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Posts posted by shags_j

  1. Don't know about you guys but after selecting that I want to upgrade I got a box later that asked me if I was ready to download and update. I could put it off for as long as I wanted.


    Saying that I did it straight away (I didn't apply for it till late hoping that some of the bugs would be fixed). I have encountered two problems:


    1. A continual loading icon constantly flashing on the cursor (had a problem with my fingerprint scanner, really quick fix to this without having to disable it)


    2. An error message that told me the start menu and Cortana were having issues (not sure I should be worried about marital problems of my computers AI, but anyways) after much searching found a quick fix to that problem also.


    So all in all no problems that weren't an easy fix and slightly better performance than before.



  2. My windows 10 is running a higher fps in games than 8. Given that's all I really do on my laptop I am stoked thus far.


    The programs it takes a bit to get used to but they are in the start menu somewhere. Personally I was just getting used to the windows 8 way of finding programs but I guess the older users complaining got their way and the start menu is back.


    If you are looking for a specific program, try using the search (default is a search bar, bottom of screen, if not there is search in the start menu). Type in your program name and it should appear. I don't see why the update should have deleted programs.



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