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Posts posted by Spooks

  1. The Borg are an alien cybernetic life-form in the Star Trek series, which is part organic and part artificial. Each Borg has an implanted bio-chip which links their brains to a collective consciousness.

    They are quite antagonistic and expansionist, and forcibly "assimilate" other civilisations by capturing them and injecting nanoprobes into their bodies which can re-program DNA.


    Borg Queen:





    Some Borg look far nicer



  2. Spooks. So you would rather be a rooster than a hen. I have knocked over hundreds of roosters and they taste good, but we kept the pullets to grow into hens which are useful

    Well most people call me a cock spacer.png



  3. Afterlife.....Is that about life after Trump?


    Ever stop to wonder what the NEXT pres might sound like?



    If you splice Obama and Trump, you'd end up with President Camacho





  4. Well, if it were a straight count of votes he wouldn't have won. Clinton got more actual votes than Trump (hey is that Yorkshire for one's bottom?) - so if the US election were run the same way as your Brexit vote the result would've been different.

    I kind of sympathise with the people protesting that "he's not my president".

    Yet if it was the other way around they'd be telling Trump supporters "that's democra.....democrac.....demowcrasss.......something y'alllllllll"


    I feel sorry for the Yanks not voting for the other candidates and really shaking up the system. Libertarian chap sounded pretty good and was preferable to the two loons promoted by the media.



  5. Well this morning early our local abc had a male 'feminist' on who was wanting Hillary in because women were more likely to give life than kill and I did think for a minute that it would be nice if DT won just to annoy him so maybe it is my fault:sad:


    But having said that I think if truth was told things would be just as bad under Hillary.

    I don't get this "women create life" nonsense. They make an egg that is useless without a male to fertilise it, that is it (ok they squeeze something the size of a football out of a small gap later on)


    Men on the other hand, for the most part we create billions of lives (albeit many of those end up on a tissue, sock etc......)





  6. That's the 1st Amendment (free speech, religion etc).

    2nd Amendment is that Jim-Bob and Billy-Ray in the back of a pickup truck with 2 Armalites and 6000 rounds of ammo going on a 'gator shoot constitutes a "well organised militia" and thus have a right to bear arms.

    What's wrong with bear arms you commie?







  7. Oh My God!!

    I woke up this morning and nothing has changed, what will I do?? spacer.png

    Start a twitter hashtag campaign and encourage foot stamping and huffpuffing of "it's not fair, I only like democracy when it gives the result I want and I am not accepting this"


    At least I finally have a six pack. The ab workout from laughing at the "oh noes it is not fair" Facebook posts and the posters trying to out-"I'm offended" each other has done a fine job:rofl:



  8. Phil,When the wife and I were travelling through Yorkshire, we went to a chippy one Friday night for a Pommy baked dinner. The locals were ordering theirs by asking for "something n chips twice". The "something" wasn't "cod" or "haddock". Do you have any idea what that word might be?

    Did it sound like










    They speak a devolved form of English in Yorkshire



  9. The Guardian of Friday 4/11/2016 carries a disturbing story that the Brexit result will cause the demise of the High Street Indian Curry house due to an inability of owners to replace the original cadre of Bangladeshi curry cooks who are now reaching retirement age. It seems that the children of these pioneers have succumbed to the opportunities of the Mother Country and refuse to work in the steamy kitchens of these eateries. The Young Ones are pursuing careers in the Law, Medicine, Engineering and Finance.

    As a consequence of the Brexit vote, skilled culinary experts from the former minor jewels in the Imperial crown are no longer free to pass through the gates around British points of entry.


    The Guardian was able to obtain a comment from the Royal and Ancient Guild of Cod Cookers. "We rejoice in the result of the recent Referendum. Not only will it see the return of traditional British fare, but will reinvigorate our glorious naval heritage through the freeing of our fishing fleets from the shackles of EU restrictions. Let us march towards a new, glorious era crying "Two cod 'n' chips".



    Here is a non-Grauniad link so you don't have to suffer their pretentious drivel




    The curry sector backed Brexit and were hoping for easing of immigration restrictions. Currently a non-EU migrant needs to earn about £30k a year to work here.


    To be honest I am not sure why they need to import workers, plenty of people work as chefs in the U.K. and could be retrained in Indian cuisine.



  10. I'd like to see Trump win, purely to see the Internet implode spacer.png


    With a population in excess of 320 million, I'm shocked that Trump and Clinton are the candidates considered best for presidency. I mean it is like having the choice of either your fingernails or toenails being pulled out spacer.png



  11. Had to look that LGBT up, now I know "Homosexual".The people of Lesbos (spelt Lesvos) island want their name back. and spell check can't get away from trying to spell it lesbian



    LGBT is now outdated and offensive. In the UK it has expanded to the point it is very confusing and you're fearful of speaking with anyone for fear of offending them.


    Here is a school form with 24 gender options. Unfortunately this is what happens when Social Justice Warriors run out of things to complain about.




    Government asks schoolchildren to define their gender - and gives them 24 options to choose from


    Coming to Oz in about fifteen years spacer.png



  12. It apparently increased from roughly 15 reports the previous week to 30ish in the week after Brexit victory (as mentioned though, anyone can report a 'hate crime' even if it did not occur). The way the media are reporting it you'd think foreigners were rounded up and put in detention camps and experiencing mass beatings in the streets.


    The reality from my experience and that of my 'foreign' friends is that nothing has changed following the vote apart from the media trying to frighten everyone.


    P.s I actually voted remain and find it comical that so many celebrities , journalists, MPs and remain voters have had the misfortune to have witnessed these horrific attacks first hand.



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