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Kyle Communications

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Posts posted by Kyle Communications

  1. So, Gnarly and all true believers, anything in the following that you disagree with?


    Now I thought that was spot on and on the money....I must be a atheist what a good pointed video about literal interperations



  2. http://www.launc.tased.edu.au/online/sciences/agsci/alkalo/popindus.htm


    Tasmania is the world's largest producer of opium alkaloids for the pharmaceutical market.


    The industry is highly efficient. It produces about 50% of the world's concentrated poppy straw (CPS) for morphine and related opiates from merely 10.7% of the production area. (Concentrated Poppy Straw is actually the extracted opiates crystallized out of solution,



  3. Welfare is NOT a right at all.....as Howard says its a privlige of a prosperous country. I don't believe we or any country should cast aside the down trodden or people who can not find work. BUT we need to stop bleeding money the fairest way would be to use the old system of food stamps...everyone has to eat to survive.,..the next thing is housing...They all need to live somewhere and not on the streets, more housing needs to be made this will help employment of course. And everyone will need some sort of money so a stipend of say $40.00 per week for those who are on welfare or unemployed would be reasonable.


    Think of how much work would be generated building accommodation and the infrastructure required to suit. And anyone sitting back bludging on the system is not going to like 40 bucks for cash but they can still eat and live somewhere. This would be an incentive for the bludgers to actually go out and get or search for a job at least....might be far less surfers on the coastal cities too then.


    Its a huge problem...you also have the people who are genuinely disabled to think about this would require a somewhat different approach but I am sure it could be done and it would probably be better and much cheaper than what we have now.


    I saw the Q&A with Jacquie that was really funny she didn't pull any punches...and yes she may not be my cup of tea but at least she has the balls to say what she thinks


    and damn the rest



  4. I don't have any problems with the shootings at all.......you want to attack a police officer with a knife or a samurai sword or a lump of pipe....then you know what will happen same as drug mules caught in Singapore or Malaysia they get the firing squad...I have no issue with that either...then we don't have to keep them in jail for $80,000 a year each. Sorry I am not a do-gooder I am a realist



  5. OME you want to get your self defence up to scratch too....been heaps of public bus drivers attacked up here as well....I don't know what is wrong with people now days..the latest was 2 women attacked by punching and bit and spit on a bus driver because they refused to pay the $2.50 fare...they got them on the video its been playing up here...they got them...about 40 I think these women were...I just don't understand what goes on nowadays.. Women that old you would think had some sense



  6. We have heritage accounts and a loan through them they have been fantastic the only issue is they don't have many branches and you can't do international transfers via the internet with them....when they start that good old Westpac will be getting the flick from me...I hate them but sort of stuck because I do use the international transfer side a lot



  7. Adafruit are a real push in the homebrew/kit electronics market...They have a heap of Eagle libraries I use for my pcb stuff. Now I see you display it is individually addressed and colour RGB must be some sort of I2C bus. Now it would be a trick to display what you want using this led module as it needs to be "decoded" with your software to be able to drive the appropriate display... Bit out of my level of programming....I am much better with hardware than the software although I can usually get stuff working ok. Got a lift controller working at my farm it is run with arduino and xbee units. The lift carriage up and down is wireless operation the upstairs and downstairs controls are wired to the main arduino master control. Lift carriage has a gate interlock etc. This was taken when I first got it going..it is used all the time just needs a bit of tidying up which happens from time to time when we get up there



  8. You will have to come up with a calculation that turns your error output or angle output to a reference that can then be used to operate a bit on the port or you could do it a easier way just use a lm3914 barograph display driver it only needs a voltage input on a scale it can be calibrated as such...the output of your gyro sensor can go into the adc then you can use a pam to drive the lm3914 for a easier display



  9. Running Mozilla net products and aftermarket antivirus, drive partitioned, etc etc - I neither need nor want Microsloth updates! When I get a spare month it'll be Linux time...

    I run xp on my macpro under parallels and my imac with xp in bootcamp works like a treat i use win7 where i work and i put up with it but funny enough 7 lets you run xp as a virtual machine and that is a download from microsloth shows that even microsloth thinks their win7 still cant cut the mustard



  10. I still say it's a money spinner. Been in the electrical and electronics industry for over forty years, I'm not entirely stupid, despite what some may think. All the risk assessments, work health and safety procedures, rules and regulations and whatever that have been installed over the last twenty or more years have barely made a dent in the overall numbers of deaths and injury to workers. Why? Because idiots will always be idiots be it the worker doing the wrong thing or the business owner trying to save a buck. Where I work, brand new power cords are binned if they do not have a tag on them and the pencil sharpener can only be operated by those that have done and passed the three day pencil sharpener course. (The last comment about the pencil sharpener is a blatant lie)


    This is why they have the Darwin awards...natural selection by intelligence



  11. Most zealots hang together in groups where their ideas are reinforced and not questioned.

    As for the refugee system, someone once said....."no man knows how much he can endure until he must".


    I lived in a system like that once, trapped, unable and not allowed to leave the country, forced to work long hours for a pittance, constantly threatened and belittled. They call it the Child Support Agency.

    here here..been there done that got the empty bank balance to show for it too



  12. But our society is declining. Look how many churches are closing every year. How often do you go to church with your children and grandchildren? Do you host mid week prayer meetings? How about evangelising, when was the last time you shared the good book with your neighbours?


    After 12 years at a christian brothers catholic school it turned me into a NON practicing catholic



  13. Or never had them in the first place.

    Australia, an affluent, modern, western democracy, is the home of some people with passports, drivers licences and birth certificates which are essential to proving identity. If you come from a poor country and have never traveled or owned a car there is a good chance that you will have no identity papers. No papers, no visa, no entry by air to try your luck.


    Even though we live in an affluent, modern, western democracy there would be a large number of people living here without identity paperwork, for one reason or another.


    When the gun is at anyone's head and they need to escape the clutches of their country what are their chances of having the right paperwork at the right time. A lack of papers should never be a presumption of bad intentions.



    Remember we are talking about the people arriving on boats here...are you trying to tell me that someone who can front up the US$20,000 to get on those boats does NOT have ay means of identification?????....someone from a refugee camp in the congo or sudan yes I can understand it totally but not in the boat case...they wilfully destroy or do not bring documentation at all so if they want to do that well they can sit in a detention camp for as long as it takes



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