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Everything posted by Jerry_Atrick

  1. Over here, we have purplebricks - a self-sell website https://www.purplebricks.co.uk/ It is starting to do OK as previously, it was something like £400 to advertise, but now it is free, but they will sell you add ons.. It is still a long way off the other sites, most of which are owned by the equivalent of the real estate institute and that is because we are all indoctrinated to knowing we need an agent to sell a property.
  2. So setting under-achieving goals is political? Of course it is.. that was my point...
  3. Setting totally timid targets so as not to affect real change has the same, if not worse effect.
  4. Or accurately valuing commercial real estate...
  5. I guess you would argue that a worldwide body of reptable scientific evidence - you know - where they deal in facts and peer review - is dominated by politics and economics.. Quite unlike the oil companies and shrinking number of scientists who are playing to their fiddle as they are employed by them or they have a vested interest in th fossil fuel industry.. Ibecause these organisations are not dominated by money and politics... Is that the basis of your facts? Honestly, evey time you have provided something to debunk the facts of human driven climate change, they have usually been easily debunked themselves. I get you have made a bit of dough out of the mining industry (I am guessing) And I get that to stop fossil fuels now would be an immediate catastrophe for humanity. Bur pardon me if I go with the reputable science on this and realise, like just stop oil, is that we have to transition away from - not immediately stop using - oils and other fossil fuels as much as possible. The technology is moving forward to do this; there are still gremlims, but that has been the same with any new technology. We will never come off oil (although there are low volume substitutes) or gas as there are some things that are unlikely to be a viable substitute. But, we can greatly reduce its usage and this will be enough to avoid an even bigger human catastrophe looming on the horizon. Or is that all just made up BS to appease poorly paid scientists in their endeavours of world polittical and economic domination while the fossil fuel companies and their cooat-tail hangers-on are quitely going about their business with no damage to the planet or climate? (BTW, there is greenwashing out there.. somehow I am not sure CSIRO is in it.. but fossil fuel companies - you know - with green gas and green coal - are absolutely definitely not into greenwashing, right?)
  6. Evidence for that? Science looks to be on just stop oil's side..
  7. It's slightly incorrect; it should say "at least every 1/2 mile"..
  8. He sort of does, but sort of doesn't. Yes, the vests are made of oil and no doubt the back packs were, but I couldn't tell whether the clotes were synthetic or not. Be that as it may, it is incredibly hard these days to find natural materials clothing except in very expensive fashion shops. This is driven by profits.. we can make synthetic materials that are vey close to the real thing iin feeling, but they can be done much cheaper, but because they now almost feel and look like the real thing, we can sell them for more and make a better margin. I don't see their horses tied up, but most have probably ridden their bicycles or taken public transport. Also, Just Stop Oil is not about the immediate cessation of using oil products. If you go to their website, it is about the UK government not granting any more leases to extract the stuff to try to enforce a rapid but to immediate change in behaviour - both consumer and corporate. https://juststopoil.org/background/ Of course, this requies investment in renewables/green energy They sometimes don't think through their protests properly.
  9. The "smarter" ones are tax avoiders...
  10. I wa in three minds about posting here, Trump, or Gripes. I decided, on the whole, it was great, so I would post here. My partner's manager is in town from the USA and we had drinks and dinner with him last night. He is an amazing character with colourful stories of his childhood, from stealin a train and running it across states when he was 10, to accidentally peeing on monks in Sri Lanka. I am not going to try to recall them as only someone who did it can really give justice to it. In both cases (and others), there was nothing malicious in what he did per se, and he has proven himself to be quite an intelligent and positive contributor to his family and his community. Sadly, we lamened fallen colleagues; some older, but some quite young (30s). I reminded him it is a lesson I have learned - to maintain contact with friends until it is too late. I always enjoy catching up with him. I urged him to write a book about his escapades.. Hopefully he does.
  11. OK.. as much as I despise the man.. and believe me, I do, I think that one is in bad taste. He said if he wasn't her dad, he would date her or somethng like it.. In his lowest common denominator way, he was saying, "isn't she beautful.." is how I read it. As ny father would. He is an utter vile person - yes.. but an incestuous bastard, I am not so sure.. Until something more concrete comes out to suggest he is an incestuous bastard, it is, IMHO, poor taste.. Having said that, I am sure that the RWNJ/Q'Anons come out with a lot worse on Biden & Co.
  12. Thanks, OME.. A brilliant precis of the vid..
  13. Hmmm.. If this is true, it is a worry...
  14. This clip is from one of my favourite movies.. anyway didn't the old fella turn water into wine? Must be good but over here anyway you can't serve wine (or any alcohol) on consecrated sites apparently for religious reasons. Work that one out. BTW, I think I have posted the clip to another thread.. but it is appropro
  15. (Has been on here before).. Regulation will mean nothing...
  16. Appaently the UK has had its wettest Feb in 250 years (had no idea they were keeping records that long). And we have had 2.5 times the average month for Feb. And, today, it looks set to be the wettest March ever...
  17. "Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump".. Well, as long as he does pay up, I guess inland revenue, a couple of defamation plaintiffs, and some others do, too: Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump
  18. Forty.. the only cardinal number, I believe
  19. Sort of sums up the hold he has... The reality is that people are starting to think that democracy has let them down... the wealth gap ins continually growing; politics is becoming openly corrupt, and media of course, pushes its agenda.. Social media is a cesspit. So since democracy doesn't seem to be working for those felt left behind, or for those who want to blame their problems on others, sometimes justifiably, when someone comes along with promises of making their lives better, or at leadst getting even with others, they grab it with open arms. Most of those people in the vid posted by OME aren't stupid in the sense they don't or can't get it; as the video said, they are wilfully blind to it. I do fear nfor my kids and the next generation after that.. It is a shit of a world we are leaving them.
  20. Sadly, the news being reported does not coincide with the Polish ambassador's prognosis that Ukraine won't be subjucated: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-outnumbered-outgunned-ground-down-by-relentless-russia-2024-02-21/
  21. John Cadogan has become a bit of an anti-EV evangelist lately, although in his last video he does concede there are some good ones. But, I think, in terms of the slack cut to in-vogue industries and people against normal industries and vehicles is real, and this I agree with this vid from him. As an aside, there is no reason why Elon Musk should bot have been given jail time for his famous tweet he is taking the company provate and has financial backing from the Saudies. That was blatant market manipulation in spreading unfounded rumours. As the CEO and a person who had knowledge it could only have been a rumour that did lead to wild price fluctuations, if it were any other CEO, it would have certainly been jail time. But, Elon being Elon got away with a slap on the wrist. I am quite acutely aware of what constitutes market abuse in the US as I worked on a job at a big bank here keeping some execs from incuring large personal fines as well as ensuring the bank's fines were not increased c. tenfold. Anyway, to the vid: [edit] Sorry, OT, but no one else seems to be tackling it.
  22. Sounds like your making primal noises at hearing that...
  23. Trust me, if we could siphon a lot of it your way, we would. I know it sounds hollow (which is why I hadn't brought it up before), but this has been the westtest winter I have seen.. Normally the UK (well, the English bit, anyway) is a bit like Melbourne winters - cold, grey with sprinkling of sunny days, and drizzly - not really a lot of rain. Rain here normally comes in the spring (April showers, and all that). Of course, also a bit of wind thrown in for good measure. But, this year it has been squally. lots of rain and everything is sodden and boggy. And of course, the road drainage is built as if the country never receives rain, so there is standing water and minor floods everywhere; I will take a drive to the Somerset leves today to see how many houses are above water (it is a flood plain where they think house-building is great). This is the first year I have had to wear wellies (gum boots) more than once - ever. I may even have to buy an umbrella. In different parts of the country there have been damaging floods to villages and towns, but food security will mean I would not like to be on a lower income this year.
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