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Gnarly Gnu

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Posts posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. My Gripe is that this world is FULL of diets to help people loose weight but I have never found one that will help me put on weight. spacer.pngspacer.png70 kg Alan.

    Try a cork!


    (at the far end I mean)



  2. Well here in the land of the gods (queensland) its too hot and too windy to fly

    Yes I've been working in Brisbane and Mackay lately and I've come to appreciate the weather back here at home. QLD is lovely but it does seem a cloudy windy kinda place.



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  3. I don't think the Medicare card is anything like the proposed Australia Card. Haven't used my Medicare card in years but the AC was intended for regular use such as renting a car, boarding a flight etc. Howard was a real mixture, a creepy socialist in some areas and this was one of them.



  4. There are very few tax dodges left in Australia

    Union official.


    Even better you don't actually have to earn the money to avoid the tax - the tax free money just... comes to you.



  5. You paying income tax Ian? If you have a family you'll get it back via family welfare payments or whatever they call the circular cash scheme (unless you are earning big dosh).


    This guy has some ideas for serious tax reform in Australia. Personally I think a simple flat tax with a standard single page tax return form would be the go, put some incentive back into the system.



  6. Had this guy call me at work from Foxtel, thought he was just trying to sign me up and I was about the hang up but for some reason I hesitated for a couple of seconds. Turns out he was an engineer there and wanted some work done, ended up getting about $150k of business from them.... spacer.png



  7. Hi all, I have seen on Bigpond a few companies ripping customers off using the carbon tax as a excuse.Eg- a funeral business, trying to charge a family a extra $55 to bury their love one.

    Well the funeral companies costs would certainly have increased on July 1 so their fees could be expected to rise some degree or are you just disputing the amount? The power costs are higher, superannuation is higher, A/C install & servicing much higher and so it goes on for all Australian businesses. I wonder about the crematorium aspect also; not sure how these are powered? The local aluminium in the Jabiru engines just went up by $380 per tonne.


    The carbon tax is a reverse tariff - it taxes local business without harming imported goods or services.



  8. India is trashing its reputation and exporting its corruption - between these lying thieves, the rude call centre intruders and the fake pharmaceutical pills the country is set to be regarded like Nigeria before long.



  9. This is here for no other reason than to get my 100th post up....

    Hey Pete the Printa can you print ASIC cards? spacer.png


    (Sorry OT.... but then I'm not sure what the topic was?!)



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