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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Hey Rev, out out curiosity, how come I can't eat prawns (Leviticus 11:10) but can eat babies (Deuteronomy 28:57)?

Kind of puts me in a dilemma of Biblic proportions on a Sunday arvo, eg; "hmm, throw fresh prawns on the BBQ or the new baby?"


Luckily a big voice booms down from the heavens "throw the prawns on", sounds a bit like Paul Hogan actually, probably Mick on the 4th floor having a lend of me.

you are taking deuteronomy28 verse 57 totally out of context , read the whole chapter, its refering to how desperate in the siege they would become , not giving permission to eat babies



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john chapter 14 verse6jesus said unto him ï am the way,the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."


the thief dying on the cross with him was promised eternal life by belief ,luke 23 verse 43 nothing else needed, (no time anyhow)


all else is window dressing which can be misused to suggest control of a persons salvation.

All the thief was promissed was , " today you will be with me in paradise "


Paridise , in the greek = plot , or garden ,


All he promised the thief was that today you will be with me, in the plot , or grave !





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an that's why its so hard to believe, and easier to follow another religion, which demands some sort of work to attain heaven, including evolution which is just another belief. aint human nature great

The HG is the key ,


Recieve the holy Spirit , and its no longer the natural man thats trying to work it all out .


Remember it was Jesus who said ,


You must be borm again to see( comprehend ) the king dom of God ,


Like the wind , you hear the sound there of .


And no man enters , Ect.


Also if youve got a problem with it being to hard ,


Outer darkness comes to mind ,


Or do you know better ?





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The HG is the key ,Recieve the holy Spirit , and its no longer the natural man thats trying to work it all out .


Remember it was Jesus who said ,


You must be borm again to see( comprehend ) the king dom of God ,


Like the wind , you hear the sound there of .


And no man enters , Ect.



yes we cant believe without askjin for Holy spirits help



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you are taking deuteronomy28 verse 57 totally out of context , read the whole chapter, its refering to how desperate in the siege they would become , not giving permission to eat babies

I don't give a toss about the circumstance, the permission is there that should never be under any circumstance.


the thief dying on the cross with him was promised eternal life by belief ,.

Along with most of the 15 Nuremberg Trial Nazis.


Seems you can go around killing, pillaging, raping and murdering 10's of millions of people including Christ's own but hey, repent a few days before they neck you and all is good - "Yeah fella's, come right in, you're excused".


My Mum, sweetest, most charitable, honest person one could know ain't going, not a believer, probably no room with those fat murdering Nazi's there anyway.



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So what do you imagine heaven would be like, rev?rgmwa

He , Jesus , goes to prepare a place for us , that where he is ,we will be there also .


He likens it to a mansion .


( hope its not a Mc Mansion )


Just sayin,





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So what do you imagine heaven would be like, rev?rgmwa



without the pain, disease, hardship, death,, and sins of this world, in a perfect resurrected non-aging body with all needs taken care of by our heavenly father, in a new creation, where my believer relatives and friends gone before me , await me.



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,without the pain, disease, hardship, death,, and sins of this world, in a perfect resurrected non-aging body with all needs taken care of by our heavenly father, in a new creation, where my believer relatives and friends gone before me , await me.

Your words , not the bibles .


At least the rellys bit ,


Sounds Mormon



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So what do you imagine heaven would be like, rev?rgmwa

Well we have to presume the first 144,000 authoritative ruling positions are taken up already, so I guess that leaves either footwasher, white robe washer or palm branch trimmer. Oh, maybe translator.


Whichever it is he's gunna be busy now that they have all woken up.


Revelations 20 1-6


The 144,000 are those sealed and risen with Christ who have the athority to judge, who did not receive the mark .... the rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1,000 years were ended.


Revelation 7:9 - "After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands..."



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,without the pain, disease, hardship, death,, and sins of this world, in a perfect resurrected non-aging body with all needs taken care of by our heavenly father, in a new creation, where my believer relatives and friends gone before me , await me.


I got all of that when I moved out of Logan City.



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