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Place your bets! How long to Bubble-o-Bill melts?


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15th Sept 2015 - A snap Morgan poll taken this afternoon on who Australian voters regard as the better PM has found Mr Turnbull is preferred by 70 per cent of voters compared to 24 per cent for Bill Shorten.


Malcolm ought to call an election now!



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The real story of 2015 will be the Liberal party falling to pieces the same way that the ALP did after Rudd was deposed. Imagine if you where loyal to Abbott (only because he was the leader) and that now costs you a position to someone like MacFarlane (who was facing a demotion thanks to a reshuffle to get rid of the bad performers dragging the party down) now getting a promotion. I'd be furious.


Turnbull has to reward disloyalty and incompetence.


But if you reckon Bill has problems, apart from the polling, I would like to know what they are



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Much as I like to see internal divisions in the LNP, the last thing we want is wankers like Bernardi forming far-right parties and getting more influence in parliament.


Best result would be if he left, tried, and failed. That'd be a win for Australia. Unfortunately there are people out there stupid enough to actually vote for him.



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Loving the outrage from the conservative shock-jocks, they're squealing like angry piglets.


Phillip Ruddock obviously taking his revenge - payback's a bitch!



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