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Everything posted by rhysmcc

  1. It kinda already is, except we (the voting public) fail to follow through on poor performance. If a politican is doing a crap job then they should only last a term and not qualify for such a hefty pension, however time after time we continue to reelect poor performers. So who's really to blame?
  2. So small companies aren't out to make money and large ones don't employ people? Apple has had it's fair share at the losing end of competition. They have done "new" ideas very well but when it comes to doing something someone else already does they tend to fail (i.e. Apple Maps vs Google Maps)
  3. So basically the Lease Agreement is still in affect (hasn't been terminated by mutual agreement, by the end date or by the tribunal). Even know your not living in the house, you are still legally liable for meeting the terms of the Lease agreement, i.e. paying rent, keeping of grounds etc. Sucks I know, I've been in the same boat where I paid rent for 2 months after I left (before the lease ends). I take it there has been a mine shutdown in the town so renting out the property is almost impossible, even if you offered to pay relief to bring the weekly rent amount down?
  4. That could be the problem then, you've signed and agreed to pay for 10 months. If they haven't found anyone new then Aren't you legally liable to keep paying? Have you applied to have the lease terminated under section 310? Giving a Notice Intention to Leave doesn't absolve the Lease Agreement you've signed, your liable until that's terminated (the lease end date, by mutual agreement or by the tribunal)
  5. I doubt Anna will be around in 3 years time, she was selected by only 6 members, now there is at least 43 she'll need support from to keep the job.
  6. If you don't want to use internet other then wifi you can switch it off by going Settings -> Cellular -> Cellular Data (slide button to the left) If your just worried about certain apps using your mobile internet, them further down on the same menu you should see a list of all your apps which can be turned off from accessing your cellular data. Also make sure auto updates over cellular is switched off by Settings -> iTunes & App Store -> Use Cellular Data (slide to the left to turn off) Hope that helps
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