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Testing translator

Guest Deskpilot1

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Guest Deskpilot1

Din domeniul aminlaparatelora.


in tip. 7 este prezentat avionul


AS-37, proiectat de constructorul


amator Andre Starck. avind carac-


teristici constructive cu totul ori- ra virteiuriior rnarginele ale aripi-


ginale. prevazut a avea o viteza lor (de la extremitatea acestora).


maxime de lil lrmlora. o viteza se obtine un elect dledru (tara a


minima de numai 10 knyora. şi mai li necesar ca aripile sa fie


o distanta de zbor de 150) lrm. dispuse in «Va). aa rnareşte re-


Oripînalitataa acestui mic biplen ziatenta la lncovoiere ei le torsiune


consta in primul rind in faptul ca a celor doua aripi. ln plus. eiira-


~ale doua aripi sint mult decalate cttataa eleroanolor creşte. atit da-


na lata de alta. iar elicele (doua) torita dlatantaril lor maxima tata


-'sînt introduse chiar intre aripi (ln de axa longitudlnaia (de rullu) a


spatiul numit interplan). Printr-o aparatului. clt-şi datorita faptului


asemenea dispunere neobişnuita. calacoborlriabrupta (alnlundarea)


se obţine o aspiratie a stratului incldentaloralectivaesternalrnica


limita de peextradosularipei supe- decit incidenta aripilor. Cu alte


, rioare şi un auliai al acestui strat cuvinte. aceste eieroane permit un


pe aripa interioara. ln acest tel. gen de coborlre ein peraeutaa,


ee mareste unghiul de incidenta tara pierderea controlului transver-


critica. se mentine capacitatea de sal. Acest rninlavion este echipat


controla aparatului. miceorlnrlu-se cu un motor de automobil. Citroen


in rnod corespunzator viteza mi- G-12deflC.P.. oudcllindri. Con-


nima de zbor. precum ei lungimile cum de combustibil. 9 litri pe ora.


de decolare-aterizare (avion cate- sau 6 litri la till ltm parcurşi in


goria DAS). Se inlatura astlel şi zbor. Constructia celulei este In


pericolul lovirii la sol. de catre lemn deapruce. lnvellşul din con-


palele elicel, a peraoanelor care treplacal. Profilul aripei este con-


trec prin apropiere. Se mai observa stant petoataanvergura celor doua


suprafeţele aerodinamica inclinate aripi de forma dreptunghiulara in


la 45 şi care leaga extremitatile plm (lil nervuri identice). Poetul


aripilor. purtind ln acelasi timp şi de pilotaj este dublu. cu dispunem


eleroenele. Printr-o asemenea die- tranaveraală a celor doua acaune


punere se reduc pierderile datori- ale pilotilor.


No success. spacer.png



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Guest Deskpilot1

Thanks for your reply Pookemon. I had already tried babylon and found, as you say, SOME of the words translate. I wonder why it's so hard to get a full translation.



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Guest pookemon

Automatic translators are generally pretty terrible at translating anyway and while they will translate from one language to another, they will be targetted at a specific dialect. Within any language there will be various variations and something like babelfish will target one specific variation. Add to that the fact that a technical document often contains words which are specifically created within the field to suit the local dialect and it makes it that much more difficult to translate electronically.


As some of the words do translate in Romanian, the language itself may be a variation of the Romantic language family - of which there are quite a few (according to Wikipedia). Or it may just take variations of words and splice them together to produce new words that suit whatever is being described. Of course being Aviation based, it's possible that half the words are from other languages which have then been shoe-horned into Romanian (thing empennage, fuselage, etc.)


I'm thinking that unless you can find a Romanian, who might be able to shed some light on it, you may have problems... :(



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