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Today my son asked what it was like when I became a teenager, what TV show was my favourite and what music did I remember. This sent me on a nostalgia trip down memory lane and I found these two little gems...hope you like them:



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I still remember the famous "crow call"

When I worked at 3KZ I use to do the Val Morgan Cinema Advertising recordings with Graham Kennedy and Rosemary Margon...boy I can tell you some stories that happened in the studio with them two...what a laugh



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I worked at GTV9 in the early 80's and there was one well known male personality there that would literally get bags of mail from adoring housewives all over Victoria. He used to put them in his car with his 16 yr old boyfriend and take them home..........



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Guest GraemeM
Until Zig ended up in the courts pleading guilty to child sex offences

Man, talk about bursting someones bubble. My life will not be the same from this point on, all those memories shattered.


Ian, don't you dare say anything about Mr Squiggle and Miss Jane.





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Until Zig ended up in the courts pleading guilty to child sex offences

Ah but did you know they were both 'Burma railroad' survivors.. Interviewed them as part of a History project towards the end of high school.



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Ah but did you know they were both 'Burma railroad' survivors.. Interviewed them as part of a History project towards the end of high school.

I had not one but TWO "Uncle Johns" . . . one of these was a survivor of the Burma railway, and the other was one of the handful who survived the sinking of a Japanese prison ship, which was torpedoed by an american sub even though it had big red crosses on the side of it. . . The Japs battened nearly all of the hatches down after it was hit, so that most of the prisoners drowned in the hold. Neither Uncle would ever speak about their expereinces, and the families were not aware of any of it until after they both died. Very sad really, but possibly understandable





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Today my son asked what it was like when I became a teenager, what TV show was my favourite and what music did I remember. This sent me on a nostalgia trip down memory lane and I found these two little gems...hope you like them:


Ian. . . . I LOVE the Aunty Jack song. . . . in fact, I've plagiarised some words in a post on this forum somewhere, can't think where or why BUT, I just love the old Aunty Jack phrase, . . ." If yer don't do what I say,. . . I'm gonna jump down yer speakers and rip yer bloody arms off. . . . . " CLASSIC STUFF ! ! AND. . . ."My Whahinie in Wang. . . . WANGARATTAHH! ! brilliant !


Once,. . .in a month or two of very little flying work, I did some painting and signwriting for a Melbourne based maintenance company, refurbishing AMPOL petrol stations around Victoria. . . .we got to Wangaratta, and did the local highway garage. . . I was personally responsible for writing "W A N G A R A T T T A" ( with one too many "Tees" ) vertically in blue text down BOTH sides the big pole which held up the station's roadside sign on the Hume Highway. . . and a local reporter from the "Australasian Post" colour magazine noticed this on his way past one day, he said that something about that sign had been bothering him for weeks, and he finally twigged and put it in the mag. . . I wonder if it's still out there on the net somewhere ! ! The article was entitled " Some signwriters are really Keen . . . ! ) Hopefully, my flying was more accurate than my spelling. ( I had far less than a hundred complaints about the flying bit anyway, so that was good. . .)





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