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Posts posted by Birdseye

  1. We lived in Cappoquin (Co. Waterford) and Dundalk (Co. Louth) for 18 mths in 2006/2007. My wife drinks the black stuff, I don't, but it was nowhere near that much back then. I'd be surprised if it was 7 euro a pint.spacer.png

    Very close according to what I just read on the 'net, the late bars are close to 7, regular hours its 5.50 to 5.90. Down under in the trendy Perth city centre bars its probably around $12.



  2. These posts are very interesting so could we please start another thread.Alan.

    As they say in Norway, you're flogging a dead Norse. Thread hijacking seems to be the rule rather than the exception on so many Oz based forums.



  3. A significant issue Phil is the type of conversation. When phone legislation was first mooted it raised a number of issues including the use of two-way radio. Radio exchanges tend to be brief and mainly an exchange of information e.g. an ATC instruction. Phones tend to be used for longer exchanges and often involve some degree of thought.


    Some transport companies even prohibit the use of hands free in their vehicles when in motion due to the increased distraction value.



  4. I cannot fathom the logic in increased penalties for assaults on the police. They have tazers, batons, pepper spray and guns. However, as joe public I can't carry anything without the risk of being charged for carrying an offensive weapon, even though it would be for defensive purposes.


    I do though support additional protection from assault on ambos, firies and similar.



  5. My objection to statements made in this thread are twofold. Firstly the statement that PPE is a "choice". It is, in fact, mandatory on all well managed sites. Secondly, the statement that it is "least effective in mitigating risk" is a red herring. PPE is not meant to mitigate risk but to save the person from injury if all other controls fail... and they do enough times to be a significant element in workplace accidents.

    Just how many times do you have to be told that your interpretation is incorrect. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of risk management, perhaps you should get a job with CASA?



  6. "Anyone trained in WHS knows PPE is the last choice and least effective way to mitigate a risky activity."


    This statement is simply untrue. The truth is that PPE is used as the last line of defence in case the other controls in place are insufficient to prevent injury. To any rational person PPE is essential. Imagine operating machinery producing greater than 85 dB of sound energy not wearing ear protection or a person not wearing a safety helmet when work is being conducted overhead. I would hate to see some of you blokes working in a high hazard environment. Don


    Sorry, but it is you that is wrong. The statement made is absolutely true. PPE is there for the residual risk that may exist *after* suitable controls have been put in place. In your examples, appropriate controls are an engineering solution to mitigate both the noise and the dropped object issue. A fatality from a 50kg object falling from a few metres is not going be prevented by a plastic hat.


    Sadly ignorance such as this pervades many industries.



  7. For most home users, a PC has to do 2 things, browse the web, download email, and download from digital camera. The email part is mainly web based now, so that means all you need is a broswer and a way to download photos. For this, windows, mac, linux all do a perfectly good job.

    A terrible generalisation; one that I'm sure Microsoft developers will love. Thank god I'm not a 'most home user', but more thankfully I am not an opinionated nerd.



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