself but you will certainly not get rich working for someone else. I have worked for myself for 23 years. A couple of points if I may indulge. If you are going to work for yourself then work at something you love doing. I go to work everyday and do something I love. I have worked out how to get people to pay me to do that. How lucky am I? Do not go into business thinking it is a 9-5 job. It is not It is an Ar$e Breaking, Mind Numbing slog 25 hours a day Monday to Sunday. Have a plan, know your value and never ever sell yourself short. You will not buy customers or loyalty by simply being the cheapest, you need to be the best and have the confidence to market yourself at that level. Most small businesses fail in the first 3 years. I believe that is because most startups simply do not know how to calculate their costs. If you do not know what your product is costing you then how the hell can you price it right. If you are serious about going into business then find a mentor. A quality mentor is invaluable. In my experience Mentoring beginners has always proved to be as valuable to me as it has been to those that I have mentored. We should all try to give back to our industries. Many are afraid to mentor people but I believe that shows a lack of confidence. The ultimate compliment to me would be if one of the youngsters that I have helped into my industry were one day in a position to buy me out. Oh and this line "you may never get rich working for yourself" is still so true, but if you do it right, you may be able to surround yourself with nice things.
  4. Oxleys on the Wharf got washed away in 2011.
  5. I haven't had a landline for years. I rarely get telemarketers on the mobile and one mention of the do not call register and I don't get anymore for another 12 months.
  6. I say go for it Phil. You never know at our age if we wait tomorrow we might not wake up for breakfast.
  7. TV. Whats that. I watched a couple of hours of Bathurst last year, and prior to that I did watch some of the Olympics.
  8. My missus has one of these in the en suite. It is set on green and when it comes on as you walk in, it makes me want to throw up. I would rather walk to the other side of the house and Pi$$ in the dark. Apparently that will not be acceptable though until we get a dunny over there. No sense of humour these women.
  9. My Old Man had this saying. "A locked door will only keep an honest thief out."
  10. Those seats are for the Blues supporters on Wednesday night. They won't have anything to cheer about anyway so may as well not be able to see. LOL
  11. Earthling Logic is the reason that aliens fly right past us without stopping.
  12. OME That was the decision I came up with whilst watching the footy last night. I drew it up on a piece of A4 paper scanned it and emailed it to him. His response this morning came with a quote and the estimated weight of the metal work. So all done thank you.
  13. I wish to draw up a framework to mount on a trailer so that the welder can see what I am after. In the old days I would have gone with pencil and paper. Is there a simple free app out there to draw a basic 3 view drawing?
  14. IMHO wars or arguments about religion are simply arguments over who has the better imaginary friend.
  15. ^^^They provide all the Jihadists^^^
  16. I disagree, it is nowhere near as bad as what some priests did. Another one last week admitted to 15 further accounts of child molestation bringing his total to over 70. This animal ruined the lives of over 70 children. As for the obscene Salaries, the reason you mentioned above is why I do not donate to charities unless I am certain that I know where the money is going. Hence my involvement in the hay runs and my regular donations to UCARF. (Ulysses Club Arthritis Research Fund)
  17. Where will they be trading them, maybe I can get some cheap tickets.
  18. When you order the small breakfast because you dont think you can eat to much. [ATTACH]48272._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. Damn you Yenn I just spat my cuppa Tea all over the keyboard.
  20. You are all reading the speed signs incorrectly. They are a challenge not a limit. At least that is how most people interperet them
  21. I once helped a guy build a Centura Speedway cat. That thing was so fast. I was to light in the rear end to be a top performer. But then maybe it was the driver not the car.
  22. The Leopard was a pussy to drive compared to the Centurian.
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