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Everything posted by Bikky

  1. He needs to learn to eschew obfuscation.
  2. Pretty well actually. Gave her every thing I owned and she's almost happy. Just wants my balls now. Dunno why. She never had a use for them when we were together.
  3. A very interesting link Current & Former Religious Professionals Not Believing In The Supernatural Some interesting stories from people who have lost their faith (or come to their senses!).
  4. It could likely be even quicker than that. Here we are concerning ourselves with the big, obvious problems when something much smaller could decimate the human population. Antibiotic resistant strains of tuberculosis already exist and viruses have a remarkable ability to mutate. I have read that we are becoming genetically weaker and more dependent on medical intervention with each generation. Scary stuff for us humans! I think any life form can only dominate for so long.
  5. Very interesting topic that has fascinated me for many years. Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca wrote: "increases are of sluggish growth, but the way to ruin is rapid." The rise of a civilisation is a slow process while the collapse can happen over a few generations. This is illustrated by the Seneca Cliff. [ATTACH]48044._xfImport[/ATTACH] Various factors are involved including those you mentioned of which the most important seems to be resource depletion. No good news here, I'm afraid.
  6. Bikky

    Republican win

    God is love and you better believe in him or you will spend eternity in hell! Grooming? I think it's worse than that. The term child abuse comes to mind.
  7. "Tutti frutti, oh Rudy" are the lyrics Little Richard was singing. What it means is anyone's guess! I prefer your version Bruce...
  8. To argue is not the same as a valid disagreement. I'm afraid you've opened a can of worms here NomadPete! For some ,yes. For others ... I'm not so sure.
  9. Actual verse; "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." I think you might be reading too much into this!
  10. I guess the words "sphere" or "globe" didn't exist back then. [ATTACH]48033._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  11. And the Earth is flat. The bible says so. Evidence versus opinion - opinion wins every time.
  12. A bit closer to home. They might be long haired-lefty pinkos, but they had some relevant things to say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y24hwp2F2c
  13. Bikky

    Republican win

    Aaah. Idiocracy! One of the funniest and now, ever more relevant movies in my collection. Time for a re-watch.
  14. Should be "Leftoid atheist fascist organisation", shouldn't it?
  15. Bikky

    Republican win

    Planning to flee to Canada? Try accessing the immigration website first - CNNPolitics.com
  16. Bikky

    Republican win

    But they cost more to employ! Let's hope that national manufacturing can provide what people want at a price they are willing to pay.
  17. Bikky

    Republican win

    How true! World history is interesting, to say the least. We seem to be very good at displaying a profound inability to learn from our mistakes. I think the USA is loading up and preparing to shoot itself in the foot, once again. At least they will have easier access to firearms. Then again, what choice did they have? A douchebag or a turd sandwich.
  18. Bikky

    Republican win

    He certainly has some "interesting" plans! I think there will be a few shocks coming and the initial reaction of international markets isn't positive. If you live in the States and haven't upgraded your mobile device or computer yet, be prepared for a minimum price increase of 45%. The great wall of Mexico. Really? How's that gong to happen without Mexican labour? Who's going to clean the houses, collect the garbage, tend the gardens, look after the children and run the errands of the middle-upper class? Interesting times ahead.
  19. Secret men's business. Maybe it was time for the "dust boy". Stay inside, and if you really need to go outside look at your feet. Respect the culture and you will survive. I have a great respect for Aborigines. I lived and worked with them for many years. I have a skin name and a place where I am always welcome. White Australians, well ...
  20. Old Earthers, new Earthers and now there's a growing movement of flat Earthers! I'm constantly amazed (and amused) at the number of people wanting to invent their own truths and coming up with ridiculous "evidence" to support their fantasies. We haven't come very far as a species in so many ways! The Flat Earth Society :: Home
  21. [ATTACH]48627._xfImport[/ATTACH] Read this in the news today. I'll translate for you as best I can. "A woman is arrested with cannabis in her knickers and in her intimate parts. Police also found a military rifle and cocaine." The mind boggles!
  22. Bruce, Marty and M61A1. In my opinion you're all correct. The common thread linking all your comments is religion, and I think it's high time we got rid of it and started thinking for ourselves. I live in hope!
  23. Those 800,000 muslims are doing a pretty weak job of it then aren't they? If every muslim decided to do as you believe and take out at least 3 infidels, this would reduce the infidel population by 2,400,000. Have they had time to do this? Yes. Has this happened? No. Do they really want to do this? Evidence (facts, not opinion) suggests not. As for lefty media - I had no idea that Rupert Murdoch was a socialist! Learn a new thing every day ....
  24. Interesting reading; 4510.0 - Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, 2014 It appears to indicate, that despite the popularly perceived notion that the influx of thousands of muslim immigrants is putting lives in danger, Australia has become a safer place to live! African armed gangs fighting each other is wrong but who got hurt?
  25. Geez! Things have changed since I left! You have sharia law there now? Looks like I left just in time ...
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