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Posts posted by ev17ifly2

  1. A blatant error, Kaz. Yes, the Abo's were socialists in their original native state, and they still are today. However, they also specialised in stealing from other adjoining tribes at the earliest opportunity. They stole their women, they stole their food supplies, and they stole their weapons and tools.

    A very large percentage of Aboriginals are thieves by genetic disposition. They can't help themselves, they get a real adrenalin kick from stealing.


    They are also viciously violent people, and opportunists. They will attack anyone they see weaker than themselves - be it women or drunks.


    The violence they utilise in inter-tribal and family disputes is testament to that.


    Security people in shopping centres are totally familiar with regular Aboriginal thieving - and a certain percentage of it, is organised gang thieving.


    In many other cases, it's just plain opportunistic. When you see police stationed permanently near the shopping centre checkouts, as in Alice Springs, you get some idea of the enormity of the "Aboriginal theft problem".


    You need to get out more and experience some real Aboriginal violence on your person such as being mugged for your handbag, or bashed for your car - as multiple numbers of my friends have been.


    You probably also need to have your home gutted and trashed by Aboriginals, as they have done to members of my family.


    Funnily enough, all those friends and family members previously had time for Aboriginals - now they have no time for them whatsoever.


    These people have not advanced or evolved one tiny step from their stone-age attitudes in the last 200+ years - despite 100's of billions of our dollars going to support them, in every way possible.


    They are simply in jail in higher numbers than the rest of the population, because if you are going to be the victim of a crime, it will more than likely be an Aboriginal person perpetrating it.


    There is absolutely no justification in changing our legal and justice system to stop jailing criminals of a certain race, simply because they are over-represented in our jails. They are there, simply because they commit regular crimes, and they are repeat offenders.


    The drive and will to improve your character and outlook and behaviour comes from within - and no amount of do-gooders saying we are being horrible to those poor Aboriginals will ever help them improve their atrocious, anti-social behaviour - unless the Aboriginal involved is prepared to change his/her ways and become a useful, contributing member of our society.


    They have little work ethic, because of their nomadic ancestry. I have numerous close relatives working in the mining and oil and gas fields, and the employment deals to get more Abo workers onto the job, are nothing but constant, repeat failure. They have a poor grasp of the concepts of time, reliability, and honesty. In other words, they are largely a dead loss as employees.


    Only when the Aboriginals step up and take personal responsibility for their atrocious levels of errant behaviour, will they make the first step towards evolving into useful members of our 21st century society in Australia.


    Well done one track - remove "aboriginal" from this rediculous tiatribe and insert "white Anglo Saxon" and it will read pretty much the same



  2. Is It just me or are the rolls getting smaller. They way it's going I will just be buying a pack of brown cardboard rolls . Won't be long before we will be back to using the Weekly Times or Argus to finish the job



  3. Yeah, "populate or perish" was the old catch cry. Sure, bring in you 200,000 migrants but unless we as a country feed them, provide clean air and water it's a mute point.


    Australia is an arid continent with the majority of its population clinging to existence along the eastern seaboard which by sustainable standards is already over populated.


    By all means throw open the doors to the rest of the world however your children and grandchildren won't thank you.



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  4. We in Australia have the highest wages of any of the industrialised western countries.That is in large part thanks to Unions. As a result we have priced ourselves out of manufacturing and a myriad of other jobs.


    The wages bubble like the housing bubble will burst but until then we can thank the unions for destroying our manufacturing industry through pandering to the greed of its bosses.


    I am all for good sustainable wages.


    Unions on the other hand are all for increased wages at any cost. Well sorry folks but it is about time to pay the fiddler and that is not going to improve anytime soon.

    I think from memory we need to pay the piper, the fiddler is in a union and probably on an RDO as we





  5. You sound like my missus. There is no argument that stands up to your post. Its like the difference to hiring an aircraft to buying one.

    I had this nightmare, where having dragged a van up the west coast of Oz I find myself in a crowded council park surrounded by like minded nomads each with a Coolibah cask of sav Blanc discussing the price of fuel And passing round the Jatz and cheese. It's a big incentive to keep flying.



  6. Rather than wasting money on the vehicle and van invest the money wisely and use the dividends to fund a luxury holiday for you and the missus each year. As far as the kids go, boarding school is the go.


    Beats dragging a van around this wide brown land with the other 200,000 grey nomads !



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