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Everything posted by kgwilson

  1. When the Mexicans see this the wall will be redundant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhNs7HcBW6o
  2. Why I don't go to Maccas unless there is nothing else available. OME posted this way back. Northbound on the Hume Highway. How did they not see the funny side of it, or maybe they did.
  3. Getting back to the subject, I reckon one of the most obscene salaries was that of the CEO of Australia Post at around 5.6 million. The head of the US postal service gets around half a million with revenues hundreds of times higher and 60 times the staff numbers. What did Fahour achieve for all this before he bailed & you can bet with a pretty good golden parachute? He turned a 220 million loss into a profit of 36 million by slashing jobs but worse by raising the price of posting a letter by over 65% to a dollar while at the same time reducing the service where a letter now takes a week to get from one suburb to another. But there's more. You can pay an even higher price for express mail & get the same service you used to get when said letter cost 60 cents to send. I wonder what they'll pay his replacement?
  4. Crikey there is only one and a half trouser legs left to attach more medals. What are they going to do when they run out of room? Bigger hats maybe with rows of medals around them
  5. Seems the latest missile launch was definitely a fizzer.
  6. Yeah the word "Media" is a modern term covering a multitude of ways to convey news these days. In 1945 I reckon the word would have been "Press" & the word "Mainstream" would not have been used nor would "Political Correctness" realistically as I think that is a modernism too. Just checked Snopes & it is total BS. See Harry S. Truman on Political Correctness Good story though. There will be plenty though that say "Its true, I read it on the internet"
  7. I haven't checked the authenticity of the following definition but I like it anyway. What is meant by the modern term referred to as 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS'.. The definition is found in 4 telegrams at the Truman Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. The following are copies of four telegrams between President Harry Truman and Gen Douglas MacArthur on the day before the actual signing of the WWII Surrender Agreement in September 1945.. The contents of those four telegrams below are exactly as received at the end of the war - not a word has been added or deleted! (1)Tokyo, Japan 0800-September 1,1945 To: President Harry S Truman From: General D A MacArthur Tomorrow we meet with those yellow-bellied bastards and sign the Surrender Documents, any last minute instructions? (2)Washington, D C 1300-September 1, 1945 To: D A MacArthur From: H S Truman Congratulations, job well done, but you must tone down your obvious dislike of the Japanese when discussing the terms of the surrender with the press, because some of your remarks are fundamentally not politically correct! (3)Tokyo, Japan 1630-September 1, 1945 To: H S Truman From: D A MacArthur and C H Nimitz Wilco Sir, but both Chester and I are somewhat confused, exactly what does the term politically correct mean? (4)Washington, D C 2120-September 1, 1945 To: D A MacArthur/C H Nimitz From: H S Truman Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of sh!t by the clean end! Now, with special thanks to the Truman Museum and Harry himself, you and I finally have a full understanding of what 'POLITICAL CORRECTNESS' really means..... so now you know:oh yeah:
  8. It wasn't one of the songs. It was published on the album cover. It is widely regarded that the theme of the whole album was the distinction between religion and god. The two sides had individual titles. Side 1 was entitled "Aqualung" and side 2 "My God". Side 2 had tracks "My God", "Hymn 43" and my personal favourite "Locomotive Breath". In the last chrous the words "Old Charlie stole the handle" are replaced with "God he stole the handle". God is mentioned irreverently and cynically as is the hypocrisy of religions in every track on side 2
  9. In the beginning Man created God and in the image of Man created he him. And man gave unto God a multitude of names, that he might be God over all the earth when it was suited to Man. And on the seven millionth day Man rested and did lean heavily on this God and saw that it was good. And Man formed Aqualung of the dust of the ground and a host of others likened unto his kind. And these lesser men Man did cast into the void. And some were burned: and some were put apart from their kind. And Man became the God that he had created and with his miracles did rule over all the earth. But as these things did come to pass the Spirit that did cause Man to create his God lived on within all Men: even within Aqualung. And Man saw it not. But for Christs sake he better start looking. Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull from the Album Aqualung 1971
  10. I always thought the answer was 42 but then I realised that everything including me was a figment of my own imagination. So in fact the answer is actually nothing because nothing exists. Therefore nothing does exist. Aw heck this is getting confusing. Time for another beer.
  11. I see Kim Jong Uns great propaganda machine is threatening nuclear strikes on the US everywhere. North Korea's official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said the country was prepared to respond to any aggression. "Our revolutionary strong army is keenly watching every move by enemy elements with our nuclear sight focused on the US invasionary bases not only in South Korea and the Pacific operation theatre but also in the US mainland," it said. Seems a bit optimistic. Their last Ballistic missile test got whole 60 km from launch. Put a decent warhead on it & it will probably destroy the launch site. They might manage to get to the Carl Vinson if the Yanks run it aground close to the missile site. Tweeter Trump seems keen to make his mark as well. Perhaps he thinks he'll become more popular if he starts WW3.
  12. Our local Pub is having a special on Guinness for St Patricks Month!! at $8.00 a pint. That is EU5.70 at todays exchange rate. It may not be the genuine Irish stuff but the price difference is enough to make the taste buds adjust very quickly.
  13. At first glance I thought from the left, the first one was rolling a joint, the next one sculling a beer and the next having a drag on the previously rolled joint with the other 2 waiting their turn while the 2 at the far right were keeping a lookout. The third from right is either praying that they won't get caught or trying to act innocent.
  14. The other analogy on evolution is using a 24 hour clock to measure the 4.5 billion years the planet has been here and we came down from the trees at about 2 seconds to midnight.
  15. kgwilson


    If most pollies had a real job they'd have to perform to get ahead. In politics you just have to be good at lying with a straight face & never ever answer a direct question especially if one is asked with a yes or no answer requested. There are exceptions of course. A lot of them seem to have law or accounting qualifications but whether they were successful in their original professions is questionable and probably the reason they gravitated to the political gravy train.
  16. If successive governments had not put their collective heads in the sand but spent money on improving and extending the rail network our roads would be much safer, less busy, cheaper to build and maintain and transport costs much lower. The huge numbers of B doubles and other massive trucks on the Pacific Highway these days is mind boggling. And it's only going to get worse.
  17. Banning topics unless they are offensive is like political censorship. Freedom of speech is important and some issues are more important to some than others. This thread belongs in the "Off Topic" forum not in "General Discussion" which should have a general reference to something Aviation in my opinion. There are plenty of topics that have no reference to flying but have been the subject of lively debate which is a good thing as I see it.
  18. Yep some of the most highly qualified people I know have no common sense. How is it that there are intelligent people with university degrees or doctorates but they can't manage their finances & do silly things that come back to bite them. Sometimes intelligence gets lost in eccentricity.
  19. I agree with the sentiments of most here. Common Sense and Personal responsibility have gone out the window. I reckon so long as you sign a document stating that you will be personally responsible for your own safety you should not have to wade through all the H&S BS. This means that if you are at some building site or whatever & something doesn't look right to you, don't do it. If you need to enter a building & sign a waver then why do you need a 5 hour induction to walk up the stairs. Of course this will never happen as the H&S industry is now far too ingrained & making too much money for common sense to prevail again.
  20. The problem with all the tests and checks is that the item is guaranteed only to be in good working order at the time the test was done. If users are not vigilant or caring and damage something and the next user doesn't check what is the point. You have to have a safety oriented culture for any of these things to be effective. RA_Aus knows this all too well. And to make another silly point Why is it that TV reporters don a Firefighters coat & a hard hat when the bush fire is out & they are actually allowed there interviewing these guys who are no longer even in uniform. It just looks pathetic to me. Is this some sort of appeal to the great unwashed to show how cool they are.
  21. The west has created a rod for its own back IMHO. Back in the 70s I travelled safely through lots of Muslim countries including Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan & Pakistan. The people in general were friendly & hospitable. The Afghanis in particular were wonderful hosts. After the Shah of Iran got the boot the West began losing influence everywhere but the real problem was, that's where all the oil was. Internally in these countries there was always conflict and a strong man often emerged to keep the factions (e.g Sunni & Shi-ite) apart. Hussein did this for years until he go too confident & invaded Kuwait & it all went downhill from there. But no we had to go in & impose "democracy" where a dictatorship worked. It spawned Al Queda & dozens of other splinter groups with IS emerging as the dominant group after the invasion of Iraq on false pretenses & also as revenge for 9/11. We are still trying to prop up the West imposed Afghani government. What a total waste of time. They may not like the Taliban but they absolutely despise the West. No-one has ever been successful there. The Poms got a bloody nose 2 centuries ago, the Russians as well in the late 70s & now the West. We still didn't learn. We had to go & support the rebels against Assad & what a sh1tbox that has turned out to be. In the meantime after the imperialists got the boot we got all guilty about our past & decided that they could come & live at our place if they wanted to. Most were happily just doing that till the Shah went west but our antics have steadily turned the entire Muslim populace in the Middle East & North Africa against us with many using the Koran literally as justification. But still we are humanitarian & the mass migration from Syria has given Europe its biggest headache since Hitler. Now the Frogs are saying there will be "No Mercy". What are they going to do? Round up the 10 or 20 million Muslims & put them in concentration camps with a hitler style "Final Solution", deport them all back to where they came from & put a big wall up from the mediterranean to the baltic with a "Europe is closed" sign. I don't know the answer but I know it isn't to persevere with the current scenario. It seems at least one of the Paris Bombers was a Syrian refugee who arrived from Greece only last month. You can't always believe the TV news but some of the Border debacles showed a lot of young fit men in the crowd. The downhill spiral continues.
  22. I didn't indicate or say the investor via phone was Asian or from off-shore & noted that those shown on TV just "Appear" to be Asian. Many have made pretty savvy investments in property & while it is going the way it is in the big smoke you make hay while the sun shines. There are plenty though with fortunes made from the Chinese economic miracle that are getting involved & while there are enough loopholes in the system to drive the QE2 through that will continue. Yes we have a huge mix of races in Australia. Some that go back the furthest are Chinese who came to work the goldfields over 150 years ago.
  23. If they only took the Sydney and Melbourne property markets, the cost of housing here would most likely be much higher than Belgium which is only about the size of those 2 cities. The cost of housing is therefore somewhat diluted when adding regional and country Australia. Here at Corindi Beach you can get a brand new 4 bedroom brick and tile house on a 600 sq metre block for under $400,000. It's a few minutes walk from anywhere to a spectacular beach. In Sydney that would buy the driveway to your Garage, or in inner Sydney it would not do that as you would not even have a garage. I agree that speculative investment is the disease and low interest rates plus foreign investment the cause. Every week or so the Auction clearance rate is on the TV news. When the camera pans the attendees and focuses on a smiling winning bidder a high percentage appear to be Asian. When they are not the winning bidder it is an Agent buying for an investor via phone.
  24. It is all a lifestyle choice. Caravans aaaarrrgghh. Been there done that. I see what arrives at our Caravan Park every day. Most cost over 50k with a tow vehicle of 50 to 80k. Then you have the maintenance, running cost plus the cost to park the thing plus store it when not in use & you have to go outside to get anything. Me I spend nothing up front, fly to where I want to go, live in a 5 star luxury hotel & get everything laid on. I can also hire a wreck & get back to nature if I want. All at a fraction of the total cost of 4WD/caravan ownership/operation. I've made my lifestyle choice.
  25. Now Abbot can spend more time honing his skills with the "Ministry for Funny Walks" so maybe every time he opens his mouth he won't stick his foot right in it.
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