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Everything posted by Litespeed

  1. That and a heap of other charges, but alas he is just a "collector" I am sure.
  2. Ah- so if you didn't hear it on Alan Jones or Bolt, then it does not exist. The list is so big- the feds refuse to have a Federal ICAC. How about the bribing of Saddam Hussein at the same time as being at war against him? Very corrupt and also treason. Libs just denied everything and made a enquiry to suit themselves. Or the Bank note bribes to foreign countries? I could go on all day.
  3. Yes we have a bunch in power that many despise. Our biggest problem is that they also despise us. We normal citizens are just grist for the mill or cannon fodder for military adventures in politics. Australia the best laws and pollies bussiness can buy.
  4. The press release was from the Fed government dept. Responsible to the minister. How is that not their responsibility? I was sent twice on Wed and Thursday, with briefing notes to the Minister. If a minister is provided briefing notes- then it is expected and in fact his responsibility to read and understand it. That is the basis of the westminister system- not duck and cover when caught with your pants down. The buck stops at the minister, anything that happens in the portfolio is his to own. I was at home sick does not cut it. There is no contention with the state police actions- all lawful, but appeared heavy handed.
  5. Meanwhile in a parrallel universe. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-31/hundreds-of-weapons-allegedly-uncovered-at-gippsland-property/6737446 Bloke caught with hundreds of illegal weapons, anti tank weapons, rocket launchers, grenades. Massive terrorist clampdown and media blitz expected-----------------Not a chance, he has a get out of gaol card- he is white. Has only been charged with a firearms offence. What if he was Arabic? Asian? But naturally white folks can be trusted with a rocket launcher- good for hunting wild greenies they say.
  6. As a side note: for those that want the LDP and others to run the show "This month Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm forced the Abbott government into a partial retreat on an already trumpeted ban on imports of a new rapid-action shotgun. Leyonhjelm happily boasted in the Senate that he had undertaken political “blackmail” – in return for the government’s backflip, he abandoned a plan to vote for an entirely unrelated Labor amendment that would have required an adult or guardian to be present when blood, saliva or fingerprints are taken from children by the Australia’s Border Force." So now the ABF (Abbotts storm troopers) now have law saying they can take blood,prints,saliva and thus DNA from children and parents have no right to refuse or legal standing to protect their childs rights. Got to love how not even children have rights under this bunch.
  7. What here is wrong- a member of the public was filming a officer in the course of his duties. No offence was made, he was polite and within the law. The big issue is for way too long Police have abused the perceived authority they have. Often demanding respect and getting violent when it is not automatically given. This officer kept his head- the least he should do. What was the filming over? Obviously the cop stopped all traffic, including tram for a traffic matter. He could of been over a couple of feet and been safe for all and not obstructed traffic. Instead he parked to stop all traffic. Don't give me that poor cops need respect stuff- it is a two way street, the public also deserve respect. It used to be a Police Service not a Police Force.
  8. Better to stop them and hold them in case they think of doing something- That is the hallmark of facist states. I recall my Family members been locked up for the duration of WW1 and WW2 even though family was in the armed forces and we came in the 1830's. Why- good German and Italian ancestors. Our crime was genetic and no evidence to the contrary mattered.
  9. If only in the realworld. Robbo- just look at all the terror raids around this year, hundreds of police and lots of arrests and the only charge possible was for two knifes and a knuckle duster. Operation "freedom overkill" coming to a suburb near you.
  10. And for the budget emergency minded - The actual expected extra costs for creating the Border "Farce" is budgeted as $550 million extra over 4 years. And none of that is for extra wages- the staff are expected to lose benefits and take a real wage cut. But hey, they get a black uniform, a gun and lots of new laws nobody understands.
  11. It is complete crap that all this is Ok. The if you are doing no wrong-you have nothing to fear is just a standard facist line to appeal to the braindead. Since when was it Ok for you to be stopped and demanded to prove ID in public. It is not driving which has specific laws and hence a need to prove your licence. Walking in public is not a crime. Operations of this sort are not even strictly legal for the police-you must be under reasonable suspicion of a crime, otherwise to stop you is not legal. The Border force- black shirts have special laws with very little scrutiny and greater power than any police force and even far more than ASIO. We do remember what happened last time the Howard govt tried this stuff--- Dr Mohammed Haneef- ring any bells? Or the Mentally ill Aussie kept in dentition for years? If you don't see this as a major right turn to the dark side- the government has a job for you.
  12. Merit- Mates Elevated Regardless of Intelligence or Training.
  13. They have already declared they will not provide a full rational on today as it is " a Operational matter".
  14. Looks like "Operation Freedom" to me. You should not be worried, just part of the new normal. Black shirts with Guns brought to you by the Abbott Government. Bringing freedom to a country near you. Meanwhile- Abbott considers a Republic could be good idea, has already started thinking of new names including: AustraStazi Abbottabadland Abbottastan Freedomanot Liberalstaziland The Ministery for Propaganda will welcome all ideas.
  15. Phil, That's because once again the English failed to do your duty, and keep him under lock and key in the Tower of London. We did the whole scholarship to box at Oxford thing to get him to you, let him punch anything that moves and you still sent the convict back to us. Cameron and co have just realised they dodged a bullet by not having Sir Pository in England. He could have had their jobs.
  16. Abbott gets a hell of lot more than 2ook. It in 2014 was $539,338 plus a huge super, and gold card, staff, security,car and office space every year for the rest of his life. I would think he is exceptionally well rewarded, given the above benefits lasting till death, long after been sacked by the public. Then you have the resources of fully taxpayer paid homes, jets, cars, staff (minions) to do your bidding. You don't even have to pay for any food or drink- even for mates. The real effective salary is in the many millions of dollars. The big bank Ceo's are way overpaid. That is a poor argument to increase pay. The US president gets less cash than Abbott. Increasing the salary will not get better candidates. Anyone who would do it only because it pays a heap more- is not the type of person we need. We do not pay peanuts, but we do have monkeys running the joint. They play with themselves all day, pick their bums and throw shite everywhere. With the current style of politics more money just means more greed among the psychopathic monkeys.
  17. Because he refused to provide small seed funding to build them here in Australia. So the best young mind went to china and became a billionaire. And big power, big coal and big business steer the puppets where they want- ie. to flog dead horses and shower cash over the rotting corpse. But all new homes should be renewable powered. Solar cells, batteries and wifi mean we have no need for anything more than small community grids. New estates should not need connection to the wider grid. The savings would be huge and help pay most if not all the expense of each houses system. And no bills to pay except if you borrow too much from your neighbors.
  18. Not hard to think why- When you have such a bunch wrecking the joint. When you are lead by a Abbott who is in charge of not one but two Bishops. The Liberal broad church of ideas " John Howard" seems to have forgot how to run a scripture session, forget about a country. So they happily keep their hands in the till and scream- look over there, a Terrorist, pink elephant.. Even LNP voters are very unhappy. The mad Monk is kept in his Dictator seat by permission of his party. Julie Bishop is a senior member, so deserves to be condemned for her appalling support.
  19. where did you get that from- the Liberal Party or maybe the Australian? Average cells produced today "Energy pay back time" EPBT is 2.4 years approx. After that for the next 17.6 years the cell is making free power. This is expected to reduce to less than 6 months with new types of cells been developed. A paper describing the study appears in the latest issue of the journal Energy & Environmental Science. Source: Northwestern University Science is Science and has no bearing on what you may think is fact.
  20. Unless you are been paid a considerable sum to reprocess others waste and then store it- then Nuclear is uneconomic. You have to keep in mind that Nuclear runs on the no risk, all profit model for private companies. The government has to guarantee the project for capital and indemnify the owners for any insurance risk. Then as has proven overseas- when time comes to close the plant and decommission- the government foots the bill. So you have a technology that can only be used if massive and constant subsidies are provided for beyond the life of its power generation. Add in the 5-10 year build time, the almost zero trained nuclear workers and scientist we have- so all are imported or trained at universitiy courses we don't have. Equals more expense. You still need a large transmission network and a huge need for cooling water. And this all assumes we could build one without a double or tripling of cost and time. France, Germany, USA, Russia and Japan have all big Nuclear programs and have heavily subsidised them for decades. If we looked at the real cost to do Nuclear to cover say 20% of our power needs - you are talking well over 100 billion just to build at todays money. The you have to run it, subsidise it and regulate it. It would be cheaper to just give everyone free solar cells and a battery packs for the home.And everyone benefits except big power/nuclear. And have no need for expensive pole and wire goldplating. Unless we can become the nuclear waste dump of the world and get paid huge amounts for it- it will never happen on environmental and economic grounds. And we could never hope to reuse more than a small amount of the worlds nuclear waste- there is heaps out there. For those that say it is safe and works- keep in mind we can't even mine the stuff and not make a huge mess. Governments have proven not to hold the miners truly responsible for there mess, nor power stations. Why would they do better if both are combined? A nuclear industry here in Australia is just a pipe dream- stop smoking that pipe.
  21. I would agree we need independents, Greens and any other homo sapiens that can get into government- "to keep the barstards honest". It might be a democracy but it is a dominated by the government of the day. If you have a good/benign government then it tends to work well. IF the government is not pure ideology and/or self interest dominated then it works well. But what we have is a government full of ideologies driving policy. With a born to rule mentality and very little to hold it in check. They undermine any level of government/policy area to suit their own ends and not those of the people. They disregard science, law, ethics and any moral compass at will to get what they or their influential friends want. They might be only in for 3 years at a time, but the damage they create is very long lasting and for things like mining and the environment permanent. The also ensure that the money and influence flow even when they lose power. The Mad Monk has many of the traits of a dictator but it is by proxy of his cabinet and influential friends. He has shown himself completely incapable of policy that benefits the people and country over his interest. He has sent the country to war without consultation of the parliament or even his cabinet. He changes laws and creates new ones to benefit his political hold on power He has people held without lawful charges in detention, and removed judicial oversight He has created laws to jail people who report abuse of those in detention. When other laws actually make it an offence to not report such abuse. He has politicised the Judiciary and erodes the rule of law. He has politicised the Federal police and security services. As he has done for the Armed forces. All have been used a playthings of power for him and Government, the separation of powers as a central tenet of our constitution has been undermined by Abbott and his cronies. We all can see how he changed the operation of parliament with his speaker choice. We know he has a compliant private media and is actively trying to destroy any voices of dissent like the ABC. He might not have complete power but in general for the period in-between elections- He has power to dictate his will on the levers of government and its people. He has proven he will disregard the law, constitution, courts, parliament and senate- and do what he wishes. So essentially a dictator in action and intent. He even has nice black uniforms for his Border Force. A new force with special powers and laws to suit his will. Armed and complete with black uniforms. Anything this Black shirt force does is covered by special laws. They and their delegates IE. detention centre staff- which are often ex military contractors can lawfully assault and even kill a person if it is justified in keeping control of a detention centre. A justification of ' to prevent loss of life" is not required. And anything they do is shielded by secrecy- operational matters. I wish it wasn't so. We should very worried.
  22. Apparently Robbie used up 40 bikes and or rebuilds to get this trick done. And almost drowned a few times. He went 2 stroke for lightness and ease of rebuild when soaked in brine. More patience, money and balls than me.
  23. I have never been offended by seeing a Muslim women in what they want to wear. From my knowledge most choose to wear it. Those that are forced would probably also be forced into certain behaviours by their husband if they were not Muslim. It is a cultural thing not a strict adherence to the Koran at all. I do have a problem with some western women who flaunt their body without sense of good taste. The amount I have seen wearing muffintops showing a huge belly or very large women wearing black gym tights at the supermarket is visual pollution and hurts my eyes. Not a real fan of blokes parading in bike shorts either. But it is their choice and as such it is up to them.
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