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Australia following Brexit


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I said in the other thread dealing with Brexit, that if the YES vote got up, the members of the British Commonwealth should welcome Great Britain back into the family as one would for a reformed ne'er-do-well parent. I think there are great benefits for Commonwealth countries in GB escaping from the EU.


Is Spooks implying that Australia should now push for its independence from the Monarchy? I'd say that we have 90% or so independence. What the current situation provides for us is a Head of State who is not subject to political interference. (Although I'd bet that Liz and Phil would vote Liberal). When, and note that I say "when", we become a full republic, I want to see a system in place in which the Head of State is a position which is not held by the person with the deepest pockets or the greatest number of financial well-endowed associates.


Anyway, what would be wrong with continuing to have an hereditary Head of State? Great Britain will be politically independent of Europe again and free to enjoy the fruits of empire building.


The Empire is dead! Long live the Commonwealth!





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I said in the other thread dealing with Brexit, that if the YES vote got up, the members of the British Commonwealth should welcome Great Britain back into the family as one would for a reformed ne'er-do-well parent. I think there are great benefits for Commonwealth countries in GB escaping from the EU.

Is Spooks implying that Australia should now push for its independence from the Monarchy? I'd say that we have 90% or so independence. What the current situation provides for us is a Head of State who is not subject to political interference. (Although I'd bet that Liz and Phil would vote Liberal). When, and note that I say "when", we become a full republic, I want to see a system in place in which the Head of State is a position which is not held by the person with the deepest pockets or the greatest number of financial well-endowed associates.


Anyway, what would be wrong with continuing to have an hereditary Head of State? Great Britain will be politically independent of Europe again and free to enjoy the fruits of empire building.


The Empire is dead! Long live the Commonwealth!



Oh no it was a joke! Australia dropping the AU to be 'stralia .....sorry, it was bad!


However you raise a good point and I hope the commonwealth can form the strong relationship it once had again. It is disgusting that the UK ignored its true friends in the first place merely to be part of a club that didn't even want us (look at de Gaulle and his antics the ungrateful dick).



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