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Posts posted by kaz3g

  1. Sceptic asked "Compared to what? How does the percentage of aboriginals per capita compare to elsewhere in the world?"


    There are Aboriginal people in many parts of the world including NZ, much of North and South America, parts of Asia and even Europe.


    Dispossession and the breakdown of culture have created similar issues in each of those locations in proportion to the extent of the loss. Almost all of those other countries ended up with treaties and consequent greater recognition and respect. Why are we different?





  2. I've had my house broken into various items stolen credit cards stolen my partners brand new car stolen by two bored aboriginal ice heads they have been arrested and go to court next week repeat offenders.The worst thing is we were home asleep at the time they are brazen and have no fear of the law at all


    I don't know what the answer is but if somebody paid me to do nothing and gave me free services and a house I sure as hell wouldn't be working


    I donate to the Brahminey Foundation every year they take troubled youth and give them some tough love out in the bush and try to teach them some life skills and have a pretty good success rate maybe a program Australia wide will go part way to solving a growing epidemic.

    I think the problem is that you have identified those offenders by their Aboriginality rather than by their medical, socio-economic circumstances. It's often easy to see black and white but harder to see how the person lives.


    Victoria has only a small population of Aboriginal people compared to other States and they tend to live in relatively concentrated groups (as have many of our more recent arrivals from Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.


    I find very little difference between the issues affecting a number of the Aboriginal people in my area and the many non-Aboriginal people in similar circumstances. It doesn't take Einstein to see its not colour that is the problem, it's common factors starting with lack of opportunity, flowing through lack of self esteem, and ending up down the gutter of despair that result in anti-social behaviour.





  3. One track...I'm not going to debate this issue with you because I see no value in it. But I have lived and worked in the north-west of your state and in the NT. I live and work amongst the members of the largest Aboriginal community in Victoria now.


    All I can say is that your "experience" doesn't match mine.





  4. MOST crime is drug related...At the moment, the cost of keeping one prisoner behind bars is approximately $100,000 per year.

    Yes, and ice is the worst from a number of aspects...its extreme addictiveness, the brain damage repeated exposure does, and the violent behaviour of those affected.


    Incarceration costs are actually about $120k pa but that doesn't cover the infrastructure, just the keepers. It costs the equivalent of about two months incarceration to put an addicted person through a course of rehabilitation instead.


    The only thing imprisoning addicts does is harden their attitude and add to their repertoire of skills as thieves, burglars and bashers. Those few that aren't addicted before they enter will,almost certainly be when they get out. Prison does not treat the addiction. The concept of rehab in prison is a sad joke.


    Prison should be the place where only the worst of society are held. The rest, the majority, should have their medical and mental health issues treated in the community under supervision while they work off their debt to society.


    Why do we have women serving 12 months or more because they sold a small quantity of drugs to pay for their own addiction when their men are released into the community for bashing them in their homes?





  5. When people themselves are struggling, such as housing and trying to survive week to week as many do now, it's quite natural for them to go into selfish survival mode and look down at helping anyone else.

    Very true Bex, but it doesn't mean that the plight of the most vulnerable should be a subject for humour.


    As I said above, it's not to excuse the offending, rather it's about changing the environment in which there is a predisposition to offending and perhaps spending some of the billions being invested in new prisons on the changes would be a good first start.


    In Victoria, the former government was "tough on crime" and we now see the number of women being imprisoned rising at more than 10% per year. The rates for men are almost as high. So the answer was to spend $760m on a new gaol and this is rapidly blowing out to that Billion figure without the additions to other gaols, the double and triple bunking of inmates and the installation of who knows how many shipping container-accomm units at the rural prisons like the one near where I live.


    We, the taxpayers, should be asking what's wrong in our society that we spend more on a new prison than on a new hospital or half a dozen schools or we will go broke fencing off that section of society like they have in California.





  6. He looked at the history of the early occupation of Australia by the British through his eyes more than 210 years after the event.


    Robert Studley Forrest Hughes AO was an Australian-born art critic, writer, and producer of television documentaries. His best seller The Fatal Shore is a study of the British penal colonies and early history of Australia.


    Born: July 28, 1938, Sydney


    Died: August 6, 2012, The Bronx, New York City, New York, United States


    Children: Danton Hughes


    Siblings: Tom Hughes, Geoffrey Hughes, Constance Crisp


    Spouse: Doris Downes (m. 2001–2012), Victoria Hughes (m. 1981–1996), Danne Patricia Emerson (m. 1967–1981)


    Perhaps it's time non-Indigenous Australians tried to look at it through Indigenous eyes, especially in this NAIDOC week?


    It's not about "changing the sentencing laws" for a particular group but it is about refining those laws to achieve more effective outcomes for the benefit of all Australian society. All the evidence continues to point to the fact that three quarters of those in gaol would do better if offered real programs of education, training, apprenticeships, cognitive behavioural therapy, sporting opportunities, cultural and language development to foster some self-esteem rather than being placed in crook college where they learn to be bigger and better offenders.


    But hey, what would I know?





  7. Can I suggest you read a book called "Fatal Shores" by Robert Hughes, he paints quite a different picture of Aboriginal life prior to the arrival of Captain Cook.

    He was there, of course.





  8. And some people commit crimes because they are seriously unwell, destitute, homeless, come from a dysfunctional family or have never known anything different and they need to survive.


    They have no sense of optimism for the future because they can see no future. They are the second or third generation in perpetual unemployment. They don't have the resources, physical or intellectual, to change their circumstances and they therefore have no self-esteem whatsoever. Instead they are easily coerced into using alcohol and drugs to make themselves "feel better" and they end up in the criminal justice system


    But that's ok...goal will fix it for them...if they don't suicide first.


    The rates of suicidality amongst our Indigenous communities is nothing short of shameful. The perpetuation of paternalistic and demeaning measures to control their incomes will never teach them to manage their own affairs. The rate at which their children are removed from families is now worse than it was 70 years ago when the "Stolen generation" first became a matter for concern. Although they make up only 3% of the population they make up nearly a quarter of all people incarcerated. Family violence is rampant amongst our indigenous people but wasn't known 200 years ago.


    Two hundred years ago they had extremely strict rule to manage their interactions- transgressions were punished by tribal spearing and beatings. Their society was very structured and everyone knew their places and occupied them. They didn't drink alcohol. No-one stole because they were the ultimate socialists and shared everything. Their was no incest or child abuse. There were no hard drugs. They had a highly complex culture and their own language, but probably spoke 3 or 4 other languages fluently (many still do). And they could survive in country that caused the white folk who followed them to perish frequently.


    They suffered horrendous massacres at the hands of these "civilised" whites, contracted horrible diseases because of their contact with them, and lost their lands to them.


    This is not an excuse for the offending that occurs today but perhaps, just perhaps, some of them think it's fair to "collect the rent" now and then?


    I don't think the current situation is cause for Laughter.




    Google "Conniston massacre" on Wikipedia and have a white read about one of the many "interactions" that our European ancestors inflicted on them



  9. Kaz this is Flying Dog . Are you referring to Flying Viszla , or have I got things all c****d up ? ..... Bob

    Well, age is a funny thing. While I can be pretty definite about not being involved with any C***** up, I am probably guilty of being confused about which "Flying" posted





  10. Here's another example... I gave a chuck-glider to my grandkids who flew it after school when it landed on a veranda gutter. It was just out of reach for a tall man and my daughter asked where a ladder was. This caused a panic among the school staff as the teacher who had ( no kidding) the only Ladder License could not be found.

    Statistics Concerning Ladder Dangers


    • According to the World Health Organization, the United States leads the world in ladder deaths. Each year, there are more than 164,000 emergency room-treated injuries and 300 deaths in the U.S. that are caused by falls from ladders.
    • Most ladder deaths are from falls of 10 feet or less.
    • Falls from ladders are the leading cause of deaths on construction sites.
    • Over the past decade, the number of people who have died from falls from ladders has tripled.
    • Falls from ladders are the leading cause of ladder-related injuries, followed by using a ladder improperly, using a faulty or defective ladder, and simple carelessness.


    And silly old buggers are the most likely to use a ladder and fall off it







  11. Growing up in the 1950's we sure had some of the older generation who were anti-Catholic. Most of us kids thought it (anti-Catholicism) was plain stupid.I mainly remember feeling sympathy for the Catholic kids on account of this particular nun who often whipped them with a length of electric flex. In my whole life, some of my best mates were and are Catholics.


    I hope you are right Kaz about how this anti-Islam thing will follow the same path, but I reckon we are dealing with a different type of thing. The Koran is a coherent book and a percentage of the people who take it literally will act as instructed. The Bible is a mixture of contradictory separate parts and so it is not as persuasive as an incitement manual.


    In the meantime Japan has no problems on account of not even allowing Moslems in on work visas, let alone as immigrants.

    Hi Bruce


    I sincerely hope so, too and I think it will depend to some extent at least on how we whose origins here are a bit older treat those who come now.


    I was 8 years old when my old mum came home from shopping quite incredulous telling me that Harry and Laurie had sold their green grocer shop....to Italians! What's more they were Southern Italians and the women had hairy lips! We were a totally Anglo community up until then. Years later mum told me how delightful and polite the Biviano family was.


    It's not just Muslims that are unable to migrate to Japan. My youngest son married a Japanes girl 12 years ago and has 2 beautiful children with her. He is fluent in Japanese and worked there in Tokyo until they moved to Singapore a few years ago. They were heading back to Tokyo for holidays recently and he had to renew his visitors visa. The kids are Australian citizens thank goodness.


    Sometimes I pine for the Chips Rafferty types, the Australia of the 40s and 50s, but mostly I just marvel at the diversity of cultures, clothes and cuisines that is my home.





  12. Please Kaz get educated on this before you state such PC nonsense. Read the Koran. Read what the top Islamic scholars say about jihad and the Koran. Learn about Sayyid Qtub from the Moslem Brotherhood (who many regard as the father of Jihad) and his court case. These violent actions are in no way a perversion of the Koran, it is very clear in its teachings in this area and these people are true Koran believers and faithful followers of their 'prophet' Mohammad.

    I'm reasonably educated, GG and I have also read the Bible, including the Old Testament. I seem to recall you quoting from it to justify your prejudices in a post sometime back.


    Perhaps YOU should first learn what jihad is and is not. Try reading what the Supreme Islamic Council has to say and even try talking to an ordinary Muslim.




    What do you know about Muslim people? Have you ever sat down and had a meal with a Muslim family?


    I live in a relatively small rural community of around 60,000 people some of whom are the oldest and newest of Australians.


    Migrant origins include England, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Lebanon, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Congo and Sierra Leone to name a few. We have 5 mosques and a Sikh temple as well as Christian Churches of many denominations. Our recently arrived African community is a mixture of Christian and Muslim but they are all given help and support by the Lutheran church here with the benefit of a substantial philanthropic donation from it's congregation. The Uniting Church and others similarly work closely with them to help them integrate into the community.


    I have a school bus goes down my street each school morning. sometimes the driver is a woman in a hijab and other times it's a heavily bearded guy in a turban. We have a great selection restaurants and cuisine reflective of our diversity. In a couple weeks, there will be a three-way cricket match here: local Victoria Police Members, Rumbalara Aboriginal Sports Club, and the Muslim community. The latter is also supplying the food for the day. I'm looking forward to it.





  13. Not up here they don't Bruce. . .anyway,. .they don't want to rock the common purpose boat it seems.

    Your comment on a small percentage of Islamic youths following the Book, is not what we have seen here. Most young lads of that faith do not appear to have a mind of their own. At my favourite Balti palace, I was having a banter with the waiters, ( I've been using the place for 25 years , so I guess you could call me a regular customer ! ) It was just prior to the last General Election, I said jokingly, "OK then . . .who are you going to vote for at the election then ? " All three of the waiters ( all obviously over 18 years of age ) said that they had "No Idea" . . they said that they would ask at their mosque who was the best candidate to vote for. . . . Free thinkers all by the look. And bear in mind these chaps were born and educated in the UK.


    Perhaps this is an isolated thing,. . . I dunno. . .

    I dunno either, Phil, but I well remember the parish priest standing in the pulpit and telling us all to vote DLP as did our Archbishop at the time.


    I know many churchgoers sent money for the IRA who were perhaps a tad terrifying in the Troubles, too.


    And just a thought but, as one who grew up with nuns in black with their faces half covered, I chuckle a little at the discomfort young Catholic lads now have with someone in a hijab.


    Times change. The IRA is now a legal entity, nuns now dress in mufti, priests no longer demand particular political allegiance and the last place of worship I entered was a Sikh temple where the religion espouses notions of equality of all and care of the poorest without regard to colour, race or creed. Not a bad approach to relations with your fellow man, I thought.





  14. Phil, you have my sympathy. I would like to see Australia become far more selective on just who got citizenship but even then it is clear that a small percentage of Islamic youths will follow the Koran, especially if they go to taxpayer-funded religious schools.My advice is to blame your local polly. Even if they are in opposition, they have a lot of power.

    Hi Bruce


    The Koran isn't the problem, it's those relatively few people who propound a perverted version of its teachings to achieve their own twisted ends.


    Rather like the Catholic Church during the Inquisition or the Reformists who made Salem a well known corner of the Earth.


    I have seen the world stand back and watch while various despots held power by force of violence in places like Cambodia, Somalia, the Sudan, Congo, Ruwanda and Iraq...at least until gold, diamonds or oil supplies were threatened.


    And I seem to remember a quote somewhere about "good men doing nothing".


    I don't know what the answer to terrorism based on a perverted faith belief is. Personally, I think the players are generally misguided weak individuals and the planners behind them psychopathic murderers.


    I'm glad we are an island but I feel damned uncomfortable about our treatment of refugees and our current warehousing of them off-shore.





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